Name: Ayn Reyes
About Me
Graduated from UCD in June 2008 with a B.S. in Human Development
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2005-04-29 20:53:54 Argh! I spy a pirate wench!! —AllisonEriksen
2005-07-28 00:57:54 I'm a fayn —KatMeler
2006-04-04 21:58:09 Those are some HUGE... dominoes. —AllisonEriksen
2007-04-24 16:46:39 It's you! On DavisWiki! OMFG! We should hang out sometime outside of class. —ChristyMarsden
2008-03-07 14:22:02 Hey, thanks for sharing your apartment hunting findings! It'll make it easier for other people. —JabberWokky
2008-03-15 18:46:08 AYN! OMG, it's YOU! You're on Davis Wiki! That is Schweet! No, it's Ayntabulous! How the hell did you manage to climb up onto the dominos? You are O.G.! Can you guess who this is? Hint: We work together, but never ever see each other. —CurlyGirl26
2008-03-24 19:33:45 You figured me out. Thanks for dropping me a line! I'm a HUGE Loveline fan, but I prefer the Carolla/Pinsky era. Although, I'm not a huge fan of Stryker (he's just not the Ace-Man) I still try and tune in because I support what Dr. Drew is doing for callers. At least I can listen to Adam in the mornings (and I do). Mahalo! —CurlyGirl26
2008-03-30 13:24:12 Go see Adam Carolla's new movie, "The Hammer". He's so funny. So Adam. I was worried that it wasn't going to be that good because Adam does better without a script. He's real and funny and I thought that a movie might take something away, but no, it was better than I had hoped. I'm so going to buy, like, three copies of the DVD when it comes out. Yea, it is THAT good. In the movie the Ace-Man hooks up with a defense attorney and I just kept thinking, "THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! WHHHHHYYYYYYY!" Oh the injustice of it all. —CurlyGirl26
2008-04-01 16:25:02 Damn skippy it will be me! On Friday, I was almost going to skip class and drive to Pasadena and meet him (he was out promoting the film). —CurlyGirl26
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