Name: Bree Butler
Phone Number: Ask her. She's nice. I swear.
Personality: Bree lieks mudkips. Do you?
Random factoids:
She frequents image boards and goes to DAC.
She enjoys mochi and boba.
She has no future, for she is an English major.
She is a businesswoman.
She is an aspiring superhero, fighting with her D Cups of Justice.
Used to live in Casa de Cosplay.
Does her laundry at Psi Phi house. The brothers there feed her and give her sweet lovin'.
Bree is a small town girl. Livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight plane going anywhere.
Proud mother of betta fish Professor Azulito Nick Valvo Danger Hans Giggleheimer Zechs Marquise Layton, El Presidente del Federacion de los Epic. Professor Layton for short.
This page has been stamped with a seal of approval.
2007-10-01 19:31:01 Welcome to the Wiki —RyanJames
2007-12-10 23:31:16 I like Bree. She's huggable. —TaniaG
2008-03-07 23:51:23 This page sucks —AvaNeyer
2008-04-01 14:18:31 Bree smells like cheese. O_o —WilliamLewis
2008-08-26 00:31:17 Nowhere in Davis, I'm moving back home before September. —BrentLaabs
2008-10-10 13:25:40 Bunny Snape rocks! —SunjeetBaadkar
2008-10-30 18:59:51 Curious. 'Cause I've heard people say "pwned" like "pawned" (though I misheard them as "pond" as in, "Oh, you just got pond!" Total confusion...). —SunjeetBaadkar
2009-02-08 02:50:12 :) I put the Quickly menu on their page with my beautiful scanner, check it out. I agree, Bunny Snape is nice. —NickSchmalenberger
2009-02-10 17:52:10 OH HAYY i LIKE BOBA TOOOOOOOO —strawberry
2009-05-02 13:07:15 Bree's page is sexy too :D —KristenMcGehee
2009-09-04 21:39:36 Hi Bree, Do you particularly like riding down F street on bicyles, and woodstocks? —StevenDaubert
2009-09-19 14:53:12 how about a synthesis of the two? —StevenDaubert
2009-09-21 00:41:06 it was, I was just wondering if this woodstock loving person riding a bike down f st was you —StevenDaubert
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