Jack Zwald is a Sophomore International Relations major and a Chinese minor. He is also the current Campaign Director for the Davis College Democrats, a former intern for ASUCD Senator Andrew Peake, the former Voter Registration Coordinator for the Office of University Affairs, and the Vice Chairman of the Academic Affairs Commission.
During the Fall 2007 ASUCD Election campaign season, Jack was allegedly solicited by a campaign representative of GO candidate John Dreyer in the Residence Halls, and consequently filed a complaint with the Elections Committee since such action is disallowed in the Residence Halls.
I also like ice cream.
Currently, Jack is a candidate for the ASUCD Senate running with the L.E.A.D. slate in this Fall's election.
2007-11-06 00:30:15 Jack is also the Freshman Outreach Coordinator for DCD. And I might add that he is such a funny guy and loved by all. —GregWebb
2008-02-16 00:19:44 Jack caused the 2008 Valentine's Day blackout. —MattBlair
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