JessicaLuedtke and family have moved to the political polar opposite of Davis. Sorry.

JessicaLuedtke wants everyone to know that theobromine, found in cocoa, has been found in clinical studies to be a more effective cough suppressant than codeine. Quality dark chocolate ideal for medicinal application can be found at many fine Davis establishments such as Davis Food Co-Op and Nugget Market.

JessicaLuedtke also suggests cooking during the summer by putting a crock pot out on the porch to avoid heating up the kitchen. You can even bake bread that way. Or just eat food that doesn't require cooking.


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Hi jessica, I'm not really sure how to say thanks to individuals on the wiki. Should I have added a Comment Macro to your page? Anyway, you can delete this later. I just wanted to let you know that I loved your addition to Car-free in Davis and it inspired me to write a love letter to the wiki.Thanks alot! - JoRo

  • Comment box added. Thank you too :)

2007-03-23 23:24:58   Riding by and taking a picture from a bike? (I would have stopped, but I was in a rush, the picture turned out great though...) Yeah, should I post it, and if so to which one of the pages? Honestly, I usually spend more time setting up my shots that that. —JasonAller

2007-04-05 07:48:37   Hi Jessica! I see that you're a Davisite, you contribute to the wiki, And you're an Aikidoka! Neat! do you still train? do you like Aikikai style? I live in Philly but I'm coming to Davis in the fall for grad school. I train in Yoshikan-style aikido, but our dojo has hosted joint workshops with Aikikai instructors in the area and from other places (Ikeda sensei from Colorado is one of them) and I'm always interested to talk to students of styles other than my own ... how do you like it? —FredBarrett

2007-04-11 09:12:19   That's the power of the wiki in action! Thanks. —EdHenn

2007-07-22 09:12:49   I totally forgot about sandiego even though I'd edited there... Sorry. —JasonAller

2008-01-12 16:44:36   thanks for removing my personal info from the page and while you are at it go ahead and remove the whole thing please thanks lloyd j —lloydjohnson

2008-03-09 18:55:42   JabberWokky wants everybody to know that his anecdotal evidence supports the theobromine assertion. Also, Sarah has awfully similar shoes to those picture above. —JabberWokky

2009-04-21 09:45:47   lol. Funny typo to make :) —ElleWeber

2011-02-09 15:33:24   I'm sure the sweat shirt is long nabbed no? —StevenDaubert

  • I don't know if you'll actually see this... but I'm actually wearing the sweat shirt at the moment, and we've moved out of Davis :)