Ming lives in the Mission and is looking for a full time job as some kind of attorney. He has interests in editing/writing articles on law, queer stuff, immigration, food, philosophy, books. He knows how to cook all kinds of rice. He is inexplicably pleased with the sf wikispot theme.
2007-11-14 19:46:26 ***Standing applause*** Nice work on the wiki! —JabberWokky
2007-11-18 01:43:15 That restaurant on Van Ness and Geary... Is that Mel's Diner? —AmyZimmerman
2007-11-18 15:51:16 You've gotta upload it to the page you want to use it on — files are "local" to the pages they're on. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-11-18 17:40:50 There's a good reason for it: people don't get confused when they upload "plant.jpg" and see that there's an error. If files exist in the "global" realm then all of their names have to be unique. —PhilipNeustrom