Peter H. is an undergrad attending UCD who is enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts Economics program. He just finished his third year of undergrad and will be looking to be done after fall quarter of 2011.
He hails from Irvine, CA, which is located in SoCal, or 440 miles south of Davis. When in Davis, he is involved in a couple of Christian groups (Students for the Truth and Epic).
He has experienced growth similar to those of the economies of the Four Asian Tigers, having gone from a 2.04 in winter quarter 2010 to a 3.92 in spring quarter 2011.
On his free time, he can be found going to the ARC, playing TetrisFriends in his room, eating and drinking stuff at any number of establishments around town, or going to church meetings.
He dormed in the fifth floor of Gilmore Hall in Segundo his first year, and has lived in Sycamore Lane Apartments the past two years. He will be subleasing in University Squares in the fall.
Now that the academic year is over, he would like to make plans for the summer, both in terms of what he'll do and where he'll be. He has considered finding an internship or summer job somewhere, but hasn't heard back from anyone yet. If he does, he may stay in Davis for a good portion of the summer, if not, he may return to Irvine for break. He won't be taking summer session as he won't be needing it. Some of his other plans include staying involved in church events, such as attending the FTTA graduation in Anaheim, or perhaps a couple of the open meetings at the Summer Training.
Other Interesting Facts:
- he had an Indian friend in high school who got a 2310 on the SAT and now goes to caltech. this friend also got an 89.9 in AP physics, which did not get rounded up to an A-, even though he got a 99 on the final. Although his grade in AP English Language did get changed from a B to an A since he got a 5 on the AP English test, since that was his teacher's policy. he also got a 750 and 800 on the SAT II history and physics test, his mom was so happy when he did. Other schools he got into included cornell, columbia, cal, ucla, ucsb, ucsd, and uci. he was rejected from upenn, stanford, and mit.
-(more to be added later)