Reverend Reverend Brother Saint Chad Van Schoelandt, Pope and Patriarch, Tsar and Emperor AKA Chad Van Schoelandt.
Chad was in Davis for a very few days this summer!
Rev. Chad was elected to the Green Party of Yolo County County Council, and is running with other Campus Greens. He hopes to steer the local greens to focus on election issues such as Choice Voting and voter registration.
He is proud to have been published in the Aggie with a column about the relative infant mortality rates and charitable giving of the US and European nations.
Chad served as MiniTrue, the Minister of Truth at Davis in the OrwellSoc. This means that he was in charge of all of the adverinfo and agitprop that are plusproduced by the Davis branch of Big Brother supporters. This is why he co-taught a class on propaganda through the Experimental College.
Philosophy is not only Chad's major, it is also his hobby, and he is usually glad to help people with their philosophy classes or to sit around and discuss philosophical things... particularly when people buy him a drink at Starbucks. He will soon begin graduate school where he hopes to study political philosophy and go on to compete in the horrible market conditions for philosophy professorships.
Chad lives with MarieHuynh. They planned to get married on January 25th, 2053, in Yosemite, assuming it is still all nice and green and not too tourist trodden. Instead, they got married in Davis Dec. 30th 2006. They may renew their vows in 2053: It's a Saturday. Be there!
Post UCD Projects
After receiving an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Arizona, he has become an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University (in New Orleans, LA).
He was on ASUCD's Internal Affairs Commission and is now the ASUCD Elections Committee Events Coordinator. He happened to be the Vice President of AGASA. Rumor has it that he was a member of the Elections Committee Slate.
RevChad, is a cofounder of Students for an Orwellian Society, and was a senate candidate for SOSSS in Fall 2004. During the Winter he was a candidate with Friends Urging Campus Kindness and took a major role in authoring a set of election reform bills for ASUCD. One of his top projects was trying to get GASC to offer an abstinence program called "Ken Bloom Teaches You How Not to Get Laid."
It's a good thing I don't drink coffee, because I'm laughing so hard it would come out my nose. — KenBloom
Other political organizations he has been known to associate with include the Libertarians (both of them).
He was a proud member of both AGASA and the Christian Slate.
2005-02-16 16:13:41 You were rather compelling at the co-ho forum today. I also just read an aggie style in which you claim that the Illuminatus Trilogy is your favorite book. It is mine as well. Do you ever get the feeling that there are WAY more discordians out there than you ever thought possible? —DanMasiel
2005-02-19 18:28:40 I was the only discordian I knew in High School, then I met a few in Davis randomly at a showing of "Red Dragon." Either way, we discordians must stick apart. —RevChad
2005-03-04 16:33:06 i heart chad...especially his rockin fanny-pack. He is great! —GennaCarnes
2005-08-20 11:01:11 ah! i saw that! —MichelleAccurso
2006-08-01 04:53:23 You're the MAN, Chad! =oD —MelissaEng
2006-11-06 10:19:34 RevChad is the man. —TomSlankard
2007-06-11 10:53:58 Give me a call or something dude, we should hang out perhaps? —DavidPoole
2007-12-21 00:14:57 You're a cool Pope. I enjoyed speaking with you during the campus kindness campaign. We should discuss philosophy sometime. ~ David —gdnystrom
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