My Fellow Students,
ASUCD needs an overhaul. For too long the students have been neglected, the general population underrepresented and too long has our money been misspent and perverted. Our budget is sporadic and inefficient; it needs to be taken in an entirely new direction. More money needs to be distributed to campus clubs, organizations and students’ hands.
As ASUCD President, I will give more money back to students through services, entertainment and cash. I propose wage increases, discounts for student employees and more money for Club Finance Council. I will work to reinvigorate on campus entertainment and will work for more student outreach and advocacy.
I want to do these things because we deserve it. We, as students of UC Davis, deserve a student government that gives back. We deserve to leave this school knowing that these were the best years of our lives. We are proud, We are Aggies!
On February 21, vote for the party that will make you be proud to be an Aggie, Vote Student Focus.
It’s Time for Change, Spencer Higgins ASUCD Presidential Candidate Student Focus
Spencer has on occassion been called 'slut' by DanXie. He likes to have breaks every hour at ASUCD Senate meetings.
Hey there — welcome to the wiki. I re-added the old stuff on the page Spencer Higgins because that page is designed to be biographical and not edited by you. Check out the Wiki Style Guide. This page, without the space in the name, is your user page — a place for you to put information about yourself, etc. It seems confusing, but that's only because you also have a biographical page, due to your ASUCD involvement. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-01-22 23:12:20 lol :-) —PaulHarms
2007-01-23 18:21:55 wow my page sucks... i should put stuff up about my campaign —SpencerHiggins
2007-01-23 22:59:31 You say that "too long has our money been misspent and perverted"...I don't exactly know what you mean. How, over the past year, has money been spent in a perverted manner, and when such perverted spending was proposed, did you vote against it as a Senator? —PaulHarms
So, in response, because I am so interested in your seemingly philanthropic proposal. So I can have actual apparent facts, could you perhaps e-mail me a copy of this noted 'shoot-out' bill that was withdrawn before making it to the floor? ~DavePoole
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