Welcome to BufWiki, amandaangelica. We appreciate your contributions and hope you will return as a regular contributor.
- See also User Info Page
2010-06-15 16:36:58 I have deleted some photo images that you uploaded to Sheas as they are clearly marked as copyrighted on the pages from which you downloaded them. I will have to verify that the other images are Creative Commons, and if not will have to delete them as well. Any images that you upload must be Creative Commons as shown in the licensing information at the bottom of each BufWiki page. Typically any image on the internet that is not marked as Creative Commons is automatically treated as copyrighted. You may ask permission to use a copyrighted image, letting the owner know it will be used in a Creative Commons site and document the permission on the Talk page of the page where you upload the image. Thanks, hope that clears up the mystery of the missing photos. —BradMandell