Which new articles would you like to create in near future?
- Ponttor
- Fachschaft
- Dreiländer Eck
- Bushof
Do you want to give us your feedback - either positive or negative?
- more pictures!
- add opening hours (e.g. cathedral)
You have found a false fact published on this wiki?
If you are absolutely sure that it is false, simply correct it! This is a wiki project and everyone is invited to edit. However if you think that the topic or the change needs to be discussed with the other users, please post a link and your opinion in this discussion board. All mayor changes to existing contend should be based on the consensus of all active users.
You are not satisfied with the general stile of writing in one article?
For example: If you consider an article to be offensive or to subjective, let us solve this issue in a discussion instead of high-handedly deleting the work done by other users. Post your opinion on this discussion board and try to get into contact with the author of the text. It might seem to slow down your thirst for action, but this wiki-project can only be successful in the long run, if all participants work together.