The following information is a copy of JK Stokes data on Mount Barker as contained in her Rootsweb ( Genealogy Website and has been included here with permission. No alterations or additions may be made to her information without further permission, although relevant comments and/or additions are welcome to be added at the bottom of each page. (copied July 2014) |
A = Adelaide Road | M = Druids Avenue formerly Dutton Place |
B = Wellington Road | N = Pridmore Terrace (added later) |
D = Morphett Street | O = Dumas Street (added later) |
E = Mann Street | P = Albert Place |
F = Hutchinson Street | Q = Victoria Crescent |
G = Cameron Road | R = Newland Street |
H = Railway Terrace | S = Knott Street |
I = Walker Street | T = Bonnar Lane |
J = Stephen Street | U = Mill Lane |
K = Hack Street | V = Dunn Road |
L = McLaren Street |
Street names have been taken from an 1849 Map of the Township of Mt Barker (Vide page N8 Vol. 3)
[ JKS - Home ] last updated 18 October 2005