Extracts from SA General Registry Office (GRO) Information |
From the foundation of South Australia as a colony in December 1836 up until the implementation of the Real Property Act (Torrens Title System) in 1858, all deeds and records of land and other similar transactions were held at the South Australian General Registry Office (GRO). The role of the GRO covered more than just property transactions and included mortgages, conveyances, leases, land grants, indentures, wills and other records which were deposited with the office. Documents called memorials represent those original deeds registered and held by the GRO, whereas documents known as deposits or enrolments are certified copies held by the GRO. These GRO records are now held at the S.A. Land Services Group, corner of Marion Road and Richmond Road, Netley where such records for early landowners and pioneer settlers are available upon suitable application.
Reg Butler (Hahndorf Historian), together with considerable help over an extended period of time, extracted relevant details from the GRO records. These consist of data extracted from GRO Applications, Deposits, Enrolments, Land Grants, Memorials, and RPA Searches. Individual extracted details were subsequently merged together by Reg under a common name or title forming the following Merged Lists listed below.
Q* |
Other Information: [ Biographies - Early Hahndorf People ] [ Early Probates and Wills ] [ SA Government Gazettes ] |
Names Beginning 'X*'
Names Beginning 'Y*'
YALDWYN, John Hinds clerk to Messrs GWYNNE & LAWRENCE solicitors Adelaide 1852 Memorial 238/44
YARD, Alfred farmer Stockport 1881[-1883] Memorial 172/330
No 1
YARD, Thomas yeoman Brighton 1858 Memorial 18/148
YARD, Thomas [formerly yeoman Brighton but now] farmer Light River near Stockport 1863 Memorial 232/193
YARLEY, Henry Israel cooper Adelaide (Hindley St) 1848[-1850] Memorial 191/12
YARRICK, Mr of SA purchased Section 1591 Hundred of Gilbert 1866 Memorial 12/210
YARWOOD, George lime burner Stepney 1851 Memorial 165/38
YATEMAN, Thomas farmer Gumeracha 1854 Memorial 129/66
No 1
YATES, Charles of Melrose 1856 Memorial 85/104
YATES, Charles stockholder Mt Remarkable 1862 Memorial 329/181
YATES, Charles butcher Melrose 1858 Memorial 355/147
YATES, Charles butcher Mt Remarkable 1865 Application 6224
YATES, Charles butcher Melrose. Melrose Anglican Church trustee 1865 Memorial 61/207
YATES, Charles poundkeeper Melrose 1869 Application 10215
YATES, Charles poundkeeper Mt Remarkable 1873 Memorial 197/267
YATES, Charles farmer Mt Remarkable, died c1873. He left his entire estate in trust to his wife, Sarah Yates, for life, and then to his son, Charles Henry Yates , and his two sons, Thomas Peate Yates and George Phillipson Yates, absolutely in remainder expectant Memorial 142/267
YATES, Charles farmer Mt Remarkable, died 23/11/1872. Estate worth £200. His estate to his wife, Sarah Yates, for life, then to sell the estate by auction, and the proceeds to be distributed to his sons in equal amounts. Sons in 1922 were - George Phillipson Yates carpenter Melrose, Thomas Peate Yates formerly farmer Melrose now of Newman St, Forestville, and Charles Henry Yates of Kojunup WA. Likely to be a daughter called Sarah Ann COLES married woman Harrow Rd, St Peters 1918 Application 26717
No 2
YATES, Charles labourer Inman Valley. Hundred of Encounter Bay land grant 1892 Grant Book 36 Page 91 County Hindmarsh
YATES, Charles Henry of the Hundred of Eurilpa Co Granville 1887 Memorial 151/384
YATES, Clement Cecil photographer Port Rd, Hindmarsh 1948 Application 28632
YATES, Ezra farmer Kulpara Co Daly. Booyoolie (later part of Gladstone Hundred of Booyoolie) township allotment land grant 1875 Grant Book 60 Page 314 County Victoria
YATES, Frank farmer Sandergrove near Strathalbyn linked with Herbert Yates shoemaker of the same place 1898 Memorial 227/436
No 1
YATES, George farmer Blackham Farm Morphett Vale 1846[-1854] Memorial 374/13
YATES, George farmer Morphett Vale 1864 Application 5012.
No 2
YATES, George farmer Noarlunga 1849[-1854] Memorial 455/13
YATES, George and Mark farmers Noarlunga 1857[-1859] Memorial 26/123
YATES, George farmer Hackham 1861[-1871] Memorial 51/175
YYATES, George farmer formerly of Noarlunga 1853 but now of Hackham 1870 Application 11008
YATES, George farmer Hackham and Eliza Yates his wife formerly Eliza nee MENADUE 1871 Memorial 37/257
YATES, George farmer Noarlunga 1881 Memorial 189/329
YATES, George farmer Hackham 1884 Application 20250
YATES, George formerly farmer Noarlunga but now gentleman Hackham 1886 Memorial 94/385
No 1
YATES, George Phillipson carpenter Melrose 1887[-1922] Memorial 150/389
YATES, George Phillipson carpenter and Thomas Peate Yates farmer both of Melrose 1908 Memorial 141/459
YATES, George Phillipson carpenter Melrose 1926, declared that he was 60 years old and had lived in Melrose all his life Application 27406
YATES, George Phillipson the Younger builder High St, Gladstone, aged 58 in 1950, declared that he had been born on 12/11/1891, the son of WUTT George Phillipson Yates the Elder builder and carpenter Melrose (who died 21/12/1948) and Mary Jane Yates. GP Yates the Younger said that he had lived in Melrose until 1942 and then in Gladstone Application 28765
No 1
YATES, Herbert shoemaker Sandergrove 1858[-1898] Memorial 323/135
No 2
YATES, Herbert butcher Macclesfield 1908 Memorial 210/458
YATES, Herbert farmer Macclesfield linked with Thomas Yates stock salesman Adelaide and William Thomas Yates farmer Milang 1940 Memorial 136/514
No 1
YATES, James mason Angaston 1877 Application 16023
No 2
YATES, James out of business Inman Valley, aged 79 on 16/7/1944, declared that he had lived there for 50 years Application 28741
No 1 - perhaps the same person
YATES, John schoolmaster Middleton 1869[-1870] Memorial 55/243
YATES, John of Inman Valley 1874 Memorial 142/277
YATES, John farmer Inman Valley Co Hindmarsh. Hundred of Wandearah land grant 1884 Grant Book 60 Page 327 County Victoria
YATES, Reginald William farmer Bull Creek 1949 Memorial 151/523
YATES, Samuel boundary rider Melrose. Hundred of Wongyarra land grant 1883 Grant Book 23 Page 50 County Frome
No 1
YATES, Thomas farmer Macclesfield 1849[-1854] Memorial 452/87
YATES, Thomas farmer Bugle Ranges 1851[-1859] Memorial 453/87
YATES, Thomas farmer Bremer River 1855 Memorial 247/90
YATES, Thomas the Elder farmer Macclesfield 1885 Application 20715
YATES, Thomas farmer Macclesfield 1883 He could not write. Linked with Edward Yates publican Wistow Application 19576
YATES, Thomas farmer Macclesfield, died 20/7/1888. Executor; Edward Yates licensed victualler Wistow Memorial 225/393
YATES, Thomas farmer near Macclesfield, died 20/7/1888. Father of Edward Yates licensed victualler Wistow Memorial 113/449
YATES, Thomas auctioneer Mt Gambier 1900 Application 23952
YATES, Thomas Peate farmer Melrose 1876[-1910] Memorial 145/295, Application 25964
No 1
YATES, William fencer Bangor. Hundred of Wongyarra land grant 1881 Grant Book 23 Page 50 County Frome
No 2 – perhaps a continuation of No 1
YATES, William miner Gladstone 1889 Memorial 48/397
YATES, William Augustus surgeon Tea Tree Gully 1859 Memorial 331/151
YATES, William Herbert farmer Rockbottom near Sandergrove 1891 Memorial 63/409
YATES, William Thomas farmer and grazier Milang and Lake Plains 1954 Memorial 166/529
YEATMAN, John Walter medical practitioner Auburn 1892 Application 22221
No 1
YEAMAN, William stonemason Littlehampton 1856[-1857] Memorial 190/98
YEAMAN, William Dempster stonemason Littlehampton 1856 Memorial 289/112
YEAMAN, William Dempster stonemason formerly of Littlehampton but now of Bacchus Marsh Vic 1859 Memorial 237/152
YEATES, AP auctioneer Orroroo 1887 Memorial 193/383
YEATES, Charles butcher Melrose. Trustee Public Cemetery Melrose Hundred of Wongyarra land grant 1864 Grant Book 23 Page 80 County Frome
YEATES, CL of Jamestown 1886 Memorial 247/376
YEATES, F spinster College Town 1899 Memorial 151/437
YEATES, Frances spinster Dry Creek 1844 Memorial 402/3
No 1 - probably the same person
YEATES, George Barr clerk to James Roberts land agent Adelaide 1842 Memorial 169/1
YEATES, George Barr gentleman Adelaide 1848 Memorial 411/11
YEATES, George Barr sheep farmer Mt Remarkable 1852 Memorial 89/40
YEATES, George Barr Esquire Wild Dog Creek near Mt Remarkable. Hundred of Wongyarra land grant 1858 Grant Book 23 Page 80 County Frome
YEATES, John and Sydney sheepfarmers Baroota Co Frome. Pt MacDonnell (Hundred of MacDonnell) township allotment land grant 1860 Grant Book 29 Page 108 County Grey
YEATES, Mary of Mt Lofty 1894 Memorial 165/422
YEATES, Sydney Esquire Adelaide 1860 Memorial 345/169
YEATES, William labourer Inman Valley. Hundred of Encounter Bay land grant 1891 Grant Book 36 Page 90 County Hindmarsh
YEATMAN, A housemaid North Adelaide 1906 Memorial 115/455
YEATMAN, Charlton medical practitioner Pt Pirie 1925 Memorial 165/494
YEATMAN, John Walter surgeon Auburn 1887 Memorial 150/381
YEATMAN, William mason Magill 1887[-1909] Memorial 191/386
YEATON, Thomas shoemaker Walkerville 1849 Memorial 460/14
YEING, Harry gardener Wirrabara 1893 Memorial 120/418
YELL, JC law clerk Adelaide 1892 Memorial 33/415
No 1
YELLAND, Albert George farmer Meningie 1894 Memorial 239/420
YELLAND, Albert George grazier Mt Benson 1899 Memorial 12/439
YELLAND, DS articled law clerk Adelaide 1930 Memorial 122/503
No 1
YELLAND, George farmer Point Sturt 1867 Application 8332
YELLAND, George farmer Point Sturt Co Hindmarsh. Hundred of Malcolm land grant 1873 Grant Book 54 Page 93 County Russell
No 1
YELLAND, Herbert John farmer Point Sturt 1905 Memorial 228/454
YELLAND, Herbert John farmer formerly of Point Sturt but now of Calingiri WA 1945 Memorial 95/519
No 1
YELLAND, John Henry farmer Point McLeay 1873[-1876] Memorial 230/267
YELLAND, John Henry grazier Point Sturt near Milang 1885[-1886] Memorial 208/366
YELLAND, John Henry of North Unley, died 10/10/1912. Husband of Jean Yelland who lived at Thebarton by 1918. Children alive in 1918 included - Thomas Elliott Yelland company secretary North Unley; Joseph Mann Yelland and William Sinclair Yelland farmers Point Sturt; Maggie Euphemia TRUSCOTT wife of James Truscott of Northam WA; and Nellie Elizabeth NANCARROW wife of Stanley Thomas Nancarrow of Georgetown Memorial 94/477
No 1
YELLAND, Joseph drayman near Adelaide 1849 Memorial 157/14
Carter Thebarton 1850 Memorial 319/23
Farmer Thebarton 1853 Hundred of Goolwa land grant Memorial 378/52
YELLAND, Joseph carter Thebarton 1853 Memorial 68/57
YELLAND, Joseph farmer Thebarton 1856 Hundred of Goolwa land grant Memorial 459/97
YELLAND, Joseph drayman Pt Elliot 1855 Memorial 186/84
YELLAND, Joseph farmer formerly of Thebarton but now of Goolwa 1858 Memorial 177/135
YELLAND, Joseph farmer Point Sturt near Milang District of Alexandria, died c1875. He left his entire estate to his wife, Maria Yelland, and his children, Frederick, George, John Henry, Harriet, William, Catherine, Mary Anne, Susan and Louisa Yelland, in a complicated set of trusts [List of children not in birth order]. Harriet Yelland lived on Section 47, next door to a vineyard, together with a wine cellar and casks, on Section 48 known as ROBINSON's. She had a life interest in these assets Memorial 69/280
YELLAND, Joseph Mann, Lindsay and William Sinclair farmers Point Sturt, sons of John Henry Yelland farmer formerly of Point Sturt now of Unley 1905 Application 25068
YELLAND, Maria widow Point Sturt about to marry Charles SMITH farmer Mt Arriplas Vic. John Henry Yelland farmer Milang mentioned 1881 Memorial 71/335
No 1
YELLAND, Thomas Elliott Secretary to the SA Farmers' Co-operative Union Ltd, whose head office was at Franklin St, Adelaide 1918 Application 26695
YELLAND, Thomas Elliott company secretary North Unley linked with Joseph Mann Yelland and William Sinclair Yelland farmers Point Sturt 1923 Memorial 46/488
No 1
YELLAND, Thomas Harvey grazier Stansbury 1951 Memorial 18/526
YELLAND, Thomas Harvey formerly grazier Stansbury but now dairy farmer Lobethal 1953 Application 28973
YELLAND, William Sinclair dairyman Point Sturt 1940 Memorial 62/515
No 1
YELLS, Alfred and Charles farmers Minlaton 1886[-1891] Memorial 143/376
YELLS, Alfred and Charles farmers Koolywurtie 1886 Memorial 206/376
YELLS, Alfred farmer Koolywurtie Hundred of Koolywurtie land grant 1891 Grant Book 19 Page 315 County Fergusson
YEMM, Louis William 29 bachelor musician Dover St, Malvern (Father: Henry Brownline Yemm) married Marian Olive BEACH 27 Audley House Prospect (Father ; Frederick Dewe BEACH) on 19/12/1900 Chalmers Church, North Tce, Adelaide. Minister: David PATON. Witness: William B FOOLE tea buyer Malvern Application 24637
YEMM, William John professor of music Fitzroy and Marion Olive Yemm his wife 1905 Memorial 127/454
YEMS, James licensed victualler Adelaide 1848 Memorial 346/11
YENDALL, William woolsorter Hindmarsh and Mary Ann Yendall his wife 1875 Memorial 85/285
YEO, Ernest Isaac engineer formerly of Semaphore but now of Woodville 1908 Memorial 250/45
No 1
YEO, Isaac barilla burner Torrens Island near Pt Adelaide 1851 Memorial 155/38
Labourer Torrens Island 1853 Memorial 408/57
Farmer Torrens Island 1855[-1875] Memorial 195/86
YEO, Isaac formerly barilla burner 1851 but now farmer Torrens Island near Pt Adelaide 1866 Application 7578
YEO, Isaac gentleman Le Fevre Peninsula, died c1891. Father of John Yeo gentleman Le Fevre Peninsula Memorial 16/443
YEO, James mason Belton. Trustee unnamed School Hundred of Eurilpa Hundred of Eurilpa land grant 1888 Grant Book 28 Page 60 County Granville
No 1 - mixture of the Elder and the Younger
YEO, John licensed victualler Pt Adelaide 1869[-1872] Memorial 169/240
YEO, John gentleman Findon 1876 Memorial 118/296
YEO, John ship owner The Semaphore 1883 Application 19655
YEO, John gentleman Semaphore 1886[-1892] Memorial 73/378
YEO, John gentleman Semaphore 1893 Application 22522
YEO, John the Elder retired master mariner Semaphore, died c1901. Husband of Emma Kate Yeo. Father of John Yeo the Younger timber merchant Semaphore. Executors: John DYER farmer Balhannah and William CROCKER master mariner Semphore Memorial 25/443
YEO, John timber merchant Semaphore 1901 Application 24249
YEO, John timber merchant Semaphore and Alice Mary Yeo his wife. Ernest Isaac Yeo engineer Semaphore belonged to this family 1902 Memorials 60 & 61/445
No 1
YEO, John Stephens currier Adelaide 1852 Memorial 213/45
YEO, John Stephens of Adelaide. Father of Ellen Matilda Yeo spinster Adelaide 1855 Memorial 323/94
YEO, John Stephens tanner Adelaide, died 29/5/1875 intestate. Letters of administration to his wife, Mary Ann Yeo, to settle the estate. Family of JS Yeo included - John Benjamin Yeo tanner and merchant Adelaide, Ellen Matilda GRUNDY wife of Francis Edgar Grundy chemist Glenelg, Mary Jane BURRELL wife of William Holmes Burrell accountant Adelaide, Kate Emmeline STUART wife of James Martin Stuart law clerk Adelaide and Harriet Amelia Yeo, and Eliza Fanny Yeo spinsters Adelaide Memorial 101/283
YEO, Mary Ann widow Glenelg 1878 Memorial 132/312
No 1
YEO, Richard Curtis bank manager Yongala 1885 Memorial 38/366
YEO, Richard Curtis of Stansbury 1893 Memorial 167/418
No 1
YEO, Thomas publican Prince's Hotel, Pt Adelaide 1865 Memorial 255/204
YEO, Thomas formerly farmer Torrens Island 1854 but now licensed victualler Pt Adelaide 1873 Application 12545
YEO, Thomas licensed victualler Pt Adelaide. Husband of Sabina Jane Yeo 1872. Mrs Yeo was a widow of Pt Adelaide by 1877 Memorials 27/267, 37/299, 37/299
YEOMAN, Charles Richard draper Gawler South 1941 Memorial 55/518
YEOMAN, David labourer Pt Adelaide 1852 Memorial 97/40
No 1
YEOMAN, George labourer Bowden 1905 Memorial 111/454
YEOMAN, George labourer Bowden 1905, declared that he had lived in Bowden since 1874 Application 27272.
YERBURY, Reginald Leigh farmer South Hummocks. Hundred of Cameron land grant 1894 Grant Book 15 Page 31 County Daly
No 1
YETMAN, Simeon labourer Mt Torrens 1880 Application 18125.
YETMAN, Simeon farmer Mt Torrens 1886 Memorial 146/377
YETMAN, Simeon labourer Mt Pleasant and Elizabeth Yetman his wife 1906 Application 25229
No 1
YETMAN, Thomas farmer Gumeracha 1852[-1859] Enrolment 86/27, Application 79
YETMAN, Thomas (by mistake sometimes called Thomas YEATON) farmer formerly of Walkerville but now of Gumeracha 1854 Memorial 4/79
YETMAN, Thomas farmer Woodbury House, Gumeracha 1856 Memorial 330/96
YETMAN, Thomas mason near Woodbury 1866 Memorial 226/265
YETMAN, Thomas mason Gumeracha 1868 Application 9236.
YETMAN, Thomas formerly mason near Woodbury but now farmer near Gumeracha 1866 Memorials 105 & 106/212
YETMAN, Thomas mason Gumeracha 1866 Memorial 93/210
YETMAN, Thomas farmer near Gumeracha 1876 Memorial 39/295
YEW, Thomas farmer Torrens Island 1854 Memorial 489/70
YORK, Catherine widow Kensington, died cJuly 1840 intestate, leaving her father, John DENHAM of Wellington, Somerset, England, as heir at law. He made George MULLER Esquire Kensington, an old friend of his, his attorney to sell her home at Kensington and transmit the proceeds to Messrs Robarts & Co, bankers London, agents for STUCKEY’s banking company at Wellington. From a letter to Muller dated 10/6/1841, J Denham said ‘We received the various articles you recovered from the natives, and shall keep them as mementoes reminding us of our loss … I also find that you and the Governor (and for which I am under great obligations) will take it upon you the trouble of thus disposing of [my dear daughter’s property], provided I give you a sufficient warrant so to do’. It took 5 years, on 9/6/1846, when George Muller farmer Trowbridge House, at last sold pt Acre 68, in Thornton St, Kensington, to Robert Pepperell gentleman Kensington for £25. On 9/6/1840, Mrs YORK had appointed Nathaniel Hailes her attorney to manage her SA business affairs. Application 20779
No 1
YORK, Henry labourer Dry Creek 1858 Memorial 332/133
YORK, Henry porter Gawler 1862[-1864] Memorial 190/184
YORK, Henry railway porter Gawler South 1863 Application 3825
YORK, Henry formerly porter but now painter Gawler South 1891 Application 22075
YORK, Henry died 14/6/1903. Ann York died 28/7/1908. Family link with Polly Elizabeth BUCKERFIELD wife of Arthur Buckerfield of Gawler South 1914 Memorial 114/471
YOUL, Arthur Martin squatter Alice Springs NT, power of attorney to Reginald COLLEY clerk Adelaide, to manage his SA business affairs 19/4/1886 Deposit 140/1886
No 1
YOULTON, Josiah carter Norwood 1855 Memorial 58/88
YOULTON, Josiah contractor Norwood 1856 Memorial 53/113
YOULTON, Josiah carman Norwood 1858 Memorial 62/139
YOULTON, Josiah yeoman Norwood 1858 Memorial 148/162
No 1
YOUNG, Adam Esquire Adelaide 1842 Memorial 65/110
YOUNG, Adam gentleman Adelaide 1843 Memorial 18/3
YOUNG, Adam linen draper Adelaide 1844 Memorial 140/4
No 1
YOUNG, Adolphus William Esquire Twyford, Berks, England 1864 Memorial 344/193
YOUNG, Adolphus William Esquire Hare Hatch House, Wargrave, Berks, England, died 4/11/1885. He left his entire estate to his two nephews, Edward Young WESTERN and William Thomas Western no description. Estate worth £12,200 Memorial 152/376
YOUNG, Adolphus William gentleman Hare Hatch House, Wargrave, Berks, England, died 4/11/1885 at home. Estate worth £12,000. His nephews, Edward Young WESTERN and William Thomas Western were the executors. They appointed John Warren BAKEWELL their attorney to deal with AW Young’s estate in SA. AW Young specialised in lending money on mortgage on SA real estate 1889 Application 21614
YOUNG, Adolphus William Esquire Hare Hatch House, Wargrave, Berks, England, died 4/11/1885. His executors, Edward Young WESTERN Esquire 35 Essex St, The Strand Middlesex, and William Thomas Western Navy agent 44 Charing Cross, Westminster, Middlesex, gave power of attorney to Josiah Henry SYMON, John Warren BAKEWELL annd William SYMON solicitors Selbourne Chambers, Pirie St, Adelaide, to sell all his SA real and personal estate 25/6/1886 Deposit 130/1886
No 1
YOUNG, Alexander farmer Mt Gambier 1865 Memorial 221/205
YOUNG, Alexander farmer formerly of Mt Gambier but now of near Horsham Vic 1876 Memorial 167/291
No 2
YOUNG, Alexander town clerk Wallaroo 1908 Memorial 248/459
No 1
YOUNG, Alexander Patrick settler Mt Gambier 1853 Memorial 411/55
YOUNG, Alexander Patrick farmer Mt Gambier 1857[-1868] Memorial 110/126, Application 2635
YOUNG, Alfred Andrew coachbuilder Richmond. Hundred of Adelaide land grant 1911 Grant Book 2 Page 22 County Adelaide
No 1
YOUNG, Allan publican Houghton. His wife, Jane Young, died 9/1/1888 intestate. Letters of administration to her husband. Estate worth £250 Application 21428
YOUNG, Allan publican Houghton 1889 Application 22288
No 2
YOUNG, Allan farmer near Woods, near Owen. Husband of Lucy Jane Young 1888 Application 21428
No 3
YOUNG, Allan quarryman Dalkey. Hundred of Dalkey land grant 1902 Grant Book 26 Page 248 County Gawler
No 1
YOUNG, Andrew labourer East Auburn 1856 Memorial 224/102
YOUNG, Andrew labourer formerly of East Auburn but now of Newcastle NSW 1865 Memorial 90/204
No 2
YOUNG, Andrew storekeeper Clare 1860 Application 1592
YOUNG, Andrew storekeeper Clare - Clare Presbyterian Church member 1863 Memorial 272/191
YOUNG, Andrew storekeeper Clare 1863[-1880] Memorial 286/206
YOUNG, Andrew JP storekeeper Clare 1876 Memorial 32/295
YOUNG, Andrew JP of Clare 1883 Memorial 206/347
YOUNG, Andrew importer Clare, died 21/8/1885. Father of James George Young, William Andrew Young, Louisa Jane Young and Fanny Rosalie Young. He employed Maria LETTS of Clare in his household Memorial 206/347
YOUNG, Andrew importer Clare, died 21/8/1885. The Stanley Hotel and John Hill booking office at Clare, plus Thomas CATERER’s rented property at Norwood to his sons, James George Young and William Andrew Young, as tenants in common, provided they pay his debts and funeral expenses. All his money to be invested to provide an income to pay to his daughters Louisa Jane Young and Rosalie Fanny Young in equal shares. Each daughter to get £500 when she married. The trust fund to go to the children of his daughters in equal shares once they had died. The children had the right to live in his house at Clare, provided two lived there at any one time. If only one living there, the house to be sold, with JG Young to have the first option, otherwise the property to be sold by public auction and the sons to share equally in the proceeds. The daughters to share equally in the proceeds from the sale of the personal estate. Estate worth £14,500. Executors and trustees: John Garlick PITCHER bank manager Adelaide and John WHYTE merchant Adelaide Application 20855
No 3
YOUNG, Andrew well sinker Norwood 1865 Memorial 2/206
YOUNG, Andrew French polisher Norwood 1867 Memorial 54/221
YOUNG, Andrew Douglas sharebroker Adelaide 1931, a member and sealholder of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of SA Inc Application 27846
No 1
YOUNG, Angas boatman in the Harbour service Pt Adelaide 1858 Memorial 157/137
YOUNG, Angus mariner Le Fevre Peninsula 1863. Husband of Mary Young formerly Mary LANGLEY. Mother of John Langley sailmaker Le Fevre Peninsula Application 4729.
YOUNG, Angus mariner Le Fevre Peninsula, died c1870. He left his entire estate to his wife, Mary Young Memorial 21/250
YOUNG, Mary widow of Angus Young mariner Le Fevre Peninsula 1880 Application 18016.
YOUNG, Ann of Morgan 1882 Memorial 120/345
YOUNG, Annie Chin married woman Kooringa 1919 Memorial 8/478
No 1
YOUNG, Arthur Loraine sheepfarmer Everard. Hundred of Everard land grant 1882[-1883] Grant Book 56 Page 394 County Stanley
YOUNG, Arthur Loraine sheepfarmer Mt Templeton. Hundred of Everard land grant 1884 Grant Book 56 Page 395 County Stanley
YOUNG, Arthur Loraine and John sheep farmers Mt Templeton 1884 Memorial 155/358
YOUNG, Benjamin engineer Le Fevre Peninsula 1878 Application 16928
No 1
YOUNG, Bradshaw police corporal Mt Gambier 1859[-1860] Memorial 218/151, Application 1947
YOUNG, Bradshaw police sergeant Mt Gambier. Mt Gambier township allotment land grant 1861 Grant Book 29 Page 199 County Grey
No 1
YOUNG, Charles innkeeper Tanunda 1848[-1851] Memorial 378/11
Storekeeper Tanunda 1849 Memorial 323/17
Licensed victualler Sheaoak Log 1853[-1855] Memorial 412/57
Landholder Sheaoak Log 1854 [He bought the Sheaoak Log Hotel]
YOUNG, Charles licensed victualler formerly of Sheaoak Log but now of Penrice 1855 Memorial 374/89
YOUNG, Charles publican Sheaoak Log Inn 1856[-1858] Memorial 221/106
No 2
YOUNG, Charles blacksmith Enfield, son of Emanuel Young of Enfield 1881. The Youngs had lived in Enfield since 1849 Application 18826
YOUNG, Charles of Enfield 1881, declared that he had lived in Enfield for about 30 years Application 25657
YOUNG, Charles blacksmith Enfield 1881[-1883] Memorial 63/335
YOUNG, Charles blacksmith Enfield linked with Leah Young widow Enfield [probably relict of the late Emanuel Young formerly blacksmith Enfield but now deceased] 1882 Memorial 172/343
YOUNG, Charles blacksmith Enfield, died 23/8/1900. His widow, Elizabeth Young, died 1/7/1913. Father of Ellen Annie PURDON married woman Enfield and Edith Alice LOFTES married woman Prospect. Step-father of William Thomas TURNER blacksmith Enfield and John Turner sons of his wife's first husband, Thomas Turner. Estate worth £806 Memorials 102 & 103/46
No 1
YOUNG, Charles Burney gentleman Pt Adelaide 1855 Memorial 43/83
YOUNG, Charles Burney surveyor Adelaide 1859 Memorial 140/153
YOUNG, CB Esquire Torrens Chambers Adelaide 1880 Application 18110
YOUNG, Charles Burney Esquire formerly of Walkerville but now of Elderslea, Bushey Heath, Herts, England linked with Wilbraham Harley Young and Edward Burney Young Esquires Adelaide 1880 Memorials 187/327 & 9/328
YOUNG, Charles Burney Esquire Kanmantoo and Nora Creina Young his wife linked with Charles Herbert Young formerly of Adelaide but now in parts beyond the seas 1889 Memorial 59/399
YOUNG, Charles Burney of Mt Lofty 1894 Memorial 165/422
YOUNG, Charles Burney gentleman Walkerville, died 29/9/1904. Estate worth £500. His widow, Nora Creina Young, inherited his estate, including allotments at Brighton Application 26887
No 1
YOUNG, Charles Henry gentleman Medindie 1911 Memorial 89/466
No 1
YOUNG, Charles Herbert of Adelaide 1876 Memorial 14/294
YOUNG, Charles Herbert Esquire of parts beyond the seas 1889 Memorial 191/400
YOUNG, Charles Sewell miller College Town 1850 Memorial 327/22
No 1
YOUNG, Clement draper Melbourne St, North Adelaide 1869 Application 9680
YOUNG, Clement gentleman Adelaide 1870 Application 10763
YOUNG, Clifford James gardener formerly of Cardigan Ave, Payneham but now of Gawler River 1953 Memorial 128/528
YOUNG, David dealer Adelaide (Carrington St) 1853 Memorial 327/22
No 1
YOUNG, EM banker Adelaide 1864 Memorial 75/198
YOUNG, Edmund McKenzie manager National Bank of Australasia Adelaide 1867 Memorial 8/225
YOUNG, Edmund MacKenzie banker Adelaide Co Adelaide. Hundred of Malcolm land grant 1868 Grant Book 54 Page 90 County Russell
YOUNG, Edmund Mackenzie banker Adelaide Co Adelaide. Hundred of Killanoola land grant 1869 Grant Book 50 Page 148 County Robe
YOUNG, Edmund McKenzie Esquire formerly of Adelaide but now of Melbourne Vic 1870[-1875] Memorial 163/250
YOUNG, Edmund MacKenzie of 21 Palace Gate, Kensington, Middlesex, England, died 23/4/1897 Memorial 33/436
YOUNG, Edward shoemaker Stirling near Crafers 1856[-1864] Memorial 261/107
No 1
YOUNG, Edward Burney station agent Adelaide 1882 Memorial 237/338
YOUNG, Edward Burney wine depot manager London, England Hundred of Wokurna land grant 1898 Grant Book 15 Page 48 County Daly
YOUNG, Edward MacKenzie Esquire Adelaide 1869 Application 9760
YOUNG, Elias farmer Virginia 1877 Memorial 9/300
YOUNG, Elizabeth widow Fisherville Semaphore 1895 Application 22867
No 1
YOUNG, Emanuel blacksmith Pine Forest 1850[-1853] Memorial 402/24
YOUNG, Emanuel blacksmith Para Plains 1854[-1855] Memorial 181/74
YOUNG, Emanuel blacksmith Enfield 1863 Memorial 128/234
YOUNG, Emanuel blacksmith Enfield, died 24/5/1877. Estate worth £200. All personal estate absolutely to his wife, Leah Young, and also the use of the real estate in trust until she remarried, when it was to be divided equally absolutely in remainder expectant amongst her children before the wedding ceremony took place. Charles Young of Enfield 1885 was a son of Emanuel Young Application 20422
YOUNG, Leah widow North Adelaide and Enfield 1884 Application 20161
YOUNG, Emily Anna spinster Felixtow 1851 Memorial 304/34.
No 1
YOUNG, Frances widow Mt Lofty 1890[-1895] Memorial 113/406
YOUNG, Frances widow Arthur's Seat Mt Lofty 1893 Memorial 139/417
YOUNG, Frank Wellington contractor Romalo Ave, Magill. St George's Woodforde vestryman 1946 Memorial 171/520
No 1
YOUNG, Frederick W articled clerk to W POPE solicitor Adelaide 1893 Application 25728
YOUNG, Fred W articled clerk Adelaide 1894[-1897] Memorial 242/422
YOUNG, Fred W solicitor Adelaide 1901 Memorial 6/444
No 2
YOUNG, Frederick William painter Pt Lincoln 1914 Application 26257
No 1
YOUNG, Gavin surveyor Watervale 1856 Memorial 216/102
YOUNG, Gavin David surveyor formerly of Clare but now of Watervale 1858 Memorial 183/137
YOUNG, Gavin David Chairman of the District Council of Upper Wakefield 1858 Memorial 14/145
YOUNG, Gavin David Esquire formerly of Watervale but now of Wallaroo 1864 Memorial 172/199
YOUNG, Gavin D JP of Wallaroo 1864 Memorial 296/198
YOUNG, Gavin David formerly of Watervale but now Manager of the Wallaroo Mines Wallaroo 1866 Memorial 15/212
YOUNG, Gavin David superintendent Wallaroo Mine. Trustee Cemetery Wallaroo 1866 Grant Book 14 Page 73 County Daly
YOUNG, Gavin David mining proprietor Wallaroo Bay 1866 Memorial 58/218
YOUNG, Gavin David gentleman formerly of Wallaroo but now residing in Europe 1868 Memorial 83/235
YOUNG, Gavin D gentleman Mt Lofty near Crafers 1876 Application 15656
YOUNG, Gavin David gentleman formerly of Watervale but now of parts beyond the sea 1881 Application 18420
No 1 - mixture of the Elder and the Younger
YOUNG, George merchant Adelaide 1842 Memorial 104/2
YOUNG, George warehouseman Adelaide 1851 Memorial 56/37
YOUNG, George Esquire Adelaide 1852 Memorial 170/46
YOUNG, George merchant Adelaide 1853 Application 16564
YOUNG, George Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Matta Mining Co Pty Ltd 1864 Memorial 227/198
YOUNG, George merchant Adelaide one of the partners under the style or firm of William YOUNGHUSBAND Junr & Co 1865 Memorial 334/204
YOUNG, George the Elder Esquire Adelaide (Currie St) linked with George Young the Younger merchant Adelaide (Gilbert Place) 1866 Memorial 133/217
No 2
YOUNG, George farmer Adelaide 1853[-1854] Land grant '2 miles south of the Wakefield River, south of the Wakefield Trigonometrical Station' Memorial 100/57
YOUNG, George farmer Wakefield River 1855 Memorial 415/81
YOUNG, George yeoman Pt Wakefield 1856 Memorial 56/112
No 3
YOUNG, George full age carpenter Adelaide married Hannah LAFFIN full age Adelaide, 23/8/1855 Rev'd John GARDNER home Rundle St, Adelaide Witnesses: Mary DAVIS and Jane BEACHOPE. Eldest son, William Young, born 11/7/1858 Gawler South. George Young died 24/7/1865 Gawler South intestate, leaving his eldest son William Young mason Gawler South 1879, as heir at law to his estate. George Young's widow, Hannah Young, remarried to David COLLIER railway porter Gawler South Application 17567
No 4
YOUNG, George blacksmith Adelaide (Currie St) bought land in Thebarton 1855 Memorial 306/79
YOUNG, George blacksmith Thebarton. His shop belonged to the Squatter's Arms Hotel George St, Thebarton 1862 Memorial 49/187
YOUNG, George blacksmith Thebarton 1876 Memorial 5/295
No 5
YOUNG, George and Gavin David gentleman Clare 1855 Memorial 213/90
YOUNG, George and Gavin David surveyors Clare 1855 Memorial 427/93
YOUNG, George surveyor Watervale 1856 Memorial 160/110
YOUNG, George Esquire formerly of Watervale but now of Glen Osmond 1864 Memorial 172/199
YOUNG, George land agent formerly of Watervale but now of Adelaide 1866 Memorial 15/212
YOUNG, George Portland Company trustee of no given address 1865 Application 6567
YOUNG, George Esquire Wallaroo Mines office Adelaide Co Adelaide. Hundred of Dalkey land grant 1865 Grant Book 26 Page 234 County Gawler
YOUNG, George land agent formerly of Watervale but now of Adelaide, and YOUNG, Gavin David formerly of Watervale, now Wallaroo Mine manager 1866 Application 7799
YOUNG, George Esquire formerly of Watervale died 29/4/1869 Application 24073
YOUNG, George gentleman Adelaide and Mitcham, died 29/4/1869. Brother to Gavin David Young no description 1869 Memorial 113/239
No 6
YOUNG, George gentleman Woodville 1867 Application 8518
YOUNG, George gentleman Woodville Co Adelaide. Georgetown (Hundred of Bundaleer) township allotment land grant 1872 Grant Book 60 Page 78 County Victoria
No 7 - perhaps the same person
YOUNG, George licensed victualler Royal Oak Inn Tothill Creek 1880 Memorial 24/323
YOUNG, George licensed victualler Truro 1885 Memorial 97/366
No 8 - perhaps the same person
YOUNG, George clerk to WD SCOTT solicitor Adelaide 1881 Memorial 65/335
YOUNG, George insurance agent Kent Tce, Kent Town, died 14/3/1897, of cardiac disease, aged 78 Application 26718.
YOUNG, George insurance agent Kent Tce, Kent Town, died 14/3/1897, of cardiac disease, aged 78 Deposit 58/1897
YOUNG, George Henry labourer Belvidere Hundred of Bremer 1908[-1909] Memorial 195/458
YOUNG, George Lewis wharfinger Pt Adelaide 1901 Memorial 250/450
YOUNG, Harold Alexander marine engineer Sandwell 1924 Application 27186
No 1
YOUNG, Harry gardener Wirrabara 1893 Memorial 120/418
No 2
YOUNG, Harry Dove vigneron Kanmantoo 1895 Memorial 146/424
No 1
YOUNG, Henry butcher Happy Valley 1857[-1859] Memorial 275/117
No 2
YOUNG, Henry farmer Napperby. Trustee Wesleyan Methodist Church Hundred of Napperby Hundred of Napperby land grant 1882 Grant Book 60 Page 390 County Victoria
YOUNG, Henry farmer Napperby 1888 Memorial 193/393
No 1
YOUNG, Henry Edward Fox (Knight) died 18/9/1870, leaving his widow, Dame Auguste Sophia Young, and 7 children, ‘all living and are of full age and perfect understanding’ - Aretas Young solicitor Adelaide; Augusta Juliana (now Mrs HARDY); Carmichael Light Young; Lola Caroline Young, Selina Elliott Young (now Mrs WALFORD); Ethel Catherine Young and Beatrice Ellen Young. Sir Henry Young had left his real estate to his wife i trust for life, then equally aabsolutely in remainder expectant to the children of the marriage. Only Aretas Young lived in SA; the rest of the family gave him power of attorney to manage their SA properties 1882 Application 19025
YOUNG, Dame Auguste Sophia of parts beyond the sea, widow of Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, life interest in 9 Sections of land in the Hundred of Goolwa, with remainder expectant to such of her children who may be alive at the time of her death - Aretas Young solicitor Adelaide and Auguste Juliana HARDY, Carmichael Light Young, Tola Caroline Young, Selina Elliott WALFORD, Ethel Catherine Young and Beatrice Ellen Young all of parts beyond the sea 1883 Application 19570 Also 46 Sections in the Hundred of Encounter Bay, worth £9,461, and leased to John CROSSMAN sheep farmer Inman Valley 1883 Application 19578
No 1
YOUNG, Herbert Loudan draper Pt Augusta 1915 Application 26462.
YOUNG, Herbert Loudon merchant Pt Augusta 1929 Application 27733.
No 1
YOUNG, James carpenter Adelaide 1838 Application 17342.
YOUNG, James carpenter Adelaide 1845 Memorial 262/5
No 2
YOUNG, James surveyor Adelaide 1855 Memorial 36/88
No 3
YOUNG, James of Pt Adelaide 1855 Memorial 266/82
YOUNG, James stationer Pt Adelaide 1860 Memorial 46/169
YOUNG, James printer Pt Adelaide 1860[-1865] Memorial 22/166
No 4
YOUNG, James labourer Norwood 1857 Memorial 43/123
YOUNG, James labourer Kensington and Catherine Young nee MILNE his wife 1856. Their youngest child, Maggy Isabella Young, born 1/12/1870 Beaumont where James Young was then a gardener. Maggy Young died 12/11/1891 Application 22129
YOUNG, James gardener Beaumont 1866 Application 7590.
YOUNG, James gardener formerly of Beaumont, but then of Donegal St, Norwood. His wife, Catherine Young nee MILNE, died 5/7/1888, of heart disease, aged 59 Application 22129
No 5
YOUNG, James innkeeper Gawler 1864 Application 27056.
No 2
YOUNG, James blacksmith Kapunda 1868 Memorial 68/231
No 6
YOUNG, James gardener Campbelltown 1920 Memorial 22/481
YOUNG, James gardener East Marden 1949 Memorial 86/523
No 7 - perhaps a continuation of No 6
YOUNG, James out of business Lynington Ave, Tusmore, died 23/8/1950 Memorial 37/526
No 1
YOUNG, James George and William Andrew merchants Clare 1885 Application 20795
YOUNG, James George and William Andrew Young storekeepers Clare 1886[-1892] Memorial 101/374
YOUNG, James George storekeeper Clare 1895 Application 25806
YOUNG, James Gordon clerk Adelaide Co Adelaide. Warnertown (Hundred of Napperby) township allotment land grant 1878 Grant Book 60 Page 416 County Victoria
YOUNG, James Henry farmer Koolunga. Hundred of Koolunga land grant 1891 Grant Book 55 Page 192 County Stanley
YOUNG, James John Henry and Robert Davidson JAMES chemists Adelaide (Hindley St) trading under the style or firm of Young and James 1887 Memorial 98/388
No 1
YOUNG, James Millen 29 bachelor gardener Burnside (Father: James Young) married Eliza SYMONS 26 spinster Burnside (Father: John Symons) on 13/3/1873 John Symons home Burnside. Minister: Jacob ABBOTT. Witnesses: John SYMONS labourer Burnside and James YOUNG gardener Beaumont Application 19841
YOUNG, James Millen gardener Burnside and Eliza Young his wife formerly Eliza SYMONS 1882 Memorial 127/344
No 1
YOUNG, James Robert farmer near Springton Hundred of Para Wurlie land grant 1877 Grant Book 19 Page 5 County Fergusson
YOUNG, James Robert farmer Warooka 1886 Memorial 79/379
No 1
YOUNG, James Scott draper Adelaide (Hindley St) 1849 Memorial 223/15
YOUNG, JS draper Adelaide (King William St) 1861 Application 2226
YOUNG, James Scott formerly draper Adelaide but now clerk of the local court Robe 1875 Memorial 247/284
YOUNG, James Scott commissioner to take affidavits Robe 1876 Memorial 111/287
No 1
YOUNG, James Scott married Margaret CRICHTON spinster on 30/3/1853 Dalkeith, Co Midlothian, Scotland. The Youngs emigrated to SA. Eldest child - Margaret Ann Young born 11/9/1854, daughter of James Scott Young draper Rundle St, Adelaide and Margaret nee CRICHTON . The daughter received land at Norwood under the will of Peter MCNICOL draper Adelaide, formerly of Black Hill, Co Perth, Scotland, who died c1855. Peter McNicol left various legacies in trust for life to his mother Mary McNicol and his sisters, then to his various nieces and nephews absolutely in remainder expectant. His nephew James MITCHELL, son of his sister Ann Mitchell widow of James Mitchell of Auchterarder, Co Perth, Scotland, had emigrated to SA and inherited land at Kensington Application 16076
YOUNG, James Scott merchant Adelaide 1862 Application 3167.
YOUNG, James Scott draper Adelaide 1863 Application 4740
No 1
YOUNG, John carter Adelaide 1852 Memorial 222/39
YOUNG, John carter North Adelaide linked with John George Young carter North Adelaide 1854 Memorial 165/76
YOUNG, John greengrocer North Adelaide 1854 Memorial 292/62
No 2 - possibly the same person; possibly a continuation of No 1
YOUNG, John merchant Adelaide (Rundle St) 1855 Memorial 385/94
YOUNG, John farmer New Tiers 1857 Memorial 316/121
No 3
YOUNG, John farmer Clarendon 1853 Memorial 74/58
YOUNG, John farmer [formerly of Clarendon but then of] West Maitland NSW [Lockinvar also mentioned], died c1860. Husband of Jane Young [A contradiction with wife's Christian names]. Son of James Young farmer Oakhampton Rd, West Maitland NSW Memorial 62/284, Deposit 200/1875 & Application 27944
YOUNG, John farmer formerly of Clarendon late of Lochinvar NSW, died before 1875. His widow, Alice Whittaker Young and his daughter, Eliza Jane Young an infant and her next friend, applied for their inheritance, Section 810 Hundred of Kuitpo Application 24832
No 4
YOUNG, John carpenter Millbrook 1850s Chain of Ponds 1861[-1867] Memorial 18/184
YOUNG, John carpenter Chain of Ponds 1850s-1860s. James carpenter Stephen St, North Adelaide 1908, declared that he was born 10/12/1859 Millbrook in his parents' cottage on pt Section 6136 Hundred of Para Wirra. He had some brothers. His father, John Young, died 16/11/1870. John Young's widow, Mary Young, took the family back to Scotland for a period and the farm was rented out. Mary Young widow of the late John Young carpenter Millbrook, died 16/8/1905 Stephen St, North Adelaide intestate, of heart failure with dropsy, aged 75. By 1907, the family was disposed as follows: James Young carpenter Stephen St, North Adelaide; John Young storeman Queen St, Adelaide, and Walter Young labourer Stephen St, North Adelaide. Another son, Andrew Young, died in infancy soon after the death of his father. John TIPPETT out of business St Peters gave this information. He had formerly been a storekeeper at Millbrook and knew the Young family well Application 25282
No 5
YOUNG, John farmer near Kapunda 1877[-1881] Memorial 13/302
No 6
YOUNG, John contractor Adelaide (Halifax St) 1883 Memorial 126/351
YOUNG, John contractor Adelaide 1884 Memorial 196/358
No 7
YOUNG, John storekeeper Gulnare 1883 Memorial 123/356
No 8 - perhaps the same person
YOUNG, John miller Snowtown 1884 Memorial 192/358
YOUNG, John storekeeper Snowtown 1883 Memorial 143/350
YOUNG, John storekeeper Snowtown 1888 Memorial 24/394
YOUNG, John farmer Snowtown 1888 Memorial 71/391
No 9
YOUNG, John sheepfarmer Hundred of Everard 1885 Memorial 37/366
YOUNG, John sheep farmer Mt Templeton 1886[-1888] Memorial 191/380
YOUNG, John and Emily Louisa Young of Mt Templeton 1896 Memorial 163/429
No 10
YOUNG, John blacksmith Newenham on the Torrens. His wife, Caroline Young, died c1925. Mother of Ninnie Maud Alice POOL married woman Chain of Ponds. Estate worth £2,000 Memorial 40/515
YOUNG, John blacksmith Newenham on the Torrens, died 1/8/1937. His wife, Caroline Young, had already died 7/4/1925 at Paradise. Ninnie Maud Alice POOL married woman formerly of Chain of Ponds now of Paradise 1940, was the executrix of her will. Olga Caroline DAVIS married woman Wakefield St, Adelaide, was the executrix of John Young's will Application 28274.
No 11
YOUNG, John farmer Para Wurlie Hundred of Para Wurlie land grant 1902 Grant Book 19 Page 10 County Fergusson
No 12
YOUNG, John gardener Princes St, Croydon 1929 Application 27731.
No 1 - possibly the same person
YOUNG, John George carter North Adelaide 1854 Memorial 165/76
YOUNG, John George carter Mt Lofty 1856 Memorial 302/112
YOUNG, John G of SA linked with Nathan Young of SA re Section 12 Hundred of Onkaparinga - [near Uraidla]. Sarah CRETTENDEN no description involved in the agreement 1865 Memorial 103/240
No 1
YOUNG, John Lorenzo gentleman Parkside, died 1881. He left his entire estate to his wife, Martha Paynter Young, absolutely Memorial 111/336
YOUNG, John Lorenzo schoolmaster Adelaide died. His widow, Martha Paynter Young, formerly of Pare Behan Veryan near Grampound, Cornwall, England, but then of Adelaide, died c1887. She left her husband's and her estates in the care of FW BULLOCK agent Adelaide Memorial 199/511
YOUNG, Martha Paynter widow formerly of Pare Behan in the parish of Veryan, Cornwall, England, but then of Moseley St, Glenelg, died 6/4/1887. Her trustees included Oliver Young gentleman of Parc Behan Memorial 235/386
YOUNG, John Richard gentleman Adelaide 1883[-1888] Memorial 161/349
No 1
YOUNG, John Thomas tobacco manufacturer Adelaide 1839 laid out the village of Clifton on Section 290 Survey B. Application 6712.
YOUNG, John Thomas tobacco manufacturer Franklin St, Adelaide 1839. He laid out the village of Clifton on Section 290 Survey B Application 26765.
YOUNG, John Thomas tobacco manufacturer North Tce, Adelaide 1850 Memorial 194/22
YOUNG, John Thomas gentleman formerly of Sydney NSW, then of North Tce, Adelaide died c1851. His estate at Bantry, Ireland, in trust for his son, John Young, aged 12 years old, until he reached 21. If the son died under 21, the estate to go to the daughter, Kate Young. Trustees - Francis HAIZE schoolmaster Adelaide (Angas St), and Thomas Young COTTER surgeon Adelaide (Gawler Place) 1851 Memorial 434/36
YOUNG, John Thomas snuff and tobacco manufacturer formerly of Sydney but then of North Tce, Adelaide, died 24/1/1851 of dysentery, aged 46. Executors and trustees Francis HAIRE schoolmaster Angas St Adelaide, and Thomas Young COTTER surgeon Gawler Place, Adelaide. JT Young’s leasehold estate at Bantry, Ireland (which he inherited from his father Thomas Young) to remain in trust for his son, John YOUNG until he turned 21 (12 years old in 1851). The property to go to his daughter Kate, if John died before he turned 21. Any other estate to JT Young’s wife, Margaret Young, absolutely. Application 8578.
YOUNG, Margaret relict of John Thomas Young tobacco manufacturer Adelaide (North Tce) 1851 Memorial 152/37
YOUNG, Joseph licensed victualler Old Spot Hotel Gawler 1865 Memorial 242/205
No 1
YOUNG, Leonard Edwin blacksmith Paskeville. Paskeville (Hundred of Kulpara) township allotment land grant 1906[-1909] Grant Book 14 Page 199 County Daly
YOUNG, Leonard Edwin machinist Paskeville. Paskeville (Hundred of Kulpara) township allotment land grant 1912 Grant Book 14 Page 201 County Daly
YOUNG, Margaret spinster Naracoorte. Hundred of Naracoorte land grant 1876 Grant Book 50 Page 108 County Robe
YOUNG, Maryanne widow Pt Gawler 1860 Memorial 249/168
YOUNG, Mary Ann widow Pt Gawler 1868 Memorial 108/236
YOUNG, Mary Ann widow Maaoope. Hundred of Killanoola land grant 1884 Grant Book 50 Page 155 County Robe
YOUNG, Matthew Esquire Sydney NSW had an interest in real estate at Aberdeen near Kooringa 1852 Memorial 229/81
YOUNG, Mildred widow Burnside 1881[-1884] Memorial 91/332
YOUNG, Oliver farmer Yankalilla Hundred of Melville land grant 1883 Grant Book 19 Page 85 County Fergusson
YOUNG, RB clerk to Richard HICKS solicitor Adelaide 1853 Memorial 242/57
YOUNG, Reginald James Stanley hotelkeeper Balhannah and Kathleen Fanny Young his wife 1961 Memorial 105/533
No 1
YOUNG, Robert of Stephens Place, Adelaide 1845 Memorial 276/5
No 2
YOUNG, Robert plasterer Norwood 1855[-1856] Memorial 59/88
No 3
YOUNG, Robert farmer near Pt Wakefield Co Gawler. Hundred of Goyder land grant 1880 Grant Book 56 Page 412 County Stanley
YOUNG, Robert farmer Nantawarra near Pt Wakefield 1881 Memorial 224/330
YOUNG, Robert John storekeeper Gulnare purchased land in the Meadows Special Survey 1883[-1884] Memorial 123/356
No 1 - probably the same person
YOUNG, Robert Scott gentleman Adelaide 1887 Memorial 239/383
YOUNG, Robert Scott Bank of Adelaide Superintendent Adelaide 1920 Application 26935.
YOUNG, Robert William electrician Robe 1947 Application 28515
No 1
YOUNG, Samuel in SA by August 1847 when he purchased land at Cowandilla Memorial 398/20
YOUNG, Samuel general dealer Adelaide 1849[-1861] Memorial 496/15
YOUNG, Samuel broker Adelaide 1850 Memorial 398/20
YOUNG, Samuel ironmonger Adelaide 1866 Memorial 125/219
No 2
YOUNG, Samuel farmer Penwortham 1867 Memorial 197/220
YOUNG, Samuel farmer near Penwortham, died 6/9/1869 intestate. Letters of administration to his wife, Caroline Young, to settle the estate 1871 Memorial 142/254
YOUNG, Samuel Percy no description linked with Section 115 Hundred of Fox Co Robe 1889 Memorial 206/396
YOUNG, SWB agent Pekina 1884 Memorial 191/358
No 1 - probably the Elder
YOUNG, Thomas farmer Happy Valley near Hurtle Vale 1849 Memorial 240/14
YOUNG, Thomas formerly farmer but now storekeeper Happy Valley near Hurtle Vale 1851 Application 29784.
YOUNG, Thomas storekeeper Happy Valley 1851[-1855] He laid out a sub-division on Section 1048 at Happy Valley 1855 Memorial 463/31
YOUNG, Thomas farmer Clarendon 1855 Memorial 267/89
YOUNG, Thomas storekeeper O'Halloran Hill 1857 Memorial 132/122
YOUNG, Thomas Esquire MP O'Halloran Hill 1857 Memorial 22/131
YOUNG, Thomas farmer O'Halloran Hill 1858 Memorial 10/146
YOUNG, Thomas wine grower O'Halloran Hill, became a bankrupt in 1864 Memorial 296/195
No 2 - probably the Elder; a continuation of No 1
YOUNG, Thomas gentleman Blinman. Blinman (Hundred of Carr) township allotment land grant 1868 Grant Book 66 Page 163a County Taunton
YOUNG, Thomas clerk of the local court Blinman 1868 Memorial 38/232
YOUNG, Thomas clerk of the local court Blinman. Blinman (Hundred of Carr) township allotment land grant 1868 Grant Book 66 Page 164 County Taunton
YOUNG, Thomas general agent Blinman 1875 Memorial 190/283
No 3 - the Younger
YOUNG, Thomas merchant's clerk Pt Augusta 1866 Memorial 28/218
YOUNG, Thomas the Younger draper Pt Augusta. Trustee Institute Pt Augusta Hundred of Davenport land grant 1873 Grant Book 23 Page 43 County Frome
YOUNG, Thomas storekeeper Pt Augusta 1876 Application 15333
YOUNG, Thomas merchant Pt Augusta 1881 Memorial 75/333
YOUNG, Thomas the Younger merchant Pt Augusta 1881 Memorial 127/333, Application 18700
No 4
YOUNG, Thomas farmer Morphett Vale 1851[-1854] Memorial 25/31
YOUNG, Thomas storekeeper Morphett Vale 1858 Memorial 59/196
No 5
YOUNG, Thomas carter Brompton 1854 Memorial 306/71
YOUNG, Thomas brickmaker Brompton 1856 Memorial 392/100
No 6
YOUNG, Thomas mail contractor Kooringa 1882 Memorial 238/340
YOUNG, Thomas of Aberdeen 1883 Application 20019.
YOUNG, Thomas storekeeper Aberdeen 1884 Memorial 100/358
YOUNG, Thomas out of business Kooringa and Lydia Mary Young his wife 1894 Memorial 246/420
YOUNG, Thomas formerly mail contractor and storekeeper Kooringa and Aberdeen, but now out of business Tyabb Vic 1913. Husband of Lydia Mary Young. Their daughter, Elizabeth Selina Young spinster, lived in Adelaide Application 26209.
No 7
YOUNG, Thomas of Ardrossan 1887[-1893] Memorial 147/383
YOUNG, Thomas labourer Langhorne Creek 1907 Memorial 44/458
YOUNG, Thomas Frederick labourer Milang 1918 Memorial 137/477
No 1
YOUNG, Walter Henry gentleman Kingston. Rosetown (Hundred of Lacepede) township allotment land grant 1877 Grant Book 29 Page 219 County MacDonnell
YOUNG, Walter Henry gentleman Robe 1880 Application 18128
YOUNG, Walter James general manager Elder, Smith & Co Ltd Adelaide bought Spring Vale near Mt Pleasant from George Phillis's widow, Susannah Caroline Phillis, for £1,253 1921 Memorial 122/482
YOUNG, WA of South Hummocks 1878 Memorial 95/308
No 1
YOUNG, WH clerk Kingston S-E 1876 Memorial 236/290
YOUNG, Wilbraham Harley stockowner Macumba Station 1880 Memorial 112/320
YOUNG, Wilbraham Harley sheep farmer Andamooka 1881 Memorial 190/334
YOUNG, Wilbraham Harley Esquire sheep farmer Adelaide 1882 [In pastoral partnership with William GILBERT and Edward Francis BELT; formed in 1879 and dissolved 1882] Memorials 170/345, 54/348, 205/414
No 1
YOUNG, William storekeeper Kooringa 1851[-1866] Memorial 53/34
No 2
YOUNG, William labourer Walkerville 1854 Memorial 311/61
YOUNG, WIlliam yeoman Upper Walkerville 1871 Memorial 103/252
No 3
YOUNG, William yeoman Pt Wakefield 1856 Memorial 167/98
YOUNG, William licensed victualler Pt Wakefield bought William Freeman CAMPION's lease of the Wallaroo Inn at Pt Wakefield for £99 1864 Memorial 112/195
YOUNG, William innkeeper Pt Wakefield 1867[-1872] Memorial 153/227
YOUNG, William gentleman Kooringa purchased an assigned lease for the Miner's Arms Hotel, Kooringa from Thomas RICHARDSON for £1,000 1883 Memorial 123/354
YOUNG, William hotelkeeper Miner's Arms Hotel, Market Square Kooringa 1883 Memorials 123 & 124/354
No 4
YOUNG, William sawyer Hamilton on the Light 1858 Memorial 183/138
YOUNG, William farmer Hamilton on the Light 1859 Memorial 58/149
YOUNG, William sawyer Melrose 1862 Application 27406.
YOUNG, William sawyer New Melrose 1864 Application 5720.
No 5
YOUNG, William of Rapid Bay 1861 Memorial 177/179
No 6
YOUNG, William labourer Mt Gambier 1872 Memorial 84/259
No 7
YOUNG, William gentleman Edithburgh. Edithburgh township allotment land grant 1872 Grant Book 19 Page 488 County Fergusson
No 8
YOUNG, William of Crystal Brook. Hundred of Crystal Brook land grant 1879 Grant Book 60 Page 230 County Victoria
No 9
YOUNG, William farmer Hundred of Yalpara Co Dalhousie 1885 Memorial 159/368
No 10
YOUNG, William farmer Baldina. Hundred of Baldina land grant 1900 Grant Book 9 Page 14 County Burra
No 11
YOUNG, William quarry proprietor Mt Barker Road, Glen Osmond 1914 Memorial 60/471
YOUNG, William Alexander farmer Alford.Trustee Primitive Methodist Chapel prob at Alford 1887 Grant Book 15 Page 2 County Daly
YOUNG, William Denis Manager of the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd at Adelaide 1927 and attorney for the bank in SA Application 27622
YOUNG, William Ebenezer storekeeper Morphett Vale 1849[-1851] Memorial 316/18
YOUNG, William John teacher Hindmarsh 1884 Memorial 226/360
No 1
YOUNG, William Pym Captain in HM Army Adelaide 1850 Memorial 409/22
YOUNG, William Pym Captain in HM Army Adelaide, about to leave the province, power of attorney to William Henry MATURIN Esquire Adelaide, to manage his SA business affairs 10/4/1851 Deposit 136/OA
YOUNG, William Pym Esquire formerly of Adelaide but now in parts beyond the sea 1851 Memorial 286/39
YOUNG, William Pym Captain in HM Army formerly of Adelaide but now of New Zealand 1852 Memorial 408/40
YOUNG, William Pym Esquire formerly of Adelaide but now of Wellington New Zealand. Sir Henry Young Governor of SA was his attorney for his SA business interests 1852 Memorial 163/45
No 1
YOUNGHUSBAND, Edwin Esquire Adelaide 1848 Memorial 46/13
YOUNGHUSBAND, Edwin Esquire formerly of Adelaide but now of Liverpool, Lancs, England 1850 Memorial 347/24
YOUNGHUSBAND, Edwin Esquire again of Adelaide by 1858 Memorial 316/145
No 1
YOUNGHUSBAND, William Esquire, of Whitehaven, Co Cumberland, England, but at present remaining at Adelaide 1842[-1843] Memorial 30/2
YOUNGHUSBAND, William merchant Adelaide, died 5/5/1863 Rome, Italy, on the Continent of Europe. Executors - Samuel TOMKINSON Esquire and Randolph Isham STOW solicitor Adelaide. Income for his daughter, Louisa Younghusband, during her minority. £100 for his wife, Louisa Cecilia Younghusband, within one month after his decease ‘to supply her immediate occasion’, and also her jewels and trinkets of person, household furniture, goods and chattles etc, in his homes at North Adelaide and Goolwa, and wherever else he may own a house. £500 a year to his wife for life, out of his invested money and leased property held as a trust estate. Half share of his pastoral properties and £1,200 to his nephew, Thomas ILBERY. Half the income of the testator’s residual estate to his daughters, Eliza and Louisa Younghusband, for life. £500 to his natural daughter, Violet COONEY, now residing with her mother Sarah Morton Cooney, in Adelaide, and a further sum of £500 for my other natural daughter Amelia CAVANAGH, now residing with and in the care of Amelia SCANTLEBURY in Adelaide. Both girls would inherit the money absolutely when they turned 21 Deposit 66/1865
YOUNGMAN, Albert Edward of Peterborough, died 17/2/1929. Executor - Samuel Daniel JONES secretary Peterborough 1930 Grant Book 13 Page 240 County Dalhousie
YOYMOUR, AW auctioneer Mt Gambier 1900 Memorial 20/441
Names Beginning 'Z*'
No 1
ZABELL, Friedrich Wilhelm gentleman Rundle St, Adelaide 1850 Application 15983
ZABELL, Friedrich Wilhelm Esquire Adelaide 1850 Memorial 218/25
ZABELL, Friedrich Wilhelm Esquire Mitcham 1851[-1853] Memorial 113/35
ZABELL, Friedrich Wilhelm gentleman Brownhill Creek 1852 Memorial 427/44
ZABELL, Friedrich Wilhelm gentleman pt Section 234 Unley Road, Lower Mitcham 1852. Enrolment
ZABELL, Frederick William Esquire Lower Mitcham 1853[-1854] Memorial 3753/76
ZACHER, Carl August Julius linked with Section 91 Hundred of Schomburgk Co Burra 1886 Memorial 133/377
ZACHER, Johann Carl farmer Nuriootpa Co Light. Hundred of Dalkey land grant 1885 Grant Book 26 Page 245 County Gawler
ZACHER, Wilhelm farmer near Hahndorf. Member St John German Protestant Church Hahndorf 1859 Memorial 301/153
ZADOW, Alfred Leopold farmer Mannum Co Sturt. Parilla (Hundred of Parilla) township allotment land grant 1911 Grant Book 12 Page 114 County Chandos
No 1
ZADOW, August Gotthard farmer Hundred of Nildottie Co Albert 1887 Memorial 186/383
ZADOW, August Gotthard farmer Punyelroo near Swan Reach 1897 Memorial 136/433
ZADOW, August Gotthard farmer Hundred of Nildottie. Hundred of Nildottie land grant 1898 Grant Book 3 Page 4 County Albert
No 1
ZADOW, Friedrich farmer Hundred of Tungkillo. Hundred of Tungkillo land grant 1868 Grant Book 58 Page 312 County Sturt
ZADOW, Friedrich farmer Palmer. Hundred of Tungkillo land grant 1872 Grant Book 58 Page 313 County Sturt
No 1
ZADOW, Friedrich Wilhelm farmer Blanchetown Co Eyre. Trustee Murbko cemetery 1906 Grant Book 3 Page 128 County Albert
ZADOW, Friedrich Wilhelm farmer Blanchetown, aged 66 in 1936, declared that he had lived in Blanchetown for 41 years Application 28045
No 1
ZADOW, Gottfried Wilhelm farmer Western Sources of the Torrens1855 Memorial 233/92
ZADOW, Gottfried Wilhelm farmer Blumberg Co Adelaide. Hundred of Bagot land grant 1874 Grant Book 17 Page 230 County Eyre
ZADOW, HA clerk of the North Rhine District Council 1903 Memorial 221/449
ZADOW, Heinrich Benjamin farmer Bakara. Trustee Nildottie Hospital 1912 Grant Book 3 Page 5 County Albert
No 1
ZADOW, Johann farmer Blumberg 1857 Memorial 315/124
ZADOW, Johann farmer near Palmer. Hundred of Finniss land grant 1878 Grant Book 58 Page 35 County Sturt
No 2
ZADOW, Johann labourer Sedan and Emilie Zadow his wife. Hundred of Finniss land grant 1886 Grant Book 58 Page 42 County Sturt
No 1
ZADOW, Johann Ludwig farmer Blumberg purchased Section 37 Hundred of Tungkillo 1857 Memorial 340/122
ZADOW, Johann Ludwig farmer Milendella. Hundred of Finniss land grant 1888[-1891] Grant Book 58 Page 43 County Sturt
ZADOW, Ludwig farmer Palmer 1905 Memorial 48/454
ZADOW, Ludwig farmer Palmer, died 11/10/1912, of 1 year's rheumatism and 3 months' heart disease, aged 82. Born in Siedlitz, Posen, Germany. In SA 65 years. Married at 27. 5/4/2/2. Father of G Zadow of Palmer Memorial 197/468
ZADOW, Ludwig farmer Palmer, died 11/10/1912. His estate worth £3,530. His wife, Johanne Rosine Zadow nee SCHAEPE, inherited his estate. His son, Ludwig Wilhelm Zadow teacher Sedan, to be an executor 1913 Application 26245
ZADOW, Johanne Rosine widow Palmer relict of the late Ludwig Zadow formerly farmer Palmer but now deceased. Probably parents of Ludwig Wilhelm Zadow teacher Sedan 1913 Memorial 199/468
ZADOW, Johann Theodor and Theodor Oscar farmers Bakara. Trustees Evangelical Lutheran Church Bakara 1908 Grant Book 3 Page 72 County Albert
No 1
ZADOW, Johann Wilhelm farmer Palmer Co Sturt. Hundred of Burdett land grant 1880 Grant Book 54 Page 62c County Russell
ZADOW, Johann Wilhelm farmer Mannum Co Sturt. Parilla (Hundred of Parilla) township allotment land grant 1911 Grant Book 12 Page 115 County Chandos
ZADOW, Julius farmer Forster. Hundred of Forster land grant 1902 Grant Book 3 Page 29 County Albert
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Alfred blacksmith South Shields 1912 Application 26118
No 1
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm farmer Hundred of Baldina 1885 Memorial 67/370
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm brickmaker Orroroo. Hundred of Walloway land grant 1927 Grant Book 13 Page 232 County Dalhousie
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Gustav Adolph farmer near Orroroo 1893 Memorial 28/418
No 1
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Johann August farmer Walloway 1887 Memorial 193/383
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Johann August farmer near Orroroo 1893 Memorial 186/418
No 1
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Johann Friedrich brickmaker Greenock 1862[-1871 Application 3316
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Johann Friedrich brickmaker Brunskilltown 1866 Application 7347
ZAENKER/ZANKER/ZÄNKER, Johann Friedrich farmer and brickmaker Greenock Creek 1900 Application 24022.
ZAN, John farmer Gawler 1853[-1858] Memorial 72/50
ZBIERSKI, Michael labourer Barossa Gold Fields. Hundred of Barossa land grant 1903 Grant Book 2 Page 51 County Adelaide
ZBIERSKI, Valentin farmer near Lyndoch Valley 1860 Application 1808
ZEIHN, Carl Friedrich farmer Light Pass 1855 Memorial 232/85
ZEISING, Carl Joseph butcher Pt Augusta 1890 Memorial 19/406
No 1
ZEITZ, Ernst farmer The Bremer 1858[-1859] Memorial 161/147
No 2 - perhaps a continuation of No 1
ZEITZ, Ernst Carl August farmer Reedbeds 1874 Application 13669
ZEITZ, Ernst farmer Queenstown 1879 Application 17287. 444 444
ZEITZ, Ernst storeman Queenstown 1900 Memorial 210/440
ZEITZ, Ernst gentleman Queenstown Alberton Wesleyan Methodist Chapel trustee 1900 Application 24042
No 1
ZEITZ, Herbert William of Queeenstown and Sarah Ann Zeitz his wife 1911 Application 25968
ZEITZ, Sarah Ann widow 79 Queen St, Alberton, aged 83 in 1952, declared that she had lived at her current address for over 40 years Application 28898
ZELLING, Howard Edgar solicitor Adelaide 1944, declared that he was carrying on the practice of Oscar Cedric ISAACHSEN and Charles Hat BRIGHT solicitors Adelaide who were both on war service Application 28362
ZENK/ZENCK, August farmer Tanunda 1850[-1854] Memorial 73/25
ZENNER, Adolph Moritz Julius painter Lobethal 1853 Memorial 311/46
ZENNER, August Wilhelm licensed victualler Kapunda 1869 Memorial 13/242
ZEPPER, Gottlieb farmer Duckponds near Angaston 1858 Memorial 103/147
No 1
ZERBST, Daniel farmer Lyndoch Valley 1853 Memorial 390/49
ZERBST, Daniel farmer Hundred of Nuriootpa 1853[-1856] Memorial 292/57
ZERBST, Daniel farmer formerly of Lyndoch Valley but now of Schönborn Hundred of Nuriootpa 1858 Memorial 215/135
ZERBST, Daniel farmer Schönborn 1858 Memorial 343/141
No 1
ZERK, Christian farmer Lyndoch Valley 1853 Memorial 113/59
ZERK, Christian farmer Sandy Creek 1854 Memorial 44/71
ZERK, Christian farmer North Para 1854 Memorial 335/75
ZERK, Christian farmer North Para Hundred of Barossa 1856 Memorial 323/104
ZERK, Christian farmer Rosenthal 1868[-1875] Memorial 250/230
ZERK, Ernst August Heinrich farmer Hoyleton. Hundred of Hall land grant 1893 Grant Book 56 Page 224 County Stanley
ZERK, Harold Alfred motor driver Pt Lincoln 1932 Memorial 130/505
ZERK, Joachim farmer Lyndoch Valley 1857 Memorial 317/118
ZERK, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm farmer near Hoyleton. Trustee unnamed School Hundred of Hall. Hundred of Hall land grant 1890 Grant Book 56 Page 224 County Stanley
ZERK, Johann Heinrich Martin painter Adelaide 1853 Memorial 330/59
ZERK, Paul Friedrich Wilhelm farmer and grazier Lock 1943 Memorial 41/517
No 1
ZERNA, Christian farmer Waterloo 1862 Application 2898
ZERNA, Christian and Friedrich farmers Friedrichswalde 1886 Application 20840
No 1
ZERNER, Matthias the Younger farmer near Hamilton on the Light 1866 Memorial 19/209
ZERNER, Matthias the Younger farmer Hundred of Gilbert Co Light 1866 Memorial 20/209
No 1 – likely to be the same person
ZESCH, Friedrich Adolph and Juliane Friedericke Luise Zesch his wife. Some link, perhaps family, with Gotthilf Leberecht Hartmann BLUMNER 1854 Application 28628
ZESCH, Adolph farmer Hahndorf. Member St John German Protestant Church Hahndorf 1859 Memorial 301/153
ZESCHE, [perhaps AET or more likely FA] of Melbourne Vic, owned allotments in Hahndorf 1867 Application 8245
ZESCHE, [perhaps AET or more likely FA] owned allotments in Hahndorf c1880s. ‘a Mr Zesche used to live in Hahndorf; that he was a basketmaker; that I believe he was of German extraction and that he left SA and returned to Germany about 80 years ago.’ Edwin Collins of Hahndorf statement 1973 Application 29847
No 1
ZEUNER, August Wilhelm licensed victualler formerly of Kapunda but now of Melbourne Vic and Ann Annie Zeuner his wife 1872[-1876] Memorial 41/263
ZEUNER, Annie widow Hindmarsh St, Glenelg 1932 Application 27878.
ZEUNER, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm farmer Rowlands Flat 1854[-1863] Memorials 40/72 & 274/190
ZEUNERT, Bernhard Alfred farmer Littlehampton 1922[-1924] Memorial 120/486
ZEUNERT, Christian farmer Mt Torrens 1856 Memorial 225/110
ZEUNERT, Johann Carl Friedrich butcher Bethanien 1888[-1890] Memorial 126/390
No 1
ZEINERT/ZEUNERT, George farmer Lyndoch Valley 1851 Memorial 146/31
ZEUNERT, Johann George farmer Lyndoch Valley 1854[-1864] Memorial 153/75, Application 5602
ZEUNERT, Johann Georg farmer near Lyndoch Valley 1864
ZEUNERT, Johann Georg farmer Lyndoch Valley Co Adelaide. Hundred of Monarto land grant 1868 Grant Book 58 Page 127 County Sturt
ZEUNERT, Johann Georg farmer Monarto. Hundred of Monarto land grant 1881 Grant Book 58 Page 125 County Sturt
ZIBELL, Philipp Paul carpenter Eudunda Hundred of Neales land grant 1897 Grant Book 17 Page 202 County Eyre
ZIEBARTH, Johann Eduard farmer Troubridge Hundred of Melville land grant 1879 Grant Book 19 Page 83 County Fergusson
ZIEBARTH, Michael farmer Springton Hundred of Melville land grant 1878 Grant Book 19 Page 81 County Fergusson
No 1
ZIEBUHR, Peter labourer Blumberg 1851 Memorial 97/79
ZIEBUHR, Peter [formerly labourer Blumberg but then] yeoman North Adelaide, died 11/9/1851. He left his entire estate to his wife, Maria Wilhelmine Ziebuhr formerly Maria Wilhelmine MANDEL absolutely Memorials 97/79,157/82
ZIEBUHR, Maria of North Adelaide 1854[-1861] Memorial 140/174
No 1 - probably the same person
ZIEGLER, Carl licensed victualler Adelaide (Horse & Jockey Pt TA 447 Carrington St) purchased a 7-year lease at 30/- a week from George REYNARD licensed victualler Adelaide 1849 Memorial 248/4
ZIEGLER, Carl musician Adelaide 1851[-1854] Memorial 113/37 141/369
ZIEGLER, Elisabeth farmer Hundred of King Co Burra 1885 Memorial 141/369
No 1
ZIEGLER, Oskar of Adelaide 1863 Memorial 302/188
ZIEGLER, Oskar gentleman Adelaide 1869 Memorial 111/243
No 1
ZIEGLER, Oscar agent Adelaide 1871 Application 11729.
ZIEGLER, Oskar agent Adelaide 1882 Application 19444
ZIEGLER, O agent Adelaide 1878 Memorial 99/308
ZIEGLER, Oskar Friedrich Theodor commission agent Adelaide 1885 Memorial 88/368
No 1
ZIEGLER, Richard provision dealer Adelaide (Rundle St) 1875 Memorial 104/281
ZIEGLER, Richard provision dealer Adelaide Co Adelaide. Halbury (Hundred of Hall) township allotment land grant 1875 Grant Book 56 Page 385 County Stanley
ZIEGLER, Richard of Adelaide and Emma Ziegler his wife 1881 Memorial 119/336
ZIEGLER, Emma of Norwood 1893 Memorial 114/417
ZIEM, Carl Ludwig Friedrich engineer Pt Wakefield 1901 Application 24144
ZIERK, Johann Heinrich Martin Adelaide (Pt TA 214 Auckland St) 1850[-1853] Memorial 280/21
ZIERSCH, Johann Carl farmer near Eudunda Hundred of English land grant 1890 Grant Book 17 Page 172 County Eyre
No 1
ZIESING, Carl Joseph butcher near Pt Augusta 1886[-1890] Memorial 51/373
ZIESING, Carl Joseph butcher Pt Augusta. Hundred of Davenport land grant 1897 Grant Book 24 Page 670 County Frome
No 1 - probably the same person
ZILM, Carl Friedrich farmer Pinda 1892 Memorial 238/415
ZILM, Carl Friedrich farmer Eurelia 1900 Memorial 83/441
ZILM, EH farmer South Hummocks 1900 Memorial 183/447
ZILM, Johann Christian farmer Section 127 Hundred of Nuriootpa 1860 Memorial 177/168
No 1
ZILM, Johann Gottlob farmer Hahndorf 1853[-1858] Memorial 83/60
ZILM, Johann Gottlob farmer Hahndorf 1855 Hundred of Moorooroo land grant Memorial 452/84
ZILM, Johann Gottlieb farmer South Hummocks 1891 Memorial 53/410
ZILSTON, Daniel stock inspector Serviceton Vic and Elizabeth Auguste Teresa Zilston his wife 1917 Memorial 139/475
ZIMMERMANN, August Heinrich Tscheschlock stationer and newsagent Sea Lake Vic 1911 Application 25986
No 1
ZIMMERMANN, Carl Adolph carpenter Rowlands Flat Co Adelaide. Jamestown (Hundred of Belalie) township allotment land grant 1873 Grant Book 60 Page 136 County Victoria
ZIMMERMANN, Carl Adolph builder Jamestown Co Victoria. Hawker (Hundred of Wonoka) township allotment land grant 1880 Grant Book 5 Page 4 County Blachford
No 1
ZIMMERMANN, F of Portland Co Normanby 1857 Memorial 295/123
ZIMMERMANN, Franz tailor Penola 1861 Memorial 177/178
ZIMMERMANN, Friedrich August farmer Lyndoch 1894 Memorial 31/422
ZIMMERMANN, Hermine Mathilde widow near Palmer [Mrs Wilhelm Zimmermann nee Hermine Mathilde KALLESKE] Hundred of Finniss land grant 1880 Grant Book 58 Page 37 County Sturt
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Claus farmer Gawler Plains 1850[-1857] Memorial 56/25
Farmer Section 3168 Hundred of Munno Para 1850 Memorial 432/26
Hundred of North Rhine land purchase 1855 Memorial 400/87
No 1
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Daniel farmer Section 5200 Hundred of Onkaparinga 1851 Memorial 244/34
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Daniel farmer Lobethal 1854 linked with Friedrich Zimmermann farmer Lobethal Memorial 2/64
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Daniel farmer Lobethal 1854 linked with Johann Ferdinand Zimmermann farmer Lobethal Memorial 188/65
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Daniel farmer near Lobethal, died 1873. Husband of Maria Dorothea Zimmermann nee LAUBSCH Memorial 3/269
ZIMMERMANN, Johannes farmer near Wilmington, had died by 1905. Executors – Johann Friedrich August Zimmermann, Franz Richard Zimmermann and Wilhelm Heinrich Zimmermann farmers Spring Creek Grant Book 23 Page 110 County Frome
No 1
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Ferdinand farmer Lobethal 1854 Memorial 188/65
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Ferdinand farmer formerly of Lobethal 1854 but now of Lyndoch Valley 1873. Linked with Friedrich Wilhelm Zimmermann farmer Palmer and Mrs Maria Dorothea Zimmermann widow Lobethal Application 13066.
No 1
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich farmer Hahndorf purchased Sections 278, 279 & 295 Hundred of Nuriootpa 1852[-1854] Memorial 370/40, 259/70
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich gardener Hahndorf 1853[-1854] Memorial 39/57
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich farmer [formerly of Hahndorf but now of] near Greenock 1857 Memorial 332/129
No 2
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich of Monarto 1885 Memorial 75/365
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich teacher Monarto 1888 Memorial 226/389
No 1 - probably the same person
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich August farmer Lyndoch 1894 Memorial 31/422
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Friedrich August farmer Hundred of Barossa 1903 Memorial 168/448
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Heinrich farmer Monarto 1885 Memorial 75/365
ZIMMERMANN, Paul Ferdinand farmer Lyndoch 1906 Application 25099
ZIMMERMANN, Paul Hermann storekeeper Swan Reach. Mercunda (Hundred of Bakara) township allotment land grant 1916 Grant Book 3 Page 271 County Albert
ZIMMERMANN, Ulrich farmer near Morgan North-West Bend Murray River 1893 Memorial 71/416
ZIMMERMANN, Wilhelm farmer Peachey Belt 1854[-1856] Memorial 316/77
ZIMMLER, Carl Theodor Friedrich chemist and druggist Adelaide (Hindley St) leased a shop abutting east to Coppin's Hotel, with the right 'of using the well at the back of the said hotel in the occupation of the said George Coppin and also the privy for the time being belonging to the same hotel …' for 4 years 5 months and 29 days for £100 a year from the merchant Henry Noltenius in 1850. Zimmler was in partnership with Nicholas Friedrich KRONK. The partners assigned the lease in 1851 Memorial 426/23
ZINIMER, Hermann carpenter Tanunda 1883 Application 19724
No 1 – Friedrich August Zippel
ZIPPEL, August farmer Mayurra. Trustee unnamed School. Hundred of Mayurra land grant 1875 Grant Book 31 Page 231 County Grey
ZIPPEL, Friedrich August farmer Mt Gambier. Hundred of Mayurra land grant 1884 Grant Book 31 Page 231 County Grey
ZIPPEL, August farmer Millicent. Hundred of Mt Muirhead land grant 1894 Grant Book 31 Page 204 County Grey
No 1
ZOBEL, Carl Friedrich farmer Langmeil 1854 Memorial 261/67
ZOBEL, Carl labourer Greenock 1860 Memorial 50/165
ZOBEL, Carl Friedrich farmer Greenock 1861 Memorial 72/176
ZOBEL, Carl Friedrich carpenter Greenock 1865 Application 5919.
ZOBEL, Carl Friedrich carpenter Greenock 1867 Memorial 202/221
ZOBEL, Heinrich Traugott farm labourer Wilmington. Hundred of Gregory land grant 1901 Grant Book 23 Page 104 County Frome
No 1
ZOBEL, Julius farmer Dalkey. Hundred of Dalkey land grant 1878 Grant Book 26 Page 223 County Gawler
ZOBEL, Julius farmer Hundred of Bundey 1886 Memorial 133/377
No 1 - probably the same person
ZOELLNER/ZOLLNER/ZÖLLNER, Johannes Carl farmer Pt Gawler linked with Wilhelm Gottlieb Zoellner farmer Gawler River 1867[-1870] Memorial 46/221
ZOELLNER/ZOLLNER/ZÖLLNER, Johann Carl farmer of the Light 1873[-1880] Memorial 196/271
No 1
ZOELLNER, Gottlieb of Adelaide 1850 Memorial 101/25
ZOELLNER/ZOLLNER/ZÖLLNER, Wilhelm Gottlieb farmer Gawler River 1854[-1855] Memorial 460/78
ZOELLNER/ZOLLNER/ZÖLLNER, Hermann farmer Pt Gawler. Hundred of Dublin land grant 1878 Grant Book 26 Page 341 County Gawler
ZOELLNER/ZOLLNER/ZÖLLNER, John Charles farmer Lower Light. Hundred of Dublin land grant 1882 Grant Book 26 Page 349 County Gawler
No 1
ZOEWE/ZOWE/ZÖWE, Alfred Rudolph builder Rose St, Mile End 1916. Born at Lobethal on 18/7/1871 Memorial 93/474
ZOEWE/ZOWE/ZÖWE, Alfred Rudolph formerly builder Rose St, Mile End but now out of business Sydney NSW 1922 Memorial 105/485
ZORROW, Richard Eales gentleman North Adelaide, died 13/7/1862 aged 72 years Application 26556
ZSCHORN, Arnold David customs officer Pt Adelaide and Mary Olive Zschorn his wife and Herbert Zschorn insurance clerk Adelaide changed their surname of Zschorn to FURZE 1921 Memorial 157/482
ZSCHORN, Frederick Leonard bootmaker Kent Town changed his name to Frederick Leonard SHORNE 1921 Memorial 93/482
ZSCHORN, Gottlieb bootmaker Adelaide 1852[-1865] Memorials 170/44, 135/208
No 1
ZSCHORN, Paul storekeeper Sedan 1880 Memorial 176/326
ZSCHORN, Paul Wilhelm storekeeper Sedan 1884 Memorial 233/358
ZSCHORN, Paul JP storekeeper Sedan 1886 Memorial 212/373
ZUCHELT, Johann Carl Gustav gardener Wirrabara. Zion Lutheran Church trustee 1929 Memorial 88/502
ZUCHELT, Theodor labourer Appila Yarrowie, had died by 1911. Executrix – Dorothea Elisabeth Zuchelt widow Wirrabara Grant Book 23 Page 69 County Frome
ZUCHER, Gottlob farmer Lyndoch Valley 1865 Memorial 246/203
ZUCHT, Gottfried farmer Blumberg 1858[-1860] Memorial 49/141
ZWAR, Johann farmer Belvidere 1855 Memorial 28/93
No 1
ZWAR, Johann Traugott of Appila 1887 Memorial 120/384
ZWAR, Johann Traugott farmer Appila 1893 Memorial 62/420
No 1
ZWAR, Peter of St Kitts Co Light. Hundred of Appila land grant 1880 Grant Book 24 Page 502 County Frome
ZWAR, Peter of Appila Yarrowie 1895[-1901] Memorial 140/426
No 1
ZWECK, Hermann farmer Sheaoak Log 1891 Memorial 234/410
ZWECK, Carl Hermann farmer Sheaoak Log 1897[-1903] Memorial 167/430, Application 24552
ZWECK, Friedrich Wilhelm farmer Lyndoch Valley 1854 Memorial 174/72
ZWECK, Heinrich farmer Blyth 1892[-1898] Memorial 192/434
No 1
ZWILCHENBART, Rodolph and Emanuel merchants and co-partners with James SEARIGHT Cape Town Cape of Good Hope trading under the style or firm of James Searight & Co 1842 Memorial 245/2
ZWILCHENBART, Rodolph and Emanuel merchants formerly of Cape Town Cape of Good Hope, but now of Liverpool, Lancs, England 1852 Memorial 391/39