Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 9:30am at The Academy
1. Present
E Aliffe, T Finnis, W Williams, R Grivell, M Brook, H Gallasch, A Haines, B Mouatt, J Germano, J & A Buchan, M Hasler
2. Apologies
M & J Kentish, W Williams
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 14 June 2017
Moved Harold, 2nd Margaret, minutes accepted.
4. Business Arising
Jean discussed the River Road Planning submission, which was removed from the DAP agenda by the developer and not supported by Council planning. Shared key points from planner’s submission including the impact on vehicle movement, visual amenity, and operating hours. Follow up emails to Nathan Franklin. The developer may re-submit his planning application. We can only monitor. Wait and see.
5. Correspondence In/Out
Emails OAM congratulations letters Luke Gray, Maddie Dobbin, Nathan Franklin, Council planners
Thank you to Mark and Kelly re VV
6. Subcommittees 2016/2017
6.1 Master Plan - Jean & Jeff met with Luke Gray and Maddie Dobbin. Neighbourhood plan program underway. Phase 1 Investigate, 2 Formal consultation, 3 Review, 4 Finalize, staged implementation 2018-2018 (10 to 20 years). Key themes, 1) Main Street 2) Access, movement and car parking 3) Stormwater 4) Open space and Community 5) Heritage, Character and Identity. Jeff and I reviewed a map of Hahndorf, discussed flooding, and traffic flow. Council will not take on heavy vehicles, not in their capability to find a solution. Sent Resident’s Win submission to Maddie and suggested she consider discussing signage options with the DPTI. Jean suggests that when Malcolm returns, subcommittee meets with Rebekah Sharkie to discuss a way forward. Rebekah needs to be on board to attract federal infrastructure money, as does new State rep (after election), and the Mayor. Malcolm’s subcommittee to draft letter to Rebekah. Action Malcolm Luke cited Balls Hill interchange as a successful infrastructure program. Comments from Committee members included children marching and protesting heavy vehicles, risk at Pine Avenue where it meets the Main Street, and intersection of Balhannah Road and Main Street. Council is aware of traffic problems and is formulating idea’s to address parking and general traffic.
Flood mapping and a stormwater management plan are underway (engineering firm Tonkin’s has been hired), to address and prevent flooding. Council does not have an easement on any of the creeks in Hahndorf. You are responsible for the creek running through your back yard, Actions need to be within NRM guidelines. We discussed holding a public meeting for interested parties.
Playground on Church Street near bowling club was also discussed under Open Space and Community. I again requested that planners speak to Lyndell Davidge (the Academy, National Trust) in regard to Heritage issues, before formulating idea’s for public consultation.
Contacted by The Advertiser, regarding new State government initiative announced in the budget, ‘Fund My Neighbourhood’, $40 million, giving community groups the opportunity to nominate and choose neighbourhood improvement projects. Checked out the website and put us on the mailing list. Possible funding for a neighbourhood plan project.
6.2 Parking/Heavy Vehicles - No report
6.3 Creek Precinct - No report
6.4 Marketing - No report
6.5 Events - Ann reports on Quiz night. 48 people booked. Did really well with prizes. Eric would like 100 people. Keep moving tickets. Posters up. Tuesday meeting (25 July) to finalize jobs for the night. Remembrance Day, bugler had letter, MC letter written. Infrastructure ready. Letter written to Mayor. AGM, basic framework, need to meet after Quiz night. Ann checking on St. Michael’s booking. Action Ann
6.6 Village Voice - Wendy going to Darwin. Will work on VV there. AGM artwork on front page. Include master plan article.
7. Reports
7.1 Financial Report - Closing balance $2684. Peoples Choice Lottery finished. Russell moved acceptance, Mike seconded.
7.2 Nixon’s Mill - Signage underway. Jim’s seat, lovely position, Reflection seat. Letter in Courier. Should be ready by end of August. 90% complete on QR codes. Discussing millstones with St. Michaels. Russell says 100 to 1 will see them at the Church. Vandals will get to them at the Mill. Up to St. Michael’s. Ann B points out no disabled access.
7.3 Entrance Statement - No report
7.4 Council Matters - No report
7.5 Planning/Heritage - No report.
7.6 Digital Progress Facebook/Wiki - 74 members on Facebook. More posting from others in group.
8. General Business
8.1 Peoples Credit Union Lottery - As above
9. Other Business
John discusses Stobie poles on Auricht, between Pine Ave and Hahndorf House. Written to Council. Tony says they negotiating with neighbours to widen bridge.
Margaret brings up potholes at entrance of Carl Nitschke carpark, needs re-grating or paving. Put on next agenda. Action Jean
Meeting Closed 10:45
Next meeting Wednesday 9:30am 9 August 2017 Supper Room, The Institute