Hahndorf Community Association Inc.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday December 11th 2013 at 9.30am
in the Hahndorf Institute.
R Harcourt, A Haines, G Vort-Ronald, J Fowles, E Aliffe, J Bettcher, M Brook, T Finnis, M Hasler, W WIlliams, J Buchan, P Houston.
R Grivell, H Gallasch.
3.Minutes of Previous Meeting November 13th 2013.
Add M Brook to those present. Correct G Vort-Ronald.
Minutes confirmed as correct M Brook, J Bettcher.
4.Business Arising
i. Pioneer Memorial Gardens progress. Toilet under construction, fits into landscape. Design of oval garden will fit into appropriate space once old toilets are removed. Comment that standard of toilets in town is vastly improved thanks to Eric's 'toilet team'.
ii.Motel development application. Jeff spoke with John Ashcroft [ architect] regarding a walking trail being included along the creek edge. Positive response. Comment that a Hahndorf walking trail is needed and which could link up with Amy Gillett bike track, and/or the proposed Littlehampton trail. Project for 2014 partnered with HBTA.
iii. Distillery Application. Sale is subject to successful application by distillery developer.
iv.Mount Barker Development Plan 2013. Full copy of plan tabled. Recommendation that members read the particular section to Hahndorf, if not all document, its perspective to Hahndorf Heritage Preservation. Discuss next meeting. Book a meeting with Simon Cout to raise any matters / concerns and omissions for protection within the Plan. Copy relevant sections Action Jean. Sub committee- Jean, Jim, Eric,Margaret,Wendy.
5. Correspondence
In DCMB Advice regarding outcome of Representation Review. North Ward elected members remain at 4. Boundary remains, plus Paechtown area.
Invitation from 175th Committee to assemble a group to attend the Gala Dinner January 31 Acknowledgement of letter to Employer of Remembrance Day bugler. Lester Francis
6. Reports
a. Financial - no movement.
b.Heritage protection - Nixon Mill progress on preservation. Eric/Jim negotiating with Andrew Gottzheim [ DCMB]. John B preparing a survey for Andrew. National Trust of Hahndorf and Mt Barker collaborating , Peramangk elders wish to be involved. Jim spoke of the conflict between 2 tribes reported at time of settlement. It hoped that the project will be finished as part of Celebrations during 2014.
c. Council - Jeff listed a number of Council developments and applications. Those affecting Hahndorf include..
* motel application -54 units
* Beerenberg factory extension .
* Darley Rd distillery application
* of interest in Mt Barker an application to develop open land behind Woolworths. Company named Masters- home appliances Ikea style.
d. Beautification -general checking pots, remind traders, gather broken glass and paper.
Small gardens are quietly evolving along Main St. Roundabout at Onkaparinga untidy. This is a DTI responsibility, therefore letter to be sent to relevant authority. Action Gail.
Footpath to Beerenberg non existent. Discussion. Jeff to ensure this remains on Budget 2014/15 discussion. Intersection of Heysen Rd and Ambleside Rd similar.[The Cedars]
e. Heavy Transport - Subcommittee to set a date of meeting late January with Council for discussion on a Risk Assessment. Action Rick, Phil. Bruce
f. 175th Celebrations - Calendar in all Village Voices. 2 events in January. Captain Hahn arrival January 15th at 10.00am. Gala Dinner at Old Mill January 31st. HCA members invited to assist with infrastructure and morning tea on Jan 15th . Horses, riders, costumed persons, and a small "theater' re enactment of Captain Hahn 's requirements for his settlers on the Academy lawns Morning tea. Please publicise. January 31st. HCA make up a table. Try for 10-12 people.$40.00 person with music and dinner and dancing Black tie or lounge suit.
g.Village Voice - Query as to appropriateness of A4 inserts. Editorial decision to be made on this advertising as covers of the costs. Most cost is absorbed by editors in phone, email,paper and time -which is considerable. Action Wendy, Ann, Gail, Jeremy.
7. Any Other Business
1. John reported that the new toilet location will fit onto the corner of the eclipsed garden, so will not interrupt the view through to playground once old toilet block is removed. Congratulations to John on his particular and well designed plan.
2. Bus stop opposite chemist. Of concern to proprietor.Discussion as to merit of new locations unanimously positive. This decision was a Transport Authority decision due to need for a disability access, and to access/line of sight for CFS. HCA brief is to work for the amenity of life in Hahndorf.
3. Note the Bom Canvasses now hanging on walls. Over 100 years old.
Meeting Closed 11.00 Morning tea at home of Gail and Paul. Thank you.
Next Meeting February
NB Anyone who is available from HCA to help with set up/pulldown on Jan 15th 8.15 am- please contact Ann . All groups need to lend a hand or two!
DO plan to attend the dinner The raffle will be a good reason to be there! Contact Ann