Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 at 9.30am in the Institute Supper Room
Harold Gallasch, Russell Grivell, Eric Aliffe, Tony Finnis, John Buchan, Ann Haines, Margaret Brook, Jim Fowles, Jeff Bettcher, Rick Harcourt, Sheila Bettcher, Wendy Williams, Terry Hall
Rob Lang.
Captain of the Hahndorf CFS, Mr Terry Hall, addressed meeting re new bus stop with proposed bus shelter location outside of the CFS Station. He stated that this location blocked vision in both directions when exiting the Fire Station. Gradient from the footpath to the road was also an issue. (Group visited the site after the meeting ended).
Minutes of Previous Meeting (11 April 2012):
Approved as a true and correct record of proceedings.
1. Business Arising:
1.1 Improved Lighting for darker areas of Main Street, Hahndorf
Nothing to report. Wayne Dunningham from Council is on leave.
1.2 Upgrade for the Hahnwiki
Upgrade progressing. Secretary’s name to be changed to Sheila Bettcher.
Action: Tony Finnis/Rick Harcourt
1.3 Pioneer Memorial Gardens Upgrade
Slower than expected. Playground to be completed by 30 June 2012.
1.4 Heavy Traffic Issues and speed limit of 40kms through Main Street of Hahndorf
Traffic Management Plan incorporated into 2012/2013 Council Budget. Involvement/consultation during process is a necessity.
1.5 Pine Avenue/Main Street Intersection
No pedestrian crossing possible here.
1.6 Hahndorf Waterways
Survey of Hahndorf Creek funded and completed by NRM and Doug Allen advised. Possible Council action awaited on willow clearance.
Undergrowth at town entry on Onkaparinga River has been poisoned by Council. To be cleared after poison takes effect.
1.7 Follow up on Accidents Reported in Main Street, Hahndorf
One near miss reported.
2. Correspondence:
Copy of the letter sent to DPTI (Brian Clancy) for our information.
Application submitted by Secretary, Sheila Bettcher, to the Council Events Group for $2,500 toward official opening costs of revamped Pioneer Memorial Garden.
Action: Sheila Bettcher
3. Reports:
3.1 Chairman’s Report:
New Rules drafted by Tony Finnis need to be approved before ratification at the A.G.M. A small group comprising Eric Aliffe, Russell Grivell and Tony Finnis to approve rules which include cheque signing, membership, goals, use of seal, etc.
3.2 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer presented his report to the meeting showing cash at approximately $3,000.
4. Any Other Business
4.1 A copy of a letter sent by Harold Gallasch to Council was tabled. Heritage issues and rate rebates to heritage buildings was discussed.
Consultation as to development on the horizon was mentioned. A meeting to discuss heritage issues to be held at Jim and Pauline Fowles’ home at 7.30pm on 25 May 2012. Harold, Jim, Eric, Rick, Wendy, Jeff, Sheila and Ann to attend.
Harold to write article for the Village Voice on these issues.
4.2 The need to reinforce Hahndorf’s Dry Zone was raised by Ann Haines. Rick Harcourt to follow up.
Action: Rick Harcourt
Thanks was expressed to Beerenberg and Ann Haines for the value of the blue plaques particularly to tourists.
4.4 The meeting to be held by Council in the Institute Meeting Room on Wednesday, 16 May from 7.00pm to 9.00pm to discuss Hahndorf’s needs in open space, public realm and community facilities was announced.
4.5 The Hahndorf Sculpture will be erected for commission around September 2012.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 9.30am on Wednesday, 13 June, 2012 in the Hahndorf Institute Supper Room.
The meeting closed at 11.00am