Early Ownership of Allotments in Hahndorf |
Records for the purchase of land in South Australia are located in either the General Registry Office (Old Lands Title Office) on Marion Road at Netley or at the Lands Title Office in Grenfell St. In 1858, the Real Property Act was passed for a system, known as Torrens Title whereby a copy of the certificate of title was given to the land holder and the second copy was retained by the Registrar General of Deeds. This meant the transfer of land ownership (ie conveyance) was made by registration and certification rather than deed. Records prior to 1858 for land transactions are found at the General Registry Office. Records after 1858 are held at the Lands Title Office. |
The following Hahndorf allotment data was extracted from Reg Butler's unpublished computer files as at 2007. For more up-to-date and extensive information, please access the Hahndorf Allotments Data Base computer located at The Kaffeehaus, 51 Main Street, Hahndorf. [ Original Allotments (Northern side Main Street) ] [ Subsequent Allotments (Southern side Main Street) ] |
Subsequent Allotments - Located on Southern Side of Main Street, Hahndorf
At a government land auction held 1 December 1849, Joseph Remfrey, mining superintendent, SA Company mines, Kanmantoo bought Sections 4233 and 4234 and Wilhelm Wittwer, miller, Hahndorf, bought Section 4235 Hundred of Kuitpo, these Sections being adjacent to the Great Eastern Road, opposite the township of Hahndorf. JF 'Rentschener' Paech also bought land, but organised no subdivision. Wittwer laid out 9 allotments, which are allotments 1-9. Remfrey laid out another set of allotments, which later were realigned and re-numbered to follow the Wittwer numbers.
Wilhelm Wittwer Subdivision - Section 4235
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1858 LTO title - value #120. Area 17 acres
1858 Carl Faehrmann joiner Hahndorf
1896 C Faehrmann died. Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf, executor.
1896 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, widow of C Faehrmann, inherited
1914 E Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, died intestate.
1915 Berthold Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1946 Robert Oswald Kuchel farmer Hahndorf
1951 Alec Johnston farmer Mt Barker
1971 A Johnston divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 109 MAIN ST
1971 Thelma Johnston, wife of Alec Johnston farmer Hahndorf
3805/191 current title
Sub-lot 2 107 MAIN ST
1971 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf & Erna, nee Clark, his wife
3805/192 current title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title. Area 29 acres
1886 F Thiele died. Anna Thiele, nee Schmidt, widow of F Thiele, had a life interest in the property; 2 sons & 7 daughters to receive equal share afterwards. Daughter Mrs Wilhelm Greve, nee Martha Thiele, to receive #100 in cash within 6 months of her father's death.
1896 LTO title. L von Doussa placed the property under the provisions of the RPA for the Thiele family.
1907 A Thiele, nee Schmidt, widow of F Thiele, died
1908 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler blacksmith Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf
1949 C Faehrmann divided the Lot into 6 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 99 MAIN ST
1949 Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf
1960 Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf & Margaret, nee Fleming, his wife
1962 C & M Faehrmann divided this Sub-lot into a further Sub-lot. See Sub-lot 7
1962 Kevin Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf
3800/101 current title
Sub-lot 2 99A MAIN ST
1949 Kevin Faehrmann builder Hahndorf
2056/162 current title
Sub-lot 3 101 MAIN ST
1951 Brian Braendler builder Hahndorf
2136/22 current title
Sub-lot 4 103 MAIN ST
1950 Gordon Plain plasterer Hahndorf
1966 Gordon Plain plasterer Hahndorf & Agnes, nee Wallace, his wife
1978 Brian Penniment manager Hahndorf & Heather, nee Plain, his wife
1981 G Plain died
3000/129 current title
Sub-lot 5 105 MAIN ST
1952 George Sanders
1953 William Faehrmann builder Hahndorf
2299/141 current title
Sub-lot 6 105 MAIN ST
1953 William Faehrmann plasterer Hahndorf
2147/126 current title
Sub-lot 7 (no direct access to a road)
1962 William Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf & Patricia, nee Williams, his wife
4173/823-824 Metric titles
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1854 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title. Area with allotment SH 4 17 acres.
1863 LTO title
1877 Wilhelm Boehm farmer Barunga
1880 Maria Jaensch, nee Klenke, widow of Christian Jaensch
1880 Maria Pade, nee Jaensch, widow of August Pade Senr wheelwright Hahndorf
1917 M Pade died. Alfred Brauer Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf & Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, executors.
1919 Emma Williams, nee Pade, widow of John Williams mason Beverley
1923 Arthur Williams labourer Hahndorf
1966 Raymond Williams builder's labourer Hahndorf
3805/117 current title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1854 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf #22/11/6 – GRO title
1854 C Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 MAIN ST - western part
1854 Gottlob Paech labourer Hahndorf
1855 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf #40
Sub-lot 2 MAIN ST - eastern part
1854 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf #8
CF Herzog re-united the land under one title.
1861 LTO title - value #300
1872 Robert Alexander Weiss tailor Hahndorf
1874 Heinrich Sonnemann jam manufacturer Hahndorf
1917 H Sonnemann died. Otto Sonnemann baker Petersburg & Ernest Williams commercial traveller Hahndorf, executors.
1918 Anna Sonnemann, nee Jahns, widow of H Sonnemann
1919 Herbert Wittwer labourer Hahndorf
1933 Dora Wittwer, nee Mueller, wife of H Wittwer
3800/162 current title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer – GRO title
1886 F Thiele died. Anna Thiele, nee Schmidt, widow of F Thiele, had a life interest in the property; 2 sons & 7 daughters to receive equal share afterwards. Daughter Mrs Wilhelm Greve, nee Martha Thiele, to receive #100 in cash within 6 months of her father's death.
1896 LTO title. L von Doussa placed the property under the provisions of the RPA for the Thiele family.
1907 A Thiele, nee Schmidt, widow of F Thiele, died
1908 Martha Greve, nee Thiele, wife of Wilhelm Greve labourer Hahndorf
1917 Anna Greve spinster Hahndorf
1951 Friedrich Schubert gardener Hahndorf
1957 William Sanders butcher Queenstown & Norah, his wife
1971 Hereford Downs Pty Ltd Stirling
1971 Part of the Lot taken to form Hereford Ave
1974 The Hereford Ave sub-division of Deposited Plan 9790 consisting of 14 Sub-lots.
4012/899-919 Metric titles
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf – GRO title
1855 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf, brother to F Thiele
1896 A Thiele died. Luise Thiele, nee Thiele, widow of A Thiele, life interest in land.
1907 L Thiele died. C Bom monumental mason Hahndorf, executor.
1908 LTO title.
1908 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf. A & L Thiele's youngest son, Oswald 'JO' Thiele.
1958 Keith Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1978 K Thiele divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 MAIN ST
1978 Keith Thiele labourer Hahndorf
3799/143 current title
Sub-lot 2 off-street
1978 George Nancarrow & Joan, his wife
4129/461 Metric title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
W Wittwer kept this allotment on which to build his two-storeyed home. Area 5 acres.
1904 W Wittwer died. Wilhelm, August & Heinrich Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons of FW Wittwer, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1906 LTO title
1911 Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne & James Downing grazier Nairne, as tenants-in-common
1913 Wilhelm Jaensch butcher Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1947 Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & William von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker
1947 Herbert Jaensch saddler Prospect & Carl Jaensch clergyman Swan Hill Vic
1953 Martin O'Malley driller Hahndorf & Ivy, his wife
1967 Gay von Doussa spinster Hahndorf
3799/13 current title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1861 LTO title. - value 22/11/6. Area 4.5 acres.
1861 Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf
1861 Maria Pade, nee Jaensch, wife of August Pade wheelwright Hahndorf
1870 Hermann Ising rented part of the Lot for 7 years
1917 M Pade died. Alfred Brauer Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf & Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, executors.
1933 Hilda Newbery, nee Williams, wife of Henry Ernest Newbery chemist Wallaroo
1975 H Newbery died
1976 Elizabeth Hill, nee Newbery, married woman Hawthorndene, Donald Newbery pharmacist Kadina, John Newbery pharmacist Netherby, as tenants-in-common
1976 Paul Edwards high school teacher Mt Torrens & Michele, nee Newbery, his wife
1980 Harold Gallasch store proprietor Hahndorf & Neriba, his wife
4166/14 Metric title
1849 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf land grant
1853 Erdmann Jaensch butcher Hahndorf
1854 Christian Ludwig Bath butcher Norwood
1863 LTO title
1863 Carl Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1871 C Rodert divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 77 MAIN ST
1878 August Meyer gentleman Littlehampton
1881 August Meyer storekeeper Hahndorf & Isaac Jeanes storekeeper Hahndorf
1882 August Meyer storekeeper Hahndorf
1883 John Rounsevell farmer Littlehampton
1885 J Rounsevell died. Jesse Wigzell gentleman Littlehampton, executor.
1886 Julius Temme storekeeper Hahndorf
1912 Leslie Hill gardener Grunthal
1952 L Hill died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Howard Hill bootmaker Hahndorf, executors.
1955 Joan Bernhardt, nee Hill, wife of Gordon Bernhardt District Council overseer Hahndorf
1975 Harold Gallasch agronomist Glen Osmond & Neriba, his wife
4044/2 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 79 MAIN ST
1871 Carl Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1883 Wilhelm Thiele Senr farmer Hahndorf
1896 Gustav Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1917 G Thiele died intestate. Pauline Thiele, nee Liebelt, widow of G Thiele, inherited.
1927 Bernhard Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1963 Bernhard Thiele labourer Hahndorf & Hermine, nee Spoehr, his wife
1968 B Thiele divided his part Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 3)
1975 Easement to the Minister of Works
4048/137 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 no direct main road access
1968 Beverley Gaze married woman Hahndorf, wife of John Gaze insurance agent Hahndorf
4088/280 Metric title
Joseph Remfrey Subdivision - Sections 4233 and 4234
Hermann Kook laid out the original plan of Hahndorf in early 1839, on the northern side of the present main street. He allowed only for farm houses and unfenced cultivation strips. Some farmers soon turned their homes into shops, but not enough buildings became available in the main street for everyone who wanted to start a business.
In the late 1840s, Government surveyors completed the survey of scrubland which came right down from the hills to the other side of the main road. No doubt, Hahndorf people had collected firewood and building timber from the bushland since 1839, and used clearings to graze animals.
On 1 December 1849, the Government put this land on the southern side of Hahndorf's main street up for auction. Joseph Remfrey, the manager of the South Australian Company mines at Kanmantoo, bought property which stretched back into the hills from where the Pioneer Memorial Gardens are now, eastward to the point where Auricht Road enters the main street. He laid out twenty-two building blocks facing directly onto the main road. Remfrey also made a similar number of farm allotments of varying sizes - a few very large - available directly behind. A road separated the main street blocks from the farming allotments.
The new main street blocks sold very quickly, particularly near the two hotels and the main street-Echunga road corner. Farm allotments higher up in the hills took longer. In fact, J Remfrey did not sell his last land until 1868. After 1853, he was anxious for cash. The South Australian Company closed its Kanmantoo mines, blaming Remfrey for spending too much money above his profits from the sale of copper ore. Captain Remfrey retired to Woodside, where he opened a general store and supported the Wesleyan Methodist Church. His wife, the former Miss Savage, was a sister-in-law to Robert Correll, whose racehorse, Tormentor, won the first Oakbank Great Eastern Steeplechase in 1876, two years after Remfrey's death.
A certain Robert Hunt arrived in Hahndorf during the early 1850s. He had emigrated from England to South Australia aboard the ‘Winchester’ in 1838. Hunt had the money to buy nearly one-third of Remfrey's main street allotments, as well as a row of farm blocks rising straight back up the hills behind. Good fortune smiled! FR Hunt married the recently-widowed landlady of the German Arms Hotel and took over the premises for her. Following her unexpected death, he married again and arranged with his new brother-in-law, Thomas Ide, to manage the inn for him, while he developed an extensive vineyard on his hilly farmland. Mr Hunt's second wife came from amongst Hahndorf's German population and the Hunt children grew up bi-lingual.
As the years passed, R Hunt became very powerful in Hahndorf. In 1864, he shifted the German Arms from its original 1839 site on the northern side of Hahndorf's main street and on one of his own allotments erected the substantial new building seen today. Hunt joined the Echunga District Council and served for some time as Chairman. During 1868, he sold the German Arms, no doubt investing some of this profit in his local gold and silver mine speculations, which failed to prosper wildly. FR Hunt died suddenly in 1879.
Christian Jaensch, one of Hahndorf's founders, had celebrated his eleventh birthday shortly before embarking on the 'Zebra' for South Australia in 1838. During 1853, he bought one of Remfrey's main street allotment for a butcher shop on what is now the Pioneer Gardens and a farm block on the Echunga road as holding yards for his cattle. Three years later, Dr Landvoigt left Hahndorf and Jaensch bought his spacious corner main street allotment just down from his own Echunga road land. C Jaensch erected a large house with attached butcher shop and erected slaughter yards behind. The Jaensch family operated as butchers from here until into the twentieth century.
Somewhat older than Christian Jaensch, Christian Thiele had grown up in the same village in Prussia and married a widow with two children just before emigrating in 1838. Early in the 1850s, Thiele bought one of Remfrey's main street allotments between the Echunga and Paechtown roads and some three farm blocks behind, just across the back dividing road. Christian Thiele himself went to live on large farm holdings between Hahndorf and Echunga, while he settled his youngest son, August, on the farm property within Hahndorf's township limits.
[Above Extracted from Reg Butler's 'From Mangoldwurzels to Metropolis' School Pupils Walking Tour]
ALLOTMENT part SH 10 (Former blocks 1, 51, 52, 53) - 71 MAIN ST; 73 MAIN ST; 75 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
Block 1 71 MAIN ST; 73 MAIN ST; 75 MAIN ST
1850 George Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1855 George Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1872 G Haebich died. Maria Haebich, nee Wuttke, widow of G Haebich, life interest
1882 M Haebich died. Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf, Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf, James Gates farmer Bremer, executors.
August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf, to receive the property, so long as he pays his 2 brothers and 4 sisters #40 each. Family - Gottlieb Haebich blacksmith Yatina; Johann Haebich blacksmith Yorketown; Wilhelmine Wenzel, wife of Wilhelm Wenzel labourer Kensington; Charlotte Luenert, wife of Robert Luenert labourer Hahndorf; Maria Kramm, wife of Arnold Kramm mason Hahndorf. Deceased - Caroline Kramm, 1st wife of Arnold Kramm.
1886 LTO title
1936 August Haebich died. Wilhelm Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf & Alfred Miller storekeeper Hahndorf, executors.
1936 W Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf, inherited.
1941 W Haebich divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 75 MAIN ST (house)
1941 W Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1946 Berthold Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1972 B Haebich died. Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of Victor Nitschke farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1972 John Storey retired Balhannah
1671/180 current title
Sub-lot 2 71 & 73 MAIN ST (blacksmith shop & soap shop)
1941 W Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1958 Berthold Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1968 Trevor Jacob & Margaret, nee Luke, his wife - a year lease
1972 B Haebich died
1972 B Haebich died. Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of Victor Nitschke farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1972 John Storey retired Balhannah
1982 John Storey business proprietor Hahndorf, Catherine Storey, nee Smeaton, his wife & Clare Ferguson, nee Smeaton
1982 J & C Storey & C Ferguson divided the Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 4)
4205/625 Metric title
1941 Herbert Wittwer fodder merchant Hahndorf
1963 Barry Seifert machinist Hahndorf
1971 Part of the land taken to form the South-Eastern Freeway
1979 B Seifert divided the remainder of this part Lot into 2 further Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 5 & 6
4148/947 Metric title FP 2272
Sub-lot 4 4 HAEBICH LANE
1982 John Storey business proprietor Hahndorf, Catherine Storey, nee Smeaton, his wife, & Clare Ferguson, nee Smeaton
4205/626 Metric title
Sub-lot 5 18 JOHNS LANE
1979 Robyn Goodwin & Ann, his wife
4148/945 Metric title
Sub-lot 6 16 JOHNS LANE
1979 John Vitkovsky & Warren Foster
4148/946 Metric title
It is likely that these two people sub-divided this portion to become Nos 3-5 Hunt Rd.
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1877 James Gates farmer Callington
1893 Gottlob Jaensch farmer & butcher Hahndorf
1898 G Jaensch died. Wilhelm Jaensch farmer Murray Bridge & Gottfried Neumann teacher Murray Bridge, executors.
1899 Wilhelm Jaensch farmer Murray Bridge
1936 W Jaensch died
1937 George Jaensch farmer Tailem Bend
1937 District Council of Mt Barker, for the formation of the Pioneer Memorial Gardents
521/119 current title
Blocks 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 HAEBICHS LANE; HUNT RD; JOHNS LANE
1853 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1888 Gustav Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1917 G Thiele died intestate. Pauline Thiele, nee Liebelt, widow of G Thiele, inherited.
1927 Bernhard Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1968 Beverley Gaze Hahndorf, wife of John Gaze insurance agent Hahndorf
1971 Part of the land taken to form Haebich Lane and widen Johns Lane
1971 B Gaze divided part of the land into 5 Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 1-5.
1972 B Gaze divided part of the land into 3 Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 6-8.
1974 Sub-lot 1 3 HAEBICHS LANE
1972 Rolf Sherwin accountant Glebe NSW
1972 Rolf Sherwin accountant Glebe NSW
1973 Mary Sherwin widow Hahndorf
1975 Rolf Sherwin chartered accountant Darwin
1976 Dallas Daniels police cadet Crafers
3796/126 current title
Sub-lot 3 4 JOHNS LANE
1971 John Kaesler fitter & turner Hahndorf
3796/127 current title
Sub-lot 4 6 JOHNS LANE
1972 Reg Fiora contractor Mt Barker
1972 John Nitschke boring contractor Hahndorf & Lynn, nee Tessyman, his wife
1973 Mary Sherwin widow Hahndorf
1973 Richard Simpson insurance officer Glen Osmond
1973 Maxwell Cutting farmer Kenton Valley & Doris, his wife
3796/128 current title
Sub-lot 5 8 JOHNS LANE
1976 Francis Illingworth manager Hahndorf
3796/129 current title
Apparently, F Illingworth sub-divided again to form 10 JOHNS LANE; 12 JOHNS LANE
Sub-lot 6 2 HUNT RD
4195/837 Metric title
Sub-lot 7 4 HUNT RD
4915/836 Metric title
Sub-lot 8 6 HUNT RD
4915/835 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 11 (Former Block 3) - 69 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf #10
1859 LTO title
1864 R Hunt built the German Arms Hotel on the site
1868 Benjamin Nash tailor Adelaide
1876 Thomas Skermer gentleman Lower Mitcham
1891 T Skermer died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Queenstown, executors.
1892 Jane Scott, widow of George Scott mariner Queenstown & former widow of Richard Evans ship's captain Queenstown, a life interest in the Lot & the German Arms. She was the mother of the executors & very likely a Skermer, sister to Thomas Skermer, the owner recently deceased.
1900 J Scott, nee Skermer (?) died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Pt Adelaide, executors.
1906 Ellen Bennett, nee Helmore, wife of Frederick Bennett hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1915 E Bennett, nee Helmore died. Percy Bennett licensed victualler Crafers & George Bennett clerk Adelaide, executors.
1921 H Pike & Co brewers Oakbank
1974 Tarfield Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4023/165 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 12 (Former Block 4) - 67 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1851 Wilhelm Wedemeyer storekeeper Hahndorf
1851 Wedemeyer borrowed #100 from GE Hamilton, gentleman, Coromandel Valley at 20% for three years.
1852 Robert Hunt #130. Hamilton had foreclosed on Wedemeyer and sold the property, 'together with the messnage or dwelling house and store lately erected and built thereon'.
1858 A von Doussa Senr gentleman Hahndorf leased the land for 7 years
1859 LTO title
1868 Benjamin Nash gentleman Adelaide
1868 Thomas Ide publican German Arms Hotel Hahndorf leased the rear portion of the land from B Nash.
1876 Thomas Skermer gentleman Lower Mitcham
1881 T Skermer divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 67 MAIN ST
1881 Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal
1882 Albert & Hermann Storch tanners Grunthal
1886 Right-of-way for the Storch brothers given between the German Arms Hotel and their home.
1927 Hermann Storch tanner Verdun alone
1939 H Storch died. Wilhelm Storch postmaster Glenunga & Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, executors.
1940 Adeline, Clara & Louise Storch spinsters Verdun
1947 Adeline Storch died
1967 The ANZ Banking Group
1976 Tarfield Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide bought the right-of-way
4089/999 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 no direct main street access
1881 T Skermer gentleman Lower Mitcham
1891 T Skermer died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Queenstown, executors.
1892 Jane Scott, widow of George Scott mariner Queenstown & former widow of Richard Evans ship's captain Queenstown, a life interest in the Lot & the German Arms. She was the mother of the executors & very likely a Skermer, sister to Thomas Skermer, the owner recently deceased.
1900 J Scott, nee Skermer (?) died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Pt Adelaide, executors.
1906 Ellen Bennett, nee Helmore, wife of Frederick Bennett hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1915 E Bennett, nee Helmore died. Percy Bennett licensed victualler Crafers & George Bennett clerk Adelaide, executors.
1921 H Pike & Co brewers Oakbank
1974 Tarfield Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4089/999 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 13 (Former block 5a) - 63 MAIN ST; 65 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1850 Gottfried Riebe farmer Hahndorf #24/10/-
1855 Leopold Fleck baker Lobethal. Riebe, now a storekeeper
1856 Gottfried Dolling farmer Hahndorf. Fleck apparently moved back to Lobethal to establish the Rising Sun Hotel. Dolling most likely rented the premises to Heinrich Sonnemann to continue operating the bakery.
1860 Alfred von Doussa Senr storekeeper Hahndorf #300. He apparently took over a #120 mortgage, which Dolling had take out with the Hahndorf Land & Building Society
1860 LTO title
1883 Christian Baumann storekeeper Hahndorf
1905 Johanne Schroeder, nee Temme, widow of Albert Schroeder farmer Rebensberg
1936 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, wife of Alfred Miller storekeeper Hahndorf
1972 A Miller died. Ella Schroeder, nee Miller, wife of Wilhelm Schroeder Prospect
1976 Gerardus van Kaathoven carpenter ? & Mary, his wife
1978 Kan & Karen Chi-Chung Foong restaurant proprietors Adelaide
4128/686 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 14 (Former block 5b) - No direct main street access - part of the German Arms yard
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1852 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1868 Benjamin Nash tailor Adelaide
1876 Thomas Skermer gentleman Lower Mitcham
1891 T Skermer died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Queenstown, executors.
1892 Jane Scott, widow of George Scott mariner Queenstown & former widow of Richard Evans ship's captain Queenstown, a life interest in the Lot & the German Arms. She was the mother of the executors & very likely a Skermer, sister to Thomas Skermer, the owner recently deceased.
1900 J Scott, nee Skermer (?) died. Richard Evans mercantile clerk Findon & William Evans tinsmith Pt Adelaide, executors.
1906 Ellen Bennett, nee Helmore, wife of Frederick Bennett hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1915 E Bennett, nee Helmore died. Percy Bennett licensed victualler Crafers & George Bennett clerk Adelaide, executors.
1921 H Pike & Co brewers Oakbank
1974 Tarfield Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4023/165 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 15 (Former block 6) - 61 MAIN ST; 5 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1852 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1885 A Hunt widow Hahndorf, inherited the property.
1889 Louis von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker
1909 Johanne Schroeder, nee Temme, widow of Albert Schroeder farmer Rebensberg
1936 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, wife of Alfred Miller storekeeper Hahndorf, right-of-way to her home on Lot 14
1936 Alma Gallasch, nee Schroeder, wife of Renatus Gallasch gardener Hahndorf
1950 A Gallasch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-Lot 1 61 MAIN ST
1950 A Gallasch married woman Hahndorf
1964 Alma Kaesler, formerly Gallasch, nee Schroeder & Martin Kaesler retired engineer Hahndorf
1977 Robin Duffield manager Hahndorf
1984 John Paech storekeeper Hahndorf & Kathleen, nee Hutson, his wife & Lorna Paech, nee Grivell, widow of Darcy Paech
2706/181 current title
Sub-lot 2 5 AURICHT RD
1950 John Thiele seaman Hahndorf
1952 Patrick McLean painter & docker Ferrydon Pk & Ethel, his wife
1957 Ronald Carter bus driver Charleston
1949 Alma Gallasch, nee Schroeder, right-of-way
1963 Laurence Morris carpenter Hahndorf
1964 Bernard Collins storekeeper Hahndorf & Ethel, his wife
1978 Lawrence Walton land agent Hutt St Adelaide
1982 Keith Graetz farmer Hahndorf
4210/146 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 16 (Former block 7) - 59 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1852 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1877 Council of Education - with the intention of building the new Hahndorf Public School on the site
1893 Heinrich Sonnemann baker Hahndorf, Douglas Byard teacher Hahndorf, Carl Bom marble mason Hahndorf, Alfred von Doussa agent Hahndorf, Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf, trustees Hahndorf Institute
1938 Ewald Kaesler engineer, Albert Liebelt labourer, Alfred Mueller farmer, Gustav Nitschke farmer, all of Hahndorf, as trustees for the Hahndorf Institute, 'filed with the Registrar of Companies under the provisions of the Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery & Institute Act of 1936'
1957 Mortgage with the Savings Bank of SA to build a new Institute
1966 Mortgage repaid
1988 District Council of Mt Barker, under Section 105 Libraries & Institutes Act 1939
401/7 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 17 (Former block 8) - 57 MAIN ST; 57A MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1852 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1877 The SA Council of Education - intended as the site for Hahndorf's new Public School
1882 HM Queen Victoria - as the site for the new Hahndorf Post Office
1956 The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia
4314/65 & 66 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT SH 18 (Former blocks 9 & 10) - 53 MAIN ST; 55 MAIN ST; 7 AURICHT RD; 9 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Wilhelm Habich farmer Hahndorf
1893 W Habich died. Louise Habich, nee Schulz, widow of W Habich, inherited.
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor
1901 August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, eldest son of W Habich.
1901 LTO title
1912 National Clothing Manufacturing Co Ltd James Place Adelaide
1936 The National Clothing Manufacturing Co Ltd James Place Adelaide divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 55 MAIN ST
1936 Dorothea Wittwer home duties Hahndorf
1966 John Mollenhof shopkeeper Bridgewater & Marie, his wife
1970 George Sayers driver Hahndorf & Hendricka, his wife
1972 Ian Harvey share farmer Hahndorf & Elizabeth, his wife
1973 Rosslyn Holmes interior decorator Stirling
1973 Susan Tam 'Alfoxton' Aldgate
1981 Robert Ewen retired Hahndorf
1983 Carl Garber antique dealer Lake South NSW
4299/245 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 53 MAIN ST
1952 Nita Zadow, nee Harding, wife of Jack Zadow draper Hahndorf
1973 Nita Zadow, nee Harding, married woman Hahndorf & Jack Zadow draper Hahndorf, her husband
1981 Louise Krotofil home duties Hahndorf
1988 William Buckley retired welder Hahndorf & Mona, his wife
2201/180 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 19 (Former block 11) - 51 MAIN ST; 11 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Wilhelm Habich farmer Hahndorf
1858 Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech farmer Hahndorf
1861 August Christoph storekeeper Hahndorf
1861 Mortgage for #200 to Jas English, gentleman, Adelaide, at 12.5% interest
1864 Mortgage repaid. Christoph took out another mortgage for £200 with Alfred Spence, Adelaide, at 10%
1864 LTO title
1893 John Meredith esq 'of parts beyond the sea', Cheltenham, Glos, England
1897 J Meredith died. Bayfield Moulden solicitor Adelaide & Arthur Bonney civil servant Kensington. executors. A Bonney was a son of Chas Bonney, the stock overlander. A Bonney married Alice Meredith, a niece of J Meredith. B Moulden married her sister, Frances Meredith.
1898 Wilhelm Drute bootmaker Hahndorf
1904 W Drute died intestate. Public Trustee, executor.
1905 Otto Gallasch labourer Hahndorf
1910 Maria Liebelt, nee Loeser, wife of Bernhard Liebelt labourer Adelaide
1918 Bertha Thiele, nee Liebelt, wife of Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1946 Olive Post, wife of Gustav Post butcher Hahndorf
1967 O Post died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Gustave Post butcher Mt Barker, executors.
1968 Edna Brideson, nee Post & Betty Cleggett, nee Post, as tenants-in-common
1968 B Cleggett
1970 Robert Cleggett storeman Hahndorf & Lynette, his wife
3705/161 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 20 (Former blocks 12 & 13) - 47 MAIN ST; 49 MAIN ST; 13 AURICHT RD; 15 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Henry Treloar miner Kanmantoo #16
Block 12
1853 Johann Stade stone mason #12/10/-
1855 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1859 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf. Collings, now Adelaide.
Block 13
1853 Gottlob Seelaender schoolmaster Hahndorf #12/10/-
1854 Friedrich Landvoigt doctor Hahndorf #28. Carl Nitschke stone mason Hahndorf surrendered his option to purchase the property instead.
1854 F Landvoigt borrowed #60 from Henry Gilbert gentleman Adelaide at 12.5%.
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf #212. Landvoigt had repaid his mortgage.
1856 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf #205
1859 LTO title - value #400
1871 Road between Lots SH 20 & 27 closed
1911 Wilhelm Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1917 Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1921 H Jaensch died
1945 M Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 49 MAIN ST still a vacant site
1945 Olive Post, wife of Gustav Post butcher Hahndorf
1967 O Post died.
1968 Edna Brideson, nee Post, Mt Barker & Betty Cleggett, nee Post, wife of John Cleggett labourer Hahndorf
44/202 current title
Sub-lot 2 47 MAIN ST the cottage
1947 M Jaensch died. William von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker, executor.
1949 Harold Jaensch
1949 H Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 further Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 3-4.
1954 Norman Post butcher Hahndorf & Marjorie, nee Potgort, his wife
1961 Anne Barnes married woman Hahndorf
1972 Geoffrey Noble solicitor Wayville & Maureen Brooks teacher Blackwood
1978 Leonore Carter home duties Hahndorf
1906/184 current title
Sub-lot 3 15 AURICHT RD
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1955 Charles Woodland smallgoods manufacturer Hahndorf
2390/178 current title
Sub-lot 4 17 AURICHT RD
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1962 Michael Hill engineer Hahndorf & Jual, his wife
1979 Laurence Munro driver Hahndorf
1985 Ronald Pink driver Hahndorf & Kathleen, his wife
3084/54 current title
Part of this Sub-lot is over the closed road
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Herald miner Lobethal #20
1853 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf #50
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Gertrude Kelton, nee Faehrmann; Eleonore Brown, nee Faehrmann; Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, as tenants-in-common
1938 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks butcher Hahndorf
1941 William Hillyer farmer Glencoe East
1949 William Willaston & Jessie, his wife, dairyfarmers Hahndorf
1960 W & J Willaston divided Lot SH 21 into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 16 AURICHT RD
1960 Ian Paech bricklayer Hahndorf & Barbara, nee Hoskin, his wife
2832/114 current title
Sub-lot 2 14 AURICHT RD
1960 Kate Pain, nee Shannon, widow of Charles Pain builder Hahndorf
1982 Frederick Cramp retired Hahndorf & Melva, his wife
2832/116 current title
Sub-lot 3 18 AURICHT RD
1960 Leslie Schubert builder Hahndorf & Lorna, nee Grasby, his wife
1970 John Gaze salesman Hahndorf
1970 Ian Paech bricklayer Hahndorf & Barbara, nee Hoskin, his wife
The lot includes a closed road next door
2843/25 current title
Sub-lot 4 the Hunt homestead 5A JOHNS LANE
1960 W & J Willaston dairyfarmers Hahndorf
1972 Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf & Alice, nee Keefe, his wife; Craig Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Gertrud, nee Stoffel, his wife, nurse Hahndorf
4121/31 Metric title
1976 The Paech family divided the rest of Lot SH 21
Sub-lot 5 AURICHT RD
1976 Reginald Patrick & Bernice, his wife
4085/445 Metric title
Sub-lot 6 3 JOHNS LANE
4085/447 Metric title
Sub-lot 7 5 JOHNS LANE
4085/448 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 22 (Former block 55) - 7 JOHNS LANE; 9 JOHNS LANE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Herald miner Lobethal
1853 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf #50
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Gertrude Kelton, nee Faehrmann; Eleonore Brown, nee Faehrmann; Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, as tenants-in-common
1938 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks butcher Hahndorf
1941 William Hillyer farmer Glencoe East
1949 William Willaston & Jessie, his wife, dairyfarmers Hahndorf
1972 Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf & Alice, nee Keefe, his wife; Craig Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Gertrud, nee Stoffel, his wife, nurse Hahndorf
1976 The Paech family sub-divided along Lot NH 22 facing Johns Lane
Sub-lot 1 7 JOHNS LANE
4085/445 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 9 JOHNS LANE
4085/455 Metric title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Gertrude Kelton, nee Faehrmann; Eleonore Brown, nee Faehrmann; Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, as tenants-in-common
1938 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks butcher Hahndorf
1941 William Hillyer farmer Glencoe East
1949 William Willaston & Jessie, his wife, dairy farmers Hahndorf
1972 Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf & Alice, nee Keefe, his wife; Craig Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Gertrud, nee Stoffel, his wife, nurse Hahndorf
1976 The Paech family sub-divided along Lot SH 23 facing Johns Lane
Sub-lot 1 11 JOHNS LANE
4085/443 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 13 JOHNS LANE
4085/445 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 15 JOHNS LANE
4179/81 Metric title
This Sub-lot joins with SH 23 & SH 21 with access to Auricht Rd beteen Nos 12 & 14 Auricht Rd - plan for another sub-division?
Sub-lot 4 17 JOHNS LANE
1976 Charles Piro & Leanne, nee Percy, his wife
4085/446 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 24 (Former block 57) - 19 JOHNS LANE; 21 JOHNS LANE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf; Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf & Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1936 Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1957 Wallace Faehrmann minor b 1936 Hahndorf
1970 Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Adelaide
1970 Gordon Faehrmann plasterer Hahndorf
1971 John Faehrmann E & WS operator Hahndorf & Janet, nee Pfeiffer, his wife
3964/32 current title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf; Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf & Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1936 Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1942 W Faehrmann divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1942 William Kerr minor
1947 Richard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1952 R Dahl died. William Kerr carrier Hahndorf, inherited.
1955 Percy Bremer retired Hahndorf
1971 The Highways Department took this land for the SE Freeway
1942 W Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1970 Gordon Faehrmann plasterer Hahndorf
1968 Land taken for a new district road
1972 Land taken for the new S-E Freeway
Only a small portion of the Lot remained after these actions.
1973 Peter O'Neil radio technician Westbourne Park, with the remainder of Lot SH 26
4020/672 Metric title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf #51
1857 Carl Herberger contractor Hahndorf #65
1860 Herberger took out a mortgage for #150 with Henry Gilbert, solicitor, North Adelaide, at 15% pa. Gilbert died in 1862, during the period of the mortgage. His second wife, Mary, nee Cope, foreclosed when Herberger could not repay. She sold the property at public auction through Green & Wadham at their King William St mart. R Hunt paid #215 at the sale held on 10 April 1863.
1863 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix.
1883 Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, inheritor.
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors, as tenants-in-common.
1911 Benjamin Thiele farmer Monarto
1911 Martha Faehrmann, nee Wieth, wife of Wilhelm Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1927 M Faehrmann died. Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf, executor.
1936 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf; Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf & Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1936 Wilhelm Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1942 W Faehrmann divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1942 William Kerr minor
1947 Richard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1952 R Dahl died. William Kerr carrier Hahndorf, inherited.
1955 Percy Bremer retired Hahndorf
1971 The Highways Department took this land for the S-E Freeway
Sub-lot 2 LAND ON THE SOUTHERN SIDE OF THE FREEWAY - access via Fairview Road.
1942 W Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1970 Gordon Faehrmann plasterer Hahndorf
1968 Land taken for a new district road
1972 Land taken for the new S-E Freeway
1973 Peter O'Neil radio technician Westbourne Park, with the remainder of Lot SH 25.
4020/672 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 27 (Former blocks 43, 44, 45) - 2 PINE AVE; 4 PINE AVE; 6 PINE AVE; 19 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1856 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1871 Road between Lot SH 27 & SH 20 closed
1911 Wilhelm Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1917 Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1921 H Jaensch died
1946 M Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots. See Sub-lot 1.
1947 M Jaensch died. Harold Jaensch , executor & inheritor.
1949 H Jaensch divided the Lot into 3 further Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 2-5.
Sub-lot 1 6 PINE AVE
1946 Robert Tilby PMG employee Hahndorf
1969 Lillian Mullins widow, Michael Mullins farmer & grazier, John Mullins farmer & grazier Coonalpyn, as tenants-in-common
1969 Lillian Mullins widow Coonalpyn
1979 Marile Pty Ltd Leigh St Adelaide
1872/97 current title
Sub-lot 2 4 PINE AVE
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1957 Leslie Schubert builder Hahndorf
1969 L Schubert died. Romilly Harry Romilly House North Tce Hackney, solicitor.
1970 Lorna Schubert, nee Grasby, widow of L Schubert
1971 Gino Basso dairy farmer Hahndorf & Bruna, his wife
1979 Marile Pty Ltd Adelaide
2538/53 current title
Sub-lot 3 2 PINE AVE
1950 James Hicks farmer Hahndorf
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1972 Leslie Klatt motor body builder Hahndorf & Roma, nee Liebelt, his wife
1976 Gunter Uellendahl ceiling contractor Hahndorf & Gertraud, his wife
1988 Gertraud Uellendahl married woman Hahndorf
2076/134 current title
Part of this Sub-lot is above the closed road.
Sub-lot 4 2 PINE AVE
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1972 Leslie Klatt motor body builder Hahndorf & Roma, nee Liebelt, his wife
1976 Gunter Uellendahl ceiling contractor Hahndorf & Gertraud, his wife
3084/176 current title
Part of this Sub-lot is above the closed road.
Sub-lot 5 19 AURICHT RD
1951 Victor Hill greengrocer Hahndorf
1962 Douglas Hauth butcher Hahndorf & Janet, nee Hill, his wife
1973 D Hauth died
3149/159 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 28 (Former blocks 60-61) - 20 AURICHT RD; 8 PINE AVE; 10 PINE AVE; 12 PINE AVE; 14 PINE AVE; 16 PINE AVE; 18 PINE AVE; 20 PINE AVE; 22 PINE AVE; 24 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Jaensch farmer Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1871 Road between Lots SH 28 & SH 21-23 closed
1911 Wilhelm Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1917 Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf
1921 H Jaensch died
1934 M Jaensch divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots.
Sub-lot 1 24 PINE AVE
1934 Hahndorf Town Band Inc
1972 Portion of this land to the Highways Dept for the SE Freeway
1979 Geoffrey Cleggett grazier Littlehampton
4148/310 Metric title
This Sub-lot now includes a small portion of SH 29, which the SE Freeway did not cover.
Sub-lot 2 22 PINE AVE
1936 Reinhold Kaesler engineer Hahndorf
1949 R Kaesler died intestate. Clara Kaesler, nee Liebelt, his widow, inherited.
1961 Sophie Borchers farmer Balhannah & Richard Borchers farmer Balhannah
1965 S Borchers died
1983 R Borchers died. Farmers Trustee, executors.
2205/1557 current title
Sub-lot 3 20 PINE AVE
1936 Reinhold Kaesler engineer Hahndorf
1938 Stanley PeterSenr orchardist Verdun
1958 Stanley PeterSenr died. Farmers Trustees, executors.
1959 Gwenneth PeterSenr spinster Hahndorf
1989 Peter Dodgson salesman Hahndorf
1716/21 current title
Sub-lot 4 18 PINE AVE
1936 Reinhold Kaesler engineer Hahndorf
1949 R Kaesler died intestate. Clara Kaesler, nee Liebelt, his widow, inherited.
1952 Donald Thiele engineer Hahndorf
2205/1557 current title
Sub-lot 5 16 PINE AVE
1936 Reinhold Kaesler engineer Hahndorf
1947 Rex Kaesler engineer Hahndorf
1931/85 current title
Sub-lot 6 14 PINE AVE
1936 Eduard Mattner farmer Balhannah & Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1959 G Nitschke died
1961 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf
1983 L Paech died. Dulcie Paech, nee Hirte, widow of L Paech, inherited for life, with her children Merilyn Jaensch, nee Paech, wife of Colin Jaensch master butcher Hahndorf & Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant', as tenants-in-common.
1667/190 current title
Sub-lot 7 12 PINE AVE
1937 Andrew Treloar engineer Hazelwood Park
19? Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf
1989 Alice Paech, nee Keefe, wife of E Paech
1686/169 current title
Sub-lot 8 10 PINE AVE
1936 Lawrence Mullin baker Hahndorf
1944 Horace Tidswell out-of-business Hahndorf & Juliet, his wife
1947 Robert Tinney farmer Stirling & Phillis, his wife
1948 Kenneth Krafter medical practitioner Hahndorf & Shirley, his wife
1950 Leslie Schubert builder Hahndorf
1969 L Schubert died. Lorna Schubert, nee Grasby, widow of L Schubert, inherited.
2085/128 current title
Sub-lot 9 8 PINE AVE
1936 Lawrence Mullin baker Hahndorf
1944 Horace Tidswell out-of-business Hahndorf & Juliet, his wife
1947 Robert Tinney farmer Stirling & Phillis, his wife
1948 Kenneth Crafter medical practitioner Hahndorf & Shirley, his wife
1950 William Randell medical practitioner Penola
1951 Joseph Roberts medical practitioner Lower Mitcham
1955 William Lawson medical practitioner Hahndorf
1984 Robert Evans poultry farmer Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
1990 R Evans died
2085/129 current title
Sub-lot 10 20 AURICHT RD (The rear section of Lot SH 28)
1940 William Hillyer farmer Glencoe West
1949 William Willaston dairyman Hahndorf & Jessie, his wife
1956 Leslie Schubert builder Hahndorf & Lorna, nee Grasby, his wife
1970 Portion of the land taken for the SE Freeway. The remaining portion is not built upon, but has access to a roadway through 20 Auricht Rd.
3797/19 current title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf #40
1858 Gottlieb Schuetze licensed victualler Hahndorf #80. R Andrews, 'now of the Bremer', farmer.
1863 Theodor Schumacher land broker Adelaide
1863 Gottlieb Schuetze licensed victualler Hahndorf
1867 Mortgage with Elizabeth Mercy Belcher spinster Prospect. The mortgage must have failed and EM Belcher took possession at a date unspecified.
1890 Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1919 Alice Cowan, nee von Doussa, wife of Leslie Cowan farmer & grazier Littlehampton
1927 A Cowan died
1929 Gwendoline von Doussa, nee Hyman, wife of Louis von Doussa farmer Halidon
1931 Eliza Painter married woman Hahndorf
1944 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks farmer Hahndorf
1971 Part of the Lot taken for the SE Freeway. The rest forms part of No 24 Pine Ave, which is on SH 28.
4088/643 & 644 Metric titles
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf #40
1858 Gottlieb Schuetze licensed victualler Hahndorf #80. R Andrews, 'now of the Bremer', farmer
1863 Theodor Schumacher land broker Adelaide
1863 Gottlieb Schuetze licensed victualler Hahndorf
1867 Mortgage with Elizabeth Mercy Belcher spinster Prospect. The mortgage must have failed and EM Belcher took possession at a date unspecified.
1890 Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1919 Alice Cowan, nee von Doussa, wife of Leslie Cowan farmer & grazier Littlehampton
1927 A Cowan died
1929 Gwendoline von Doussa, nee Hyman, wife of Louis von Doussa farmer Halidon
1931 Eliza Painter married woman Hahndorf
1944 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks farmer Hahndorf
1971 Part of the Lot taken for the S-E Freeway. No direct road access for the remainder - portion of the 'Hollydene' estate, with access to Pine Ave. & Fairview Rd.
4088/643 & 644 Metric title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1868 LTO title
1868 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf #20
1879 R Hunt died. Agnes Hunt, nee Bolte, widow of R Hunt, executrix & inheritor
1888 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors.
1910 Alfred von Doussa MLC District Council Clerk Hahndorf
1926 A von Doussa died. Leslie Cowan grazier Littlehampton & Louis von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker, executors.
1931 Eliza Painter married woman Hahndorf
1944 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks farmer Hahndorf
3874/190 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 32 (Former block 67) - 26 PINE AVE - 'HOLLYDENE'
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 George Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1872 G Haebich died. Maria Haebich, nee Wuttke, widow of G Haebich, life interest
1882 M Haebich died. Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf, Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf, James Gates farmer Bremer, executors.
August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf, to receive the property, so long as he pays his 2 brothers and 4 sisters #40 each. Family - Gottlieb Haebich blacksmith Yatina; Johann Haebich blacksmith Yorketown; Wilhelmine Wenzel, wife of Wilhelm Wenzel labourer Kensington; Charlotte Luenert, wife of Robert Luenert labourer Hahndorf; Maria Kramm, wife of Arnold Kramm mason Hahndorf. Deceased - Caroline Kramm, 1st wife of Arnold Kramm.
1886 LTO title
1905 Helena von Doussa, nee Doudy, wife of Alfred von Doussa District Council Clerk Hahndorf
1926 Louis von Doussa farmer Halidon
1931 Eliza Painter married woman Hahndorf
1944 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks farmer Hahndorf
4088/643 & 644 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT SH 33 (Former block 66) - 28 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 George Fischer & Wilhelm Habich farmers Hahndorf #17
1856 Christoph Schulz yeoman Hahndorf & Wilhelm Habich farmer Hahndorf. bought G Fischer's share in the allotment for #11
1863 W Habich tried to contact G Fischer, but without success. 'I have Senrt letters to his last known residence at Mt Gambier, also by advertisement in the Sud Australische Zeitung.'
1863 LTO title
1863 Wilhelm Bertram farmer Hahndorf #60. W Bertram later became a gardener at Echunga, where he died in 1884.
1870 George Bertram farmer Echunga
1882 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1884 Theodor Becker gentleman Hahndorf
1887 T Becker died. Pauline Becker, nee Wolfermann, widow of T Becker, inherited.
1899 P Becker died. Richard Becker painter Hahndorf inherited
1900 Otto Kohnke farmer Hahndorf
1901 Heinrich Paech farmer Hahndorf
1961 H Paech died. Johannes Schubert farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1963 Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, daughter-in-law of H Paech, life interest during her widowhood, then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1990 A Paech died. P Paech inherited.
680/53 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 34 (Former part block 65) - 30 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Leopold Fleck storekeeper Hahndorf
1855 James Bleeze brickmaker Norwood
1856 Bleeze mortgaged his land for #60 with repayments of 5/- per week to the Hahndorf Land & Building Society
1861 Bleeze borrowed #30 at 15% interest pa, from Frederick Imanuel Blyth, Adelaide, Captain in HM 40th Regiment of Foot
1862 Bleeze borrowed #60 with repayments of 2/6 per week to the South Eastern District Permanent Building Society. Trustees Alex Lorimer Elderslie, Woodside; Jno Dunn, Frederick May, Allan Bell, Mt Barker.
Bleeze also had plans to mortgage his land with Jno Dewar of Fiji, for #90.
1865 LTO title. J Bleeze, now of Woodside.
1871 Carl Tiedemann land agent Adelaide, in default of J Bleeze mortgage
1871 Gottlieb Schuetze publican Blulmberg
1871 George Lauchs contractor Hahndorf
1903 G Lauchs died. Friedrich Lauchs labourer Hahndorf, inherited.
1914 Heinrich Paech labourer Hahndorf
1954 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf, son of H Paech
1961 L Paech died. Jack Chapman land agent Mt Barker & Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, executors.
1963 Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during her widowhood, then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'
1983 Donald Nitschke plant operator Hahndorf & Marlene, nee Fiegert, his wife
4266/65 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 35 (Former part block SH 65) - 32 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Leopold Fleck storekeeper Hahndorf
1855 James Bleeze brickmaker Norwood
1856 Bleeze mortgaged his land for #60 with repayments of 5/- per week to the Hahndorf Land & Building Society
1856 Bleeze divided his Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 (now Lot SH 34 qv)
Sub-lot 2
1856 Joseph Smith carpenter Hahndorf
1863 Smith mortgaged his land with Chas Tidemann, land agent, Adelaide - #25 at 15% interest pa.
1868 Gottlieb Schuetze, licensed victualler, Blumberg #25. Tidemann had foreclosed upon the mortgage and exercised right of sale.
1871 George Lauchs contractor Hahndorf
1903 G Lauchs died. Friedrich Lauchs labourer Hahndorf, inherited.
1914 Heinrich Paech labourer Hahndorf
1954 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf, son of H Paech
1961 L Paech died. Jack Chapman land agent Mt Barker & Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, executors.
1963 Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during her widowhood, then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'
1983 Donald Nitschke plant operator Hahndorf & Marlene, nee Fiegert, his wife
4266/66 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 36 (Former blocks 14, 15, 16) - 43 MAIN ST; 43A MAIN ST; 45 MAIN ST; 1 PINE AVE; 3 PINE AVE; 5 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Theodor Lehmkühl yeoman Hahndorf #14. Formerly of Altona, Holstein, Denmark, he became a Hahndorf storekeeper.
1859 Mortgage to Carsten Lührs, gentleman, Payneham - #200 at 2.5% for 4 years.
1859 T Lehmkühl died, 'after a short illness, aged 44...deeply regretted by a large circle of friends'. His widow, Laura, nee Schmeider, undertook to 'well and truly execute his said will and testament and will make and exhibit unto this honourable court a full and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattles rights credits & effects of the said deceased on or before the 16th day of July next; and lastly, to give just and full account of her executorship when she shall be required so to do'. The estate was valued at not more than #500.
1862 LTO title. L Lehmkühl, 'late of Hahndorf, now beyond the sea'.
1862 Thomas Mayo storekeeper Hahndorf
1863 John Spence manager ES & A Bank Adelaide & William Moyan assignees for the mortgaged property of T Mayo
1863 Adolph Strempel minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1882 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1883 Wilhelmine Boerke widow Hahndorf
1887 W Boerke married Thomas Ide hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1893 W Ide died. Thomas Ide hotelkeeper Hahndorf, executor.
1894 John Owen minister of the Gospel Prospect
1894 Lease to James Stevenson gentleman Hahndorf, for 10 years from 1 March 1894.
1895 Henry Brakspear gentleman, Archibald Brakspear brewer, George Thomas gentleman, all 'of parts beyond the sea'
1910 A Brakspear died & G Thomas died
1912 Henry Brakspear gentleman, Harry Blaker solicitor, Ronald Brakspear gentleman Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire, England
1914 H Brakspear died
1915 Bernhard Paech hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1916 Hulda Nitschke, nee Kerber, wife of Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1947 H Nitschke divided the Lot into 5 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 45 MAIN ST
1947 Donald Webb pharmaceutical chemist Hahndorf
1954 Marion Best married woman Hahndorf, wife of Martin Best
1959 M Best divided this Sub-lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 6)
1961 Lloyd Darwin pharmaceutical chemist Hahndorf
1964 John Mitchels pharmaceutical chemist Woodville South
1970 Gwendoline Entwistle married woman Pinaroo
1982 John Entwistle pharmaceutical chemist Hahndorf & Gwendoline, nee Powell, his wife
2936/72 current title
Sub-lot 2 1 PINE AVE
1947 Lorna Knappstein, nee Gommers, wife of John Knappstein district manager Hahndorf
1960 Robert Oswald Kuchel dairy farmer Hahndorf & Laurine Gertrude, his wife
1974 RO Kuchel died
1977 LG Kuchel died. Farmers Co-operative Executors, Shirley Burris, nee Kuchel married woman Murray Bridge; Betty Langbein, nee Kuchel, wife of Colin Langbein driver Hahndorf, executors.
1978 Colin Langbein driver Hahndorf & Betty, nee Kuchel, his wife
1931/21 current title
Sub-lot 3 3 PINE AVE
1947 Kenneth Crafter doctor Hahndorf
1949 K Crafter divided the Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 5)
1950 Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, wife of James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf
1953 Stella Clasohm spinster Tusmore; later Mrs Dudley Kuchel
378/205 current title
Sub-lot 4 43 MAIN ST Part of the fire station land + linked with Sub-lot 6 in Lot 37
1947 Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, wife of James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf.
1961 Returned Soldiers League
1973 Hahndorf Community Hall Committee Inc
1986 Mt Barker District Council
4279/583 Metric title
Sub-lot 5 5 PINE AVE
1949 Annie Tilby postmistress Hahndorf
1953 Myrtle Lange married woman Hahndorf
1984 M Lange died. Bethany Altmann, nee Lange & Norman Altmann farmer Balhannah, inherited.
1985 Brian Thiele miner Hahndorf & Joan, nee Hughes, his wife
2026/146 current title
Sub-lot 6 45 MAIN ST; 45A MAIN ST preSenrt chemist shop; 45B MAIN ST
1961 Elders Trustee, Adelaide
1961 Lloyd Darwin pharmaceutical chemist Hahndorf
1964 John Mitchels pharmaceutical chemist Woodville South
1970 Gwendoline Entwistle married woman Pinaroo
1982 John Entwistle pharmaceutical chemist Hahndorf & Gwendoline, nee Powell, his wife
4106/608 current title
The Entwistles rent out land for the Hahndorf surgery at No 43 Main St.
ALLOTMENT SH 37 (Former blocks 17, 18, 19) - 37A MAIN ST; 39 MAIN ST; 41 MAIN ST; 43 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1881 LTO title
1881 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1884 Ernst Gesnowski labourer Hahndorf
1894 E Gesnowski defaulted in a loan from Thomas Ide publican Hahndorf, who took possession of the land
1894 John Owen minister of the Gospel Prospect
1894 Lease to James Stevenson gentleman Hahndorf, for 10 years from 1 March 1894.
1895 Henry Brakspear gentleman, Archibald Brakspear brewer, George Thomas gentleman, all 'of parts beyond the sea'
1910 A Brakspear died & G Thomas died
1912 Henry Brakspear gentleman, Harry Blaker solicitor, Ronald Brakspear gentleman Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire
1914 H Brakspear died
1915 Bernhard Paech hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1916 Hulda Nitschke, nee Kerber, wife of Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1947 H Nitschke divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 Combined with Sub-lot 4 (5 PINE AVE) from Lot 36
1949 Kenneth Krafter medical practitioner Hahndorf
1949 K Crafter divided the Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 5)
1949 Annie Tilby postmistress Hahndorf
1953 Myrtle Lange married woman Hahndorf
1984 M Lange died. Bethany Altmann, nee Lange & Norman Altmann farmer Balhannah, inherited.
1985 Brian Thiele miner Hahndorf & Joan, nee Hughes, his wife
2026/146 current title
Sub-lot 2 41 MAIN ST
1947 Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, wife of James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf.
1953 A Gommers divided the Sub-lot again. Refer to Sub-lot 6
1953 Returned Soldiers League
1973 Hahndorf Community Hall Committee Inc
4279/584 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 21 AURICHT RD
1947 Lionel Barrett butcher Hahndorf & Dorothea, his wife
1952 Owen Thiele storeman Trinity Gardens
1957 Trevor Noske minor Hahndorf b 1941
1962 Maxwell Edgar commercial traveller Hahndorf & Beverley, nee Birchmore, his wife
1970 Allan Birchmore driver Hahndorf & Judith, his wife
1974 Hugh Veitch orchardist Lenswood & Illma, his wife
1990 Kenneth John Grant contractor Hahndorf & Ann, his wife
1955/170 current title
Sub-lot 4 37A MAIN ST; 39 MAIN ST
1955 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf
1967 Colin Jaensch butcher Hahndorf; Merrilyn Jaensch, nee Paech, wife of C Jaensch; Clyde Paech butcher Hahndorf, of one undivided moiety
1980 Karobran Pty Ltd Unley
1981 Easement to the Mt Barker District Council
1981 Karobran Pty Ltd divided the Sub-lot again
1981 Peter O'Shea
4188/222 & 4188/223 Metric titles
Sub-lot 5 Combined with Sub-lot 4 (3 PINE AVE) from Lot 36
1950 Adelheid Gommers, nee Faehrmann, wife of James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf
1953 Stella Clasohm spinster Tusmore; later Mrs Dudley Kuchel
378/205 current title
Sub-lot 6 43 MAIN ST Fire station
1961 Returned Soldiers League
1973 Hahndorf Community Hall Committee Inc
1986 Mt Barker District Council
4279/583 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 38 (Former block 20) - 37 MAIN ST; 23 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1858 Gottlieb Schuetze licensed victualler Hahndorf #50
1863 Benjamin Gray brewer Littlehampton
1879 B Gray died. Guilford Gray brewer North Adelaide, son of B Gray, inherited.
1883 Guilford Gray brewer North Adelaide; Eliza Taylor, nee Gray, wife of William Taylor accountant Gilberton; Sarah Gray spinster Blakiston; Alice Gray spinster Blakiston.
1887 Alice Gray spinster Blakiston; Sarah Gray spinster Blakiston & Eliza Taylor, nee Gray, widow of William Taylor, Blakiston
1892 E Taylor died
1901 A Gray died
1912 S Gray died. Louis von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker, executor.
1912 Sylvia Gray, nee Warland, widow of Guilford Gray & Louis von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker
1932 L von Doussa died. Wilhelm von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker, executor.
1932 J & AJ Johnston brewers Oakbank
1963 Clarence Ledgard, Sylvia Ledgard & Dean Ledgard
1964 Gwendoline Entwistle housewife Hahndorf & Katherine Glynn hotelkeeper Hahndorf
1972 Paechtown Holdings Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4067/979 Metric title
The rear of this Lot is now the Motel, in conJunrction with Lot SH 39
ALLOTMENT SH 39 (Former blocks 21, 22) - 33 MAIN ST; 33A MAIN ST; 35 MAIN ST; 23 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf #15
1855 Jas Owen Kensington
c1863 LTO title - exact date unknown, as relevant documents destroyed.
1864 Ludwig Stark blacksmith Hahndorf
1873 Christian Klaebsch no detail - mason & perhaps blacksmith
1876 Carl Borchers blacksmith. C Klaebsch now a farmer of the Bremer.
1901 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1920 Hermann Paech farmer Hahndorf & Bertha, nee Jaeschke, his wife
1939 H Paech died. B Paech, nee Jaeschke, widow of H Paech, inherited.
1950 Selma Liebelt, nee Paech, wife of Edmund Liebelt farmer Mt Barker
1950 Edmund Paech farmer Hahndorf
1973 Paechtown Holdings Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
1975 Hersey Holdings Pty Ltd & Tomkinson Rowe Finance Pty Ltd Adelaide
4067/980 Metric title
The rear of this Lot is now the Motel, in conJunrction with Lot SH 38.
ALLOTMENT SH 40 (Former blocks 23, 24) - 29 MAIN ST; 31 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf. He borrowed #150 from JF Paech at Friedrichstadt
1863 LTO title
1863 Carl Humpsch shoemaker Hahndorf
1892 Cornelia Humpsch, nee Appelkamp, formerly Deimel, wife of C Humpsch
1895 Therese Wiegand, nee Deimel, widow of Otto Wiegand leather dresser Bowden
1914 Rita Wiegand spinster Hahndorf
1920 Herbert Chapman butcher Mt Barker
1924 Stephen Adams grazier Wistow & Mary, his wife
1933 George Weatherald retired Hahndorf
1951 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf
1953 H Noske divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 31 MAIN ST
1953 Ernst Nichsch
1955 Bertha Paech, nee Jaeschke, widow of Hermann Paech farmer Hahndorf
1957 Charlotte Barrett widow Croydon
1965 Lancelot Stewart secondhand dealer Aldgate & Thelma, his wife
1974 Tasman Turner butcher Grange
1974 Martin Chipperfield journalist Hahndorf & Pamela, his wife
1981 Charles Langdon mechanic Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
2176/150 current title
Sub-lot 2 29 MAIN ST
1955 Herbert Spiller painter Hahndorf & Johanna, his wife.
1961 H & J Spiller divided the Sub-lot again. See Sub-lot 3
1961 Horst Gruening & Gisela, his wife
1962 James Connolly electrician Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
1973 Barker Development Pty Ltd Main St Hahndorf
4067/443 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 27 AURICHT RD
1961 Friedrich Ristau labourer Hahndorf & Ursula, his wife
1971 Leon Monck carpenter Hahndorf & Joan, his wife
1976 Bruno Andt welder Hahndorf & Gertrud, his wife
1980 Paechtown Holdings Pty Ltd Grenfell St Adelaide
1981 Robert Ewen retired engineer Hahndorf
1984 Andrew Frisch computer systems consultant Hahndorf & Amanda, his wife
1988 Rosslyn Ingram interior decorator North Adelaide, life interest, with Carina Ingram nurse North Adelaide, 'in remainder expectant'
2906/81 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 41 (Former blocks 25, 26, 27) - 19 MAIN ST; 21 MAIN ST; 23 MAIN ST; 25 MAIN ST; 27 MAIN ST
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf
1856 P Schinckel divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 19 MAIN ST
Block 27
1856 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1894 Anna Dorothea Martin, nee Panjas, widow of Heinrich Martin, under the terms of his will.
1897 Heinrich 'Harry' Martin wheelwright Hahndorf, son of H & AD Martin #25
1922 Edwin Martin baker Hahndorf, son of Harry Martin #90
1926 E Martin borrowed #200 from Pearl Chapman, married woman, Mt Barker at 7% for 3 years.
1930 Pearl Chapman, married woman, Mt Barker, after E Martin defaulted in his loan
1930 AE 'Tom' Liebelt labourer Hahndorf
1930 LTO title
Sub-lot 2 21 MAIN ST
Blocks 25, 26
1850s-1860s P Schinckel rented these out to William Easther sawmiller Hahndorf
1862 LTO title
1862 Heinrich Martin Senr wheelwright Hahndorf #200. P Schinckel, farmer, now of Kanmantoo
1884 Heinrich Martin Junr wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Richard Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1926 Edna Martin minor Hahndorf b 1907
1930 George Weatherald presser Verdun
1946 G Weatherald divided Sub-lot 2 into 2 further Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 3 23 MAIN ST
1946 Howard Hill bootmaker Hahndorf
1966 James Connelly electrical contractor Hahndorf
1973 Barker Development Pty Ltd Main St Hahndorf
1979 Village Market Place Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4156/528 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 25 MAIN ST; 27 MAIN ST
1946 George Weatherald retired Hahndorf
1950 Iva Thiele, nee Weatherald, wife of Carl Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1951 Ronald Backen civil servant Hahndorf
1953 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf
1955 Herbert Spiller painter Hahndorf & Johanna, his wife
1961 James Connelly electrical contractor Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
1973 Barker Development Pty Ltd Main St Hahndorf
1979 Village Market Place Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
4156/527 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 42 (Former blocks 28, 29, 30) - 15 MAIN ST; 17 MAIN ST; 17A MAIN ST; 35 AURICHT RD; 37 AURICHT RD; 37A AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf #25
1889 LTO title
1889 F Wiese divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 15 MAIN ST
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf & Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf 'a gift and not by way of sale'.
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1905 Ewald Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda & Reinhold Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda
1936 GE Kaesler & RE Kaesler became Kaesler Bros Ltd of Hahndorf
1973 Kaesler Bros Pty Ltd of Hahndorf
4008/55 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 17A MAIN ST
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1905 Ewald Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda & Reinhold Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda - Sub-lot 1 & Sub-lot 2 Lot re-united on one title
1930 Ewald & Reinhold Kaesler divided the Lot into 2 further Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 3 17 MAIN ST
1930 Ewald Kaesler engineer Hahndorf & Hulda, nee Martin, his wife
1930 Right-of-way to Kaesler Bros Engineering across this land
1959 E Kaesler died. Norman Campbell accountant Kingswood, executor.
1959 Hulda Kaesler, nee Martin, died
1960 Hilda Pike, nee Kaesler, wife of Ronald Pike labourer Hahndorf
4008/54 Metric title
1930 Reinhold Kaesler engineer Hahndorf & Clara, nee Liebelt, his wife
1949 R Kaesler died
4008/56 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 43 (Former block 31 & block 32) - 11 MAIN ST; 13 MAIN ST; 39 AURICHT RD; 41 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 George Schirmer yeoman Hahndorf #15
1856 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf #150
1860 Andreas Niewand carrier Hahndorf. Wife, Ellen, nee Jenkinson. The Niewands had lived in Hahndorf since at least 1856 - likely they lived next door on SH Lot 44, in a house rented from C Voges . Moved to Bendigo, where A Niewand died 1872.
1861 LTO title Value #300
1871 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf - in default of mortgage from A Niewand
1871 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1889 F Wiese divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 11 MAIN ST
1889 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Letters of administration.
1916 Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese
1958 H Wiese died. Executory Trustee & Agency Co Grenfell St Adelaide, executor
1958 Eric Wiese company director Tranmere Gardens
1960 Carl Rodert line hobber Hahndorf
1967 Mary Greet married woman Hahndorf
1967 Carl Rodert line hobber Hahndorf
1967 C Rodert divided the Sub-lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 4 )
1975 Otto Sames baker Hahndorf & Anna, his wife
3497/27 current title
Sub-lot 2 13 MAIN ST
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf & Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf, 'a gift and not by way of sale'.
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1905 Ewald Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda & Reinhold Kaesler blacksmith Tanunda
1936 GE Kaesler & RE Kaesler became Kaesler Bros Ltd of Hahndorf
1973 Kaesler Bros Pty Ltd of Hahndorf
1116/52 current title
Sub-lot 3 39 AURICHT RD
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Letters of administration.
1916 Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese
1951 Kaesler Bros Pty Ltd
1973 Kaesler Bros Pty Ltd of Hahndorf
1116/52 current title
Sub-lot 4 41 AURICHT RD
1972 Reginald Miles general manager Tennyson & Phyllis, his wife
1974 Eugene Atkinson electrician Mile End & Suzanne, his wife, clerical assistant Mile End
1986 Suzanne Atkinson clerical assistant Hahndorf
1990 Suzanne Hill, formerly Atkinson & John Hill, as tenants-in-common
3497/28 current title
This Sub-Lot is joined with part Lot SH 44 (qv)
ALLOTMENT SH 44 (Former block 33) - 9 MAIN ST; 41 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Heinrich Schnaars timber splitter Hahndorf #15/15/-
1855 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf #20. Schnaars now a yeoman.
1856 Carl Voges cabinetmaker Adelaide #24
1859 C Voges died. Peter Schumacher & Heinrich Vosz, executors.
1864 LTO title
1864 Andreas Niewand carrier. Wife, Ellen, nee Jenkinson. The Niewands had lived in Hahndorf since at least 1856 - likely they rented from C Voges. Moved to Bendigo, where A Niewand died 1872.
1871 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf - in default of A Niewand's mortgage to him
1871 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1889 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Letters of administration.
1916 Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inherited.
1958 H Wiese died. Executory Trustee & Agency Co Grenfell St Adelaide, executor
1958 Eric Wiese company directory Tranmere Gardens
1960 Carl Rodert line hobber Hahndorf
1967 Mary Greet married woman Hahndorf
1967 Carl Rodert line hobber Hahndorf
1967 C Rodert divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 9 MAIN ST
1975 Otto Sames baker Hahndorf & Anna, his wife
3497/28 current title
Sub-lot 2 41 AURICHT RD
1972 Reginald Miles general manager Tennyson & Phyllis, his wife
1974 Eugene Atkinson electrician Mile End & Suzanne, his wife clerical assistant Mile End
1986 Suzanne Atkinson clerical assistant Hahndorf
1990 Suzanne Hill, formerly Atkinson & John Hill, as tenants-in-common
3497/28 current title
This Sub-Lot is joined with part Lot SH 43 (qv)
ALLOTMENT SH 45 (Former block 34) - 7 MAIN ST; 43 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 William Fuller tinplate worker Hahndorf #11/10/-
1857 James Bleeze brickmaker Hahndorf #30. Wm Fuller, now of Mt Barker.
1857 Christian Grueneberg yeoman Hahndorf #35
1864 LTO title
1875 Mechlena Green widow Hahndorf
1877 M Green married John Eunson
1883 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Schramm coppersmith Hahndorf
1887 Clara Liebelt spinster Adelaide
1888 C Liebelt married Charles Heberle miner Adelaide
1904 C Heberle, nee Liebelt, died. August Thiele farmer Hahndorf & Alfred Brauer minister of the Gospel Hahndorf, executors.
1908 Johann Hantschke labourer Hahndorf
1920 J Hantschke died. Alfred Brauer minister of the Gospel Hahndorf & Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, executors.
1923 Jane Gommers, nee Sinclair, wife of John Gommers plasterer Hahndorf
1927 Friedrich Liebelt labourer Hahndorf
1935 F Liebelt died. Emilie Liebelt, nee Minkwitz, widow of F Liebelt, executor & inheritor.
1948 Ian Klose motor mechanic Hahndorf
1964 Benjamin Johnson retired North Adelaide
1966 William Kenner pensioner Hahndorf & Ella, his wife
1967 W Kenner divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 7 MAIN ST
1967 William Mattner farmer Balhannah
1968 Evelyn Rathjen, nee Rochow, widow of Herbert Rathjen butcher Murray Bridge
1977 Keith Graetz farmer Hahndorf & Kay Nolte analyst Hahndorf
1977 Peter Leicester carpenter Hahndorf & Janet, his wife, nurse Hahndorf
3417/54 current title
Sub-lot 2 43 AURICHT RD
1966 Mary Greet, wife of John Greet publican Hahndorf Hotel Hahndorf
1972 Reginald Miles general manager Tennyson & Phyllis, his wife
1973 Geoffrey Beecroft bank officer Queenstown & Shirley, his wife
1975 Carlo Cecere machine operator Seaton
1978 Hans JacobSenr sales manager Richmond & Anna, his wife
1984 Ruth Butler, nee , widow of Richard Butler sawmiller Hahndorf
3417/53 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 46 (Former block 35) - 5 MAIN ST; 45 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 William Fuller plumber & glazier Hahndorf
1857 Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf #30
1859 August Guthwasser tinman Aldinga, later Hahndorf #40 - LTO title
1869 Pauline Paech, nee Hoffmann, widow of Friedrich Paech farmer Friedrichstadt
1870 P Paech, nee Hoffmann, married Adolph Koch farmer Woodside
1871 P Koch, formerly Paech, nee Hoffmann, married Ernst Weyland farmer Lobethal
1873 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf & Pauline Weyland, formerly Koch, formerly Paech, nee Hoffmann
1877 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf & Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal, joint proprietors with no survivorship. Mrs Weyland had died in 1874, but no reference to this event appears on the land title.
1877 Wilhelm Strempel teacher Hahndorf
1881 Gesina Rundle, nee Appelkamp, widow of John Rundle licensed victualler Gumeracha
1904 Gesina Doepke, nee Rundle, widow of Albert Doepke Senr medical practitioner Hahndorf
1915 Albert Doepke Junr shipping clerk Wayville
1916 Herbert Wittwer labourer Hahndorf
1920 Benjamin Kirkbright farm labourer Hahndorf & Mary, his wife
1924 Victor Klose motor mechanic Hahndorf
1950 V Klose divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 5 MAIN ST
1950 Victor Klose motor mechanic Hahndorf
1962 V Klose died. Lewis Klose plant checker Torrensville & Norman Paech accountant Hahndorf, executors
2067/48 current title
Sub-lot 2 45 AURICHT RD
1950 Victor Klose motor mechanic Hahndorf & Kevin Klose motor mechanic Hahndorf
1958 Lewis Klose civil servant Torrensville
1969 John Mollenhof shopkeeper Hahndorf & Marie, his wife
1974 John Gordon restauranteur Hahndorf
1975 Evan Graske manager Hahndorf & Leslie, nee Ballantyne, his wife cashier Hahndorf
1979 Evan Graske manager Hahndorf
4141/208 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 47 (Former blocks 36, 37, 38) - 47 AURICHT RD; 49 AURICHT RD; 66 AURICHT RD; 68 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
Block 36
1855 Heinrich Schnaars timber splitter Hahndorf #31/10/-
1855 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf $40. Schnaars now a yeoman.
Block 37, Block 38
1855 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf #40
1859 LTO title. Valued at #30.
1876 Der Deutsche Club Pirie St Adelaide, in default of mortgage taken out by L Stark
1876 Friedericke Gruneberg, wife of Christian Gruneberg labourer Hahndorf
1883 Wilhelm Thiele farmer Grunthal
1883 Gustav Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1892 Therese Marie Laurenti, nee Rundle, widow Hahndorf
1902 Louise Schmuecker, nee Kalleske, wife of Carl Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1915 Theodor Weyland farmer Hahndorf
1932 Ernst Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1949 Albert Temby storeman Tailem Bend & Emily, his wife
1950 Rupert Fix labourer Hahndorf
1956 Siegfried Kowall factory employee Hahndorf
1956 Morris Hart retired Echunga & Daisy, his wife
1956 Morris Hart retired Echunga
1968 John Mollenhoff shopkeeper Hahndorf & Maria, his wife
1972 George Sayers plant operator Hahndorf & Hendrike, his wife
1973 Fiona Richardson teacher Hahndorf
1974 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Roger Burbidge builder Aldgage, as tenants-in-common
1974 S Bellosguardo & R Burbidge divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 47 AURICHT RD
1974 Fiona Richardson teacher Hahndorf
4035/596 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 49 AURICHT RD
1974 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Roger Burbidge builder Aldgate
4035/597 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 48 (Former blocks 39, 40, 41, 42) - 51 AURICHT RD; 53 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Wilhelm Schach miller Hahndorf (NB likely to be a brother to Gottlob Schach). He bought the land three months after landing in SA, aboard the August, with his wife & mother.
1862 LTO title
1862 August Stenzel blacksmith Hahndorf. Later farmer, Grunthal. To Wodonga, Vic,1882.
1874 Carl Leunig miner Hahndorf
1881 Samuel Green minister of the Gospel Alberton
1899 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inheritor.
1923 Heinrich Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1940 H Weyland died. Editha Weyland, nee Schmuecker, wife of Theodor Weyland famer Hahndorf, executrix.
1940 Ernst Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1961 William Lawson medical practitioner Hahndorf
1978 David Stubbington company director Mt Barker & Brian Stubbington company director Mt Barker
1983 Colin Lawson salesman Hahndorf & Kerry Radbone computer operator Hahndorf
1984 Colin Long salesman Hahndorf & Helen, his wife
1984 Arthur Gibson loss adjuster North Adelaide & Anne, his wife
1989 Robert McLaughlan welder Hahndorf & Cherie, his wife legal secretary Hahndorf
2038/84 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 49 (Former blocks 68, 69) - 7 PINE AVE; 9 PINE AVE; 11 PINE AVE; 13 PINE AVE; 15 PINE AVE; 17 PINE AVE
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf #40
1881 LTO title
1881 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1888 Alfred von Doussa District Council Clerk Hahndorf - mineral lease for 21 years
1902 A Thiele divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 7 PINE AVE
1902 Theodor Auricht medical practitioner Hahndorf
1965 T Auricht died
1965 Pauline Dobbins comptometrist Hahndorf
1625/179 current title
Sub-lot 2 32 AURICHT RD
1902 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1910 A Thiele died. Eleonore Thiele, nee Paech, widow of A Thiele, executrix & inheritor.
1916 Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1934 H Thiele died. Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker & Louis Paech carrier Hahndorf, executors.
1935 Hulda Thiele spinster Hahndorf & Bertha Thiele spinster Hahndorf
1947 B Thiele died
1948 Max Thiele rented the land for 3 years
1950 H Thiele died. Norman Paech commission agent Hahndorf & Edmund Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, executors.
1952 The executors divided part Lot SH 49 into 1 further Sub-lot - see Sub-lot 3:
1952 Louis Paech carrier Hahndorf
1953 Adolfo Kaneckis
1955 Paulis Brozozovskis carpenter Hahndorf
1960 Name changed to Paul Bross
1966 P Bross divided part Lot SH 49 into 4 further Sub-lots. See Sub-lots 4-7.
1970 P Bross died. William von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker & Helene Bross, widow of P Bross, executors.
1971 Eric Kauffmann toolmaker Seaton
1973 Rex Fountain butcher Hahndorf & Shirley, his wife
4064/235 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 9 PINE AVE
1952 Douglas Miller factory employee Hahndorf
1956 Jack Harding carpenter Bridgewater & Frieda, his wife
1957 J Harding died. Frieda Harding, widow, inheritor.
1961 Gordon Paech storekeeper Wool Bay & Elsie, his wife
1971 Rex Fountain butcher Hahndorf & Shirley, his wife
1973 Malcolm Luke foreman Hahndorf
1980 Harley Ladd company director Hahndorf
1981 Heather Wise private secretary Hahndorf
1987 Albert Rault stone mason Hahndorf & Maureen, his wife
1988 Ruth Felix home duties Hahndorf
2718/13 current title
Sub-lot 4 11 PINE AVE
1966 Peter Schultz GPO technician Hahndorf
1971 Peter Schultz GPO technician Hahndorf & Patricia, nee Wegener, his wife
1972 Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of Victor Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1979 George Nancarrow retired Hahndorf & Joan, nee Hanna, his wife
1983 Jeffrey Forrester repreSenrtative Plympton Park & Julie, his wife, secretary Plympton Park
1983 Ian Wells minister Hahndorf & Karen, his wife
3411/107 current title
Sub-lot 5 13 PINE AVE
1966 Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf
1975 Angus Mangelsdorf farmer Oakbank & Mary, his wife
1976 Maurice McShane plumber Mt Barker & Merideth, nee Bassham, his wife clerk Mt Barker
3411/108 current title
Sub-lot 6 15 PINE AVE
1966 Trent Paech carpenter Hahndorf
1976 Trent Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Monica, nee Richards, his wife
1982 Bruce Hemer engineer Hahndorf & Carolyn, his wife
1987 B Hemer, of his estate and interest, to Carolyn Hemer
1987 C Hemer canteen proprietor Hahndorf became Carolyn Weber
3411/109 current title
Sub-lot 7 17 PINE AVE
1966 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf & Erna, nee Clark, his wife
1969 Charles Heyer farmer Upper Sturt & Else, his wife
1973 C Heyer died
1975 Yvonne Guscott married woman Angaston
1976 Y Guscott married woman & Philip Guscott bank officer Angaston
3411/110 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 50 (Former blocks 70, 71) - SE FREEWAY
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 Wilhelm Habich Senr miner Hahndorf #31
1893 W Habich died
1893 Louise Habich, nee Schulz, widow of W Habich
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor.
1901 LTO title
1901 Wilhelm Habich Junr monumental mason Tanunda
1905 Helena von Doussa, nee Doudy, wife of Alfred von Doussa District Council Clerk Hahndorf
1926 Louis von Doussa farmer Halidon
1931 Eliza Painter married woman Hahndorf
1944 Jean Hicks, nee Painter, wife of James Hicks butcher Hahndorf
1972 Part of the Lot taken for the SE Freeway
1971 The SA Highways Department took the rest of the Lot
2544/56 current title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1853 George Fischer miner Hahndorf #50
1853 G Fischer mortgaged the land for #35 to Jno Bonnar, articled solicitor, Mt Barker, who handed the mortgage to WM Hutchinson, of Hahndorf.
1856 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf. The late WM Hutchinson's trustees sold the land after foreclosing on Fischer's mortgage.
1881 LTO title
1881 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1910 A Thiele died. Eleonore Thiele, nee Paech, widow of A Thiele, executrix & inheritor.
1916 Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1934 H Thiele died. Bertha Thiele spinster Hahndorf & Hulda Thiele spinster Hahndorf, executrixes & inheritors.
1947 B Thiele died
1947 Max Thiele leased the land
1950 H Thiele died
1952 Louis Paech carrier Hahndorf
1961 L Paech died. Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during widowhood, then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
4013/536 & 537 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT part SH 52 (Former block 80) - PAECHTOWN RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1865 Samuel Doney gentleman Nairne #20
1867 LTO title
1867 Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf #35. Doney, now a farmer, Nairne.
1911 Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf
1917 Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1921 H Jaensch died
1946 Berthold Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1953 Ross Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1958 Norman Post butcher Hahndorf & Marjorie, nee Potgort, his wife
1965 Donald Dyer public relations officer Mt Lofty
1966 Francis Smith solicitor North Unley
1972 Di Barnett, nee Bowering businesswoman Stirling & Lawrence Barnett salesman Stirling. F Smith now of Alice Springs NT.
1980 Christopher Dutton company director Hahndorf & Dianne, his wife
3812/58 current title
ALLOTMENT part SH 52 (Former block 81, 82) - 62 AURICHT RD; 64 AURICHT RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1868 LTO title
1868 Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf #35, who already rented out the land from J Remfrey
1911 Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf
1917 Hannah Jaensch spinster Hahndorf & Martha Jaensch spinster Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1921 H Jaensch died
1946 Berthold Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1953 Ross Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1958 Norman Post butcher Hahndorf & Marjorie, nee Potgort, his wife
1965 Donald Dyer public relations officer Mt Lofty
1966 Robert Bruce sales repreSenrtative Everard Park
1970 SA Highways Department
1971 SA Highways Department divided the part Lot into a further Sub-lot:
Sub-lot 1 SE Freeway
1971 SA Highways Department
3832/92 current title
Sub-lot 2 62 AURICHT RD
1971 Alma Paech widow Hahndorf, for life, with Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'
1972 A & P Paech divided this part Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 3)
1972 Robin North linesman Mt Barker & Pauline, nee Matters, his wife clerk Hahndorf
1977 Geoffrey Rinder retired Wattle Park & Brenda, his wife
1982 Easement to the Minister of Water Resources
1982 Desmond Wash driller Mt Barker & Suzanne, his wife
4197/21 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 64 AURICHT RD
1972 Desmond Walsh driller Mt Barker & Suzanne, his wife
4197/21 Metric title
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
Blocks 83-85
1855 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1881 LTO title
1881 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
Block 86
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1881 LTO title
1881 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1910 A Thiele died. Eleonore Thiele, nee Paech, widow of A Thiele, executrix & inheritor.
1916 Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1934 H Thiele died. Bertha Thiele spinster Hahndorf & Hulda Thiele spinster Hahndorf, executrixes & inheritors.
1947 B Thiele died
1947 Max Thiele leased the land
1950 H Thiele died
1952 Louis Paech carrier Hahndorf
1961 L Paech died. Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during widowhood, then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1966 P Paech & A Paech divided portion of the Lot into 14 Sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 34 AURICHT RD
1969 Malcolm Miller clerk Hahndorf & Lindsay, his wife
1969 Allen Birchmore machine operator Bridgewater
1971 Robert Edge driver Verdun & Kay, his wife
1972 Joseph Wlochowicz fitter & turner Bridgewater & Anne Tolcher punch card operator Stirling
1973 John Tolcher line foreman Stirling & Doreen, his wife
1980 Brian Mossop farmer Echunga & Patricia, his wife
1983 William Odell customs officer Hahndorf & Teresa, his wife
3482/146 current title
Sub-lot 2 36 AURICHT RD
1969 Noel Beaser farmer Mylor & Vera, his wife
1971 Penton Vince schoolteacher Scott Creek & Jennifer, his wife
3482/147 current title
Sub-lot 3 38 AURICHT RD
1969 Gail Edmunds chauffeur Piccadilly
1969 Barker Development Pty Ltd Stirling
1970 Bertram Field poultry farmer Verdun & Rene, his wife
1971 Ronald Clark postal clerk Woodside & Mignon Hewett typist Medindie
1972 Victor Hill manager Balhannah & Ellen, nee Mullin, his wife
1987 Lance Kaesler retired engineer Hahndorf & Anastasia, nee Mullin, his wife
Sub-lot 4 40 AURICHT RD
1969 Barker Development Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
1969 Ronald Vincent farm labourer Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
1978 Lawrence Marshall tannery worker Mt Barker & Shirley, his wife
3482/149 current title
Sub-lot 5 42 AURICHT RD
1969 Barker Development Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
1970 Kenneth Lowe farmer Echunga & Stella, nee Braendler, his wife
3482/150 currene title
Sub-lot 6 44 AURICHT RD
1968 Donald Nitschke plant operator Hahndorf
1969 Donald Nitschke plant operator Hahndorf & Marlene, nee Fiegert, his wife clerk typist Hahndorf
1983 Denis Robson instrument technician Hahndorf & Ellen, his wife
1985 Leonore Stevenson widow Hahndorf
1989 Sheron Southam home duties Hahndorf
3482/51 current title
Sub-lot 7 46 AURICHT RD
1969 William Wilson linesman Mt Barker
1970 William Wilson linesman Mt Barker & Julie, his wife
1975 Richard Hill student Hahndorf & Heather, nee Day, his wife ledger machinist Hahndorf
4219/419 Metric title
Sub-lot 8 48 AURICHT RD
1968 Norman Schultz herd tester Hahndorf & Emma, his wife
1981 E Schultz died
1982 Guiseppe Natale green keeper Hahndorf & Teodora, his wife
4219/420 Metric title
Sub-lot 9 50 AURICHT RD
1967 Gilbert Huxtable farmer Echunga
1979 Arthur McRoberts retired Hahndorf & Edna, his wife
1989 A Roberts died
3482/154 current title
Sub-lot 10 52 AURICHT RD
1967 Horace Daenke orchardist Mypolonga & Catherine, his wife
1975 Leonard Jacob pensioner Hahndorf & Alice, nee Sparrow, his wife
4170/793 Metric title
Sub-lot 11 54 AURICHT RD
1968 Nora Fife-Smith teacher Malvern
1970 N Fife-Smith died. Trustee & Agency Co of SA Ltd Adelaide, executor
1971 Catherine Jones married woman Mt Bryan
1972 Edmund Paech retired farmer Hahndorf & Daphne, nee Petty, his wife
1973 E Paech died
3482/156 current title
Sub-lot 12 56 AURICHT RD
1967 Leighton James Garnish salesman Merbein Victoria & Klari, his wife
1968 Harold Munro retired Rose Park & Helen, his wife
1968 Betty Smythe teacher Plympton
3482/157 current title
Sub-lot 13 58 AURICHT RD
1967 David Post butcher Hahndorf
1973 Suzanne Patrick clerk St Georges
1982 Teodora Natale housewife Carey Gully
1983 Christopher Strachan administration officer Hahndorf
1987 Leonore Lee home duties Hahndorf
3482/158 current title
Sub-lot 14 60 AURICHT RD
1967 Colin Schultz technician Mt Barker
1968 Colin Schultz technician Mt Barker & Beverley, nee Hill, his wife
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde & Lbolya, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 Judith Bowering land saleswoman Stirling
1976 Richard Castle chef Hahndorf & Marie, nee Day, his wife
3482/159 current title
1970 Minister of Highways portion of the Lot
3832/92 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 53 (Former block 79) - PAECHTOWN RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1889 LTO title
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf, son of F Wiese
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inheritor.
1919 Heinrich Paech farmer Hahndorf
1959 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf
1961 L Paech died. Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during her widowhood; then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1971 The SA Highways Department took land for the SE Freeway
1976 Hadyn Hawkes electrical fitter Seaton
1984 Olga Doorne driver Morphett Vale. Later Olga Harradine.
4388/850 Metric title
ALLOTMENT SH 54 (Former block 78) - PAECHTOWN RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1865 Samuel Dorney, gentleman, Nairne
1868 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf, son of F Wiese
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inheritor.
1919 Heinrich Paech farmer Hahndorf
1959 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf
1961 L Paech died. Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during her widowhood; then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1976 Peter Gaskell timekeeper Beaumont & Norma, his wife
3817/3 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 55 (Former block 77) - PAECHTOWN RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1889 LTO title
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf, son of F Wiese
1896 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inheritor.
1919 Heinrich Paech farmer Hahndorf
1959 Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf
1961 L Paech died. Alma Paech, nee Nitschke, widow of L Paech, life interest during her widowhood; then to Philip Paech farmer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1976 Ian Kroehn sales repreSenrtative Redwood park & Vivienne, his wife
3817/4 current title
ALLOTMENT SH 56 (Former blocks 75 & 76) - 56 PAECHTOWN RD
1849 Joseph Remfrey mining captain Kanmantoo land grant
1855 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf #48/10/-
1876 Gustav Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf, brother-in-law of P Schinckel, now of near Naracoorte
1908 D Rohrlach, nee Boehm, died. Wilhelm Boehm teacher Warracknabeal Vic, executor.
1908 LTO title. Adolph Rohrlach joiner Springton, brought the land under the provisions of the RPA for his uncle, Wilhelm Boehm, executor for Gustav Rohrlach.
1909 Hulda Paech, nee Paech, wife of Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf
1952 Easement to ETSA
1961 H Paech, nee Paech, died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1963 Norman Schultz farmer Hahndorf & Emma, his wife
1972 Laurence Wood clerk Panorama
1972 Egon PederSenr assistant raw materials manager Piccadilly & Rita, nee Ostigh, his wife
2212/138 current title
House block 1
1839 Maria Hoffmann widow. She left for Light Pass before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
House block 2
1839 Gottfried Behrend shoemaker. He left for Lobethal before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
House block 3
1839 Wilhelm Nitschke mason, later farmer Hahndorf
House block 4)
1839 George Pfeiffer gardener. He died in the first year of settlement. His family moved to the Barossa Valley before official land transfers began in Hahndorf