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LIEBELT Family Reunion Committee Collection6 Hahndorf PioneersLeft to Right 1. THIELE, 2. LIEBELT, 3. JAENSCH, 4. van der MOLEN, 5. JAENSCH, 6. ALTMANN |
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This photograph of 6 male Hahndorf pioneers was taken 1900c. Their average age was 77 years, & they arrived in South Australia [in order of photo Lt to Rt] via the 'Prince George', 'Zebra', 'Zebra', ship deserter, 'Zebra', 'George Washington' & then they married LUBASCH, LIEBELT, LUBASCH, LIEBELT, PAECH & REIMANN. Further along I explore the relationships between all these 12 Hahndorf pioneers.
This original photographs was in the possession of the LIEBELT Family Reunion Committee, possibly left over from previous reunions, but it can now be seen in the Hahndorf Academy where it is on permanent loan. Colour & enhancements below, provided by Elizabeth BARNES, genealogist and historian, with permission of the LIEBELT Family Reunion Committee. Permission must be sought for duplication of all enhanced photographs. Contact Elizabeth on
Family names mentioned in this article
Left to Right
Photo included in the 100 year celebrations in pamphlet of January 1939
Table of Contents
2. The photo enhanced & examined
3. Age when they arrived, died, how long they were widowed & how many children they had over the span.
4. Individual profiles
5. Does anyone have an original copy of this photo that I could scan?
6. References
1. Author's Note
This original sepia photograph above was in the possession of the LIEBELT Family Reunion committee & on 23 October 2020 it was donated on permanent loan to the Hahndorf Academy.
The ages of the men are predicated on the photograph being taken 'at the turn of the century', 1900.
Permission has been given by the LIEBELT Family Reunion committee to duplicate this photo onto the Adelaide Hills Localwiki site which enables you to copy it. Please reference accordingly.
2. LIEBELT Family History
2. Photo coloured & enhanced
ca 1900. This photo has been coloured and enhanced by Elizabeth BARNES and to duplicate it you can seek permission from her via | |
Wilhelm, Christoph, Christian, Reinder, Traugott and Carl, 6 elder males, dressed in mostly matching waist coats and dark coloured coat and pants, wearing either ties or bowties.
Traugott JAENSCH has a pocket handkerchief and a watch chain, all are bearded, & have tough working hands.
Christoph LIEBELT has his right middle finger missing, a there are a mix of clean & dusty boots.
Joseph ALTMANN is holding a sprig of vegetation & they are sitting on identical chairs on a slight & grassy slope in front of a possible quince tree with native forests in the far background.
3. Age when they arrived, died, how long they were widowed & how many children they had over the span.
1. Johann Wilhelm THIELE, was 19 years of age on the 'Prince George' arrived 1838 & died 5 April 1909 aged 90 years.
Was a widow for 8 years, wife LUBASCH bore 8 children 1839-1856, over 17 years.
Aged 81 years in photo.
2. Johann Christoph LIEBELT was 12 years old on the 'Zebra' arrived 1839 & died 5 March 1910 aged 85 years.
Was a widow for 12 years, wife LIEBELT [1st cousins] bore 7 children 1849-1863, over 14 years.
Aged 75 years in photo
3. Johann Christian JAENSCH was 9 years old on the 'Zebra' arrived 1839 & died 11 October 1917 aged 90 years.
Was a widow for 6 years, wife LUBASCH bore 9 children 1854-1869, over 15 years.
Aged 83 years on photo
4. Reinder van der MOLEN, of Dutch origin, apparently arrived 1854 via deserting his ship at Port Adelaide when he was 30 years of age & died 22 October 1911 aged 87 years
Was a widow for 13 years, wife LIEBELT bore 9 children 1858-1876, over 18 years.
Aged 76 in photo
5. Johann Friedrich Traugott JAENSCH younger brother of Christian, was 6 years old on the 'Zebra' arrived 1839 & died 9 January 1914 aged 82 years.
Was a widow for 5 years, wife PAECH bore 7 children 1856-1869, over 13 years,
Aged 76 in photo
6. Johann Carl ALTMANN was 18 old on the 'George Washington' arrived 1844 & died 28 November 1909 aged 84 years.
- Wife survived him by 4 years wife REIMANN bore 4 children 1855-1864, over 9 years.
- Aged 75 years in photo.
4. Individual Profiles
Wife's |
1900-1910, No 544 |
Johanne Eleonore Henriette LUBASCH, [1821-1901], from Rissen, Brandenburg, Prussia, was 16 years of age on Zebra with father, step mother and step siblings. Father; Johann Gottfried LUBASCH Mother: Caroline WOLF (1st wife) Wilhelm & Eleanore had 11 children between 1839-1856,
Wife Died SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1900-1910, No 110 Eleanore Henriette Thiele, December 29, 1901, aged 80 years, profession widow of the Johann Wilhelm Thiele later farmer, usual residence Main St Hahndorf, cause of death strangulated umbilical hernia, place where death occurred Main St Hahndorf, informant Gustav Thiele son Hahndorf. |
1. Johann Wilhelm THIELE 1819-1909
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1900-1910, No 544
Johann Wilhelm Thiele, April 5, 1909, aged 89 years, profession farmer, usual residence Main St, Hahndorf, born in Nickern Brandenburg Germany, resident in Commonwealth 71 years, age at marriage 21 years, has 5 male children living and 2 male & 3 female deceased. cause of death Senile Debility, dysentry, death occurred at Main St, Hahndorf, informant was Gustave Thiele, son of Hahndorf
Other references
Other photographs
was a 19 year old Tailor on the Prince George with his parents and brothers. LFH says born in Nickern, Brandenburg, Prussia.
Father: Samuel THIELE [1781-1869]
Mother: Anna Rosina SCHULZ [1787-1862]
m 1839ca
Johanne Eleonore Henriette LUBASCH, [1821-1901], from Rissen, Brandenburg, Prussia, was 16 years of age on Zebra with father, step mother and step siblings.
Father; Johann Gottfried LUBASCH
Mother: Caroline WOLF (1st wife)
Wilhelm & Eleanore had 11 children between 1839-1856,
2. Johann Christoph LIEBELT. 1805-1866
Born Siblings Siblings married Arrived Married Wife's ancestors Sibling married Occupation |
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1900-1910, No 597
Johann Christoph Liebelt, March 5, 1910, aged 84 years. Profession gentleman, usual residence Main St, Hahndorf, born in Schönborn, Germany. Birthplace & length residence in Commonwealth 72 years. Age at marriage 23 years, has 3 male & 2 female children living and 2 male deceased. Cause of death acute intestinal obstruction, death occurred at Main St, Hahndorf, informant was Hedwig Pauline Louise Thiele, grand daughter of Hahndorf
1910 'OBITUARY.', The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser [SA:1880-1954], 18 March, p.2., viewed 02 May 2022.
Mr. Johann Christoph LIEBELT< who died at Hahndorf on the 15th inst., at the advanced age of 84 years, was one of the original pioneers of the district, having arrived with his parents by the ship 'Zebra'. [Captain Hahn] in 1838. He followed the occupation of a shepherd for many years. In 1849 he married his cousin [Miss Louise LIEBELT], who died about 12 years ago. Mr. LIEBELT was of a very cheerful disposition and in spite of his years was fairly active up to the last. He only took to his bed three days before his death, the immediate cause of which was hernia, Mr LIEBELT leaves 3 sons [August of Adelaide, Gottfried of Natimuck, Victoria and Gustav of Friedrichstadt], two daughters [Mrs T PAECH and Mrs G. THIELE, both of Hahndorf], 30 grandchildren, and 11 great-grand children. The internment took place in the Hahndorf Cemetery, Pastor BRAUER officiating.
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from Schönborn, Brandenburg, Prussia, was a 33 year old Tailor on the 'Zebra' in 1838.
Christoph LIEBELT [1805-1866], from Schönborn, Brandenburg, Prussia, was a 33 year old Tailor on the 'Zebra' in 1838.
Father: Johann Christoph LIEBELT Snr
Mother: Anna Dorothea WOLF
Anna Dorothea WOLF [1808-1864]
Christoff and Dorothea had 6 children between 1831-1845.
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 4 1893-1899, No 363
Johanna Louisa Liebelt, 7 January 1898, 1901, aged 73 years. Profession wife of Christoph Liebelt, farmer Friedrichstadt. Usual residence Friedrichstadt near Hahndorf. Cause of death, old age failure of hearts action as per Coroner's Certificate. Place where death occurred Friedrichstadt near Hahndorf. Informant C.G. Liebelt son, Friedrichstad Hahndorf
LIEBELT Family History pages 9, 10. | ||||
3. Johann Christian JAENSCH
Born Siblings Siblings married Arrived Married Wife's ancestors Sibling married Occupation |
brother in law to Johann Wilhelm THIELE & brother of Traugott JAENSCH
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
brother in law to Johann Wilhelm THIELE & brother of Traugott JAENSCH
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1911-1919, No 435
Christian Jaensch, October 11, 1917, aged 90 years, profession independent means, usual residence Main St, Hahndorf, born in Zilchau, Germany, birthplace & length residence in Commonwealth 79 years, age at marriage 25 years, has 3 male & 2 female children living and 2 male & 2 female deceased. cause of death bronchopneumonia & nephritis, death occurred at Main St, Hahndorf, informant was Martha Jaensch, daughter of Hahndorf.
Other references
Other photographs
Christian was the 'last of the pioneers to die', except he wasn't, his sister Mrs GATES was the last to die in 1918..
They were both married to LUBASCH daughters, one from the first marriage, mother Caroline WOLF, to Gottfried and one from the second marriage, mother Anna Dorothea GREISER
Christian JAENSCH [1827-1917]
Father: Johann Christian JAENSCH
Mother: Maria Elizabeth KLENKE
m 1853
Anna Maria Dorothea LUBASCH [. ]
Father: Johann Gottfried LUBASCH
Mother: Anna Dorothea GREISER
Christian and Anna had 9 children from 1854-1869
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 6 1911-1919, No 13
Anna Dorothea Jaensch, February 9, 1911, 1901, aged 77 years, profession wife of Christian Jaensch, butcher, Friedrichstadt, usual residence Main St, Hahndorf, birthplace & length resident of residence in Commonwealth, Rissen Germany, 72 years, age at marriage 20 years, has 3 male & 2 female children living, and 2 male & 2 female deceased cause of death abdominal cancer, place where death occurred Main St Hahndorf, informant Adolph Louis Waltrovitz, undertaker Hahndorf
Reg BUTLER 1979 'Lean Times & Lively Days Hahndorf Primary School 1879-1979' page 94
According to Reg BUTLER this photograph "of the students and teacher of the Hahndorf Lutheran School, together with the School elders and St. Michael's Lutheran Church pastor, taken in front of the school building on the last day of school 30 June, 1917." On the far right hand side it identifies "Ferdinand ALTMANN, Pastor BRAUER, Christian JAENSCH". I believe this person on the extreme right with the walking stick and the white beard is Johann Christian JAENSCH b1827 & died 11 October 1917. In 1853 he married Johanna Dorothea LUBASCH. I believe this might be one of the last photographs taken of this early Hahndorf pioneer. To read about his involvement in the Adelaide Supreme Court Trial when he took his wife's sister to court to test the validity of their fathers [Johann Gottfried LUBASCH] will which left the farmstead on the current land of Beerenberg Farm to the youngest daughter.
4. Reinder van der MOLEN 1824-1911
Born Siblings Siblings married Arrived Married Wife's ancestors Sibling married Occupation |
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1911-1919, No 53
Reinder Eppes Van der Molen, October 22, 1911, aged 87 years, profession no occupation formerly labourer, usual residence Hahndorf, born in Holland, birthplace & length residence in Commonwealth 57 years, age at marriage 33 years, has 3 male & 2 female children living and 3 male & 2 female deceased. cause of death enlarged prostate, cystitis, nephritis, death occurred at Hahndorf, informant was Johann August Gustav van der Molen son of Hahndorf.
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from Netherlands, was a sailor who deserted his ship around 1854
Father: Eppes Gerdes van der MOLEN
Mother; Duwecke Reinder HUSSINGA
m 1857
Anna Dorothea LIEBELT [1833-1898]
Father: Johann Gottfried LIEBELT [1798-18. ]
Mother: Anna Elisabeth POHL [1799-1884]
Reinder and Anna had 8 children between 1858-1876.
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 4 1993-1899, No 404
Anna Dorothea van der Molen, June 15, 1898, 1901, aged 65 years, profession wife of 'Reinert' van der Molen labourer, Hahndorf, usual residence Hahndorf, cause of death inflammation of the lungs and old age, place where death occurred, Hahndorf, informant R. V.d. Molen husband, Hahndorf.,
5. Johann Traugott JAENSCH. 1831-1914
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1911-1919, No 53 NOT DONE
Other references
Other photographs
Traugott JAENSCH brother to Christian JAENSCH
was 6 years old on the Zebra with parents and brothers.
Father: Johann Christian JAENSCH
Mother: Maria Elizabeth KLENKE
married 18...
Alwine Ida PIETSCH
married 1853
Johanne Karoline PAECH [1831-1909], from Nickern, Brandenburg, Prussia. 7 years old on the Zebra with parents and sisters.
Father: Johann Friedrich PAECH
Mother: Johanne Louise JACHNING
Traugott and Karoline had ....7 children from 1856-
6. Johann Carl ALTMANN. 1823-190
Born Siblings Siblings married Arrived Married Wife's ancestors Sibling married Occupation |
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
Born: 29 April 1825, Schloin, Gruenberg district of Silesia, Prussia.
Siblings married
Wife's ancestors
Sibling married
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 5 1900-1910, No 585
Johann Carl Altmann, November 28, 1909, aged 84 years, profession farmer , usual residence near Balhannah, birthplace & length resident of residence Commonwealth Schlesiau, Germany, 66 years, age at marriage 28 years, has 2 male & 7 female children living and no deceased children. cause of death cerebral apoplexy, death occurred near Balhannah, Sth Australia, informant Carl ?Ferdinand Altmann son near Balhannah, South Australia.
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from........aged 20 years on the George Washington in 1844.
Father: Johann Joseph ALTMANN
Mother: Anna Maria BAUMANN
married 1852
Johanna Eleonore REIMANN [1823-1893] ........from...... was .... on San Franciso in 1850.
Father: Johann Gottlob REIMANN
Mother: Anna Elizabeth WENZEL
Karl and Eleonore had 4 children between 1855-1864.
The Family History of Johann Joseph Altmann 1844-1967 by Max Altmann, page 8
Johann Karl Joseph Altmann was born on April 29, 1825 at Schloin in the Gruenberg district of Silesia, Prussia, At the age of 19 years, in 1844, he came to Australia with his parents and settled at Hahndorf, South Australia. After a brief period at Hahndorf, he went to work for the Dresden Lutheran Mission at Encounter Bay and in the Lake Alexandrina District with Pastor Teichelmann. Karl became a foundation member of "St Peters" Lutheran Church at Callington. From there he went and worked at Mt Gambier and then on to Bendigo Gold Diggints where he earned 300 pound digging and finding.8 ops. gold worth 3pound, 15 shillings an ounce. In 1853 he returned to Hahndorf and soon after took up land at Woodside. On May 5th 1854, he married Johanna Luise LIEBELT of Mt Barker Junction who was born on September 26, 1834. The marriage was performed by Pastor G.D. Fritzsche in 'St Paul's Lutheran Church, Lobethal. In 1856 after farming a term of three years at Woodside he settled on 160 acres; Sections 4211, 4212 Hundred of Onkapringa, known as 'Blackwood Park', Balhannah, which he purchased in 1868. He resided here until his death on November 28th, 1909 at the age of 84 years. His wife Johanna Luise, died on April 6, 1913. Their marriage was blessed with nine children.
SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022 District Nairne Deaths Book 6 1911-1919, No 140
Johanne Louise Altmann, April 6, 1913, aged 79 years, profession widow of the late Johann Carl Altmann, farmer, usual residence near Balhannah, birthplace & length resident of residence Commonwealth Silesia, Germany, 74 years, age at marriage 'married but at what age not known', has 2 male & 7 female children living and no deceased children. cause of carcinoma of breast, death occurred Echunga Road near Hahndorf, informant Johann August Liebelt son in law Echunga Road.
3. Age when have an original copy of this photograph that I could scan?
6. References