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LIEBELT Family History, 1975

by Fairlie LIEBELT and Alan WITTWER


Johann Gottfried LIEBELT




The family names that are mentioned in this article:








van der MOLEN


Aim of this Article

Provide an accessible copy of the 'LIEBELT FAMILY HISTORY, 1975',  by F LIEBELT and A WITTWER.  

The copyright of this book lies with the Liebelt Reunion Committee and the members  have agreed to reproduce the entire book on this Adelaide Hills Localwiki site.  

Hard copies can still be purchased from


Table of Contents

1.    Author's Note

2.    LIEBELT Family History page 1-44

3.    The 1st son, LIEBELT & POHL


1.    Author's Note


2.    LIEBELT Family History page 1-44



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