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John MUELLER Collection

Unidentified Photographs

                                                                                                               To return to:  'John MUELLER Photographic Collection & Other Archival Material'




Aim of Article

To post all of the unidentified photographs from the John Mueller Collection, or those where there is no obvious connection to the family tree.

If you recognise a photo, can identify the year, individuals or occasion then please note the number and email the author at


Unidentified Photos


Photos 1-16
1 2. ​'Lyall Cornish, Uncle Bert, Peter Martin, Kevin Curtis 5CL Australian Boys Club. Mora Studio 3 Alternate  male & females in two rows 4 Young boys playing flutes and a drum
5 'Hahndorf banner' 6 Bandsmen in uniforms 'Hahndorf Band'

7 Band in motion 8 'Littlehampton Band 1906'
9 'Lizzie Beattie' 10. 'H. KREUGLER Photo  & Denial Bay' 11  Reverse: 'DRUTE' 

Photographer Edmund DIEDERICH

12 '4 Clydesdales'
13 2 horses, 2 men, ? raking 14'To Auntie Hulda & Uncle Otto with compliments of the Season from Dora 1929' 15 Man surrounded by a crowd playing banjo 16  Mt Barker Ag Bureau


Photos 17-32



18 19  20  'Antony Abraham Thomas St, Murray Bridge'  



22 23 24



26 27 28Photo by Edmund DIEDERICH


30 Very large group of women children & some males 31 ? same males as no 34 32. 10 young men


Photos 32 - 42
33 34 ? same males as 31 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42 John Reid & sons 43 44



Photos 45 -