The following information is a copy of JK Stokes data on Mount Barker as contained in her Rootsweb ( Genealogy Website and has been included here with permission. No alterations or additions may be made to her information without further permission, although relevant comments and/or additions are welcome to be added at the bottom of each page. (copied July 2014) |
Refer to Map 1 for names of Streets
V1 | site of first religious services under a gum tree at the bottom end of Kiaora Street (which did not exist in those days) |
V2 | site of original Primitive Methodist chapel |
V3 | site of the "Lecture Hall" |
V4 | Anglican Church |
V5 | Presbyterian Church |
d1 | site of original Court House |
d2 | site of Police officer's house |
d3 | site of new Court House built in 1860's, closed 1976 and rebuilt in 1980's |
C3 | Low's Inn - now called Hotel Barker |
C2 | Gray's Inn |
C1 | site of Gloag's Inn |
C4 | site of old wine shop and house that had a "T" made of bottles embedded in the front wall |
C5 | Crown Hotel, originally run by Mr Gloag and later by George Uphill |
W10 | Temperence Hall |
W11 | building known as the RSL Hall, which was used as a Doctor's rooms and also as a residence |
U1 | site of the cemetery in "The Triangle" |
U2 | I cannot find any definite record of where "Resurrection Row" was in Mt Barker, but from descriptions given to me by very old residents, and from existing texts, I believe that the area marked is fairly close to it. This is where the first cemetery was. |
3U1 | the site of the present cemetery is beyond the scope of the map following Springs Road |
[ JKS - Home ] last updated 18 October 2005