The following information is a copy of JK Stokes data on Mount Barker as contained in her Rootsweb ( Genealogy Website  and has been included here with permission.  No alterations or additions may be made to her information without further permission, although relevant comments and/or additions are welcome to be added at the bottom of each page.  (copied July 2014)




Refer to Map 1 for names of Streets

V1 site of first religious services under a gum tree at the bottom end of Kiaora Street (which did not exist in those days)
V2 site of original Primitive Methodist chapel
V3 site of the "Lecture Hall"
V4 Anglican Church
V5 Presbyterian Church
d1 site of original Court House
d2 site of Police officer's house
d3 site of new Court House built in 1860's, closed 1976 and rebuilt in 1980's
C3 Low's Inn - now called Hotel Barker
C2 Gray's Inn
C1 site of Gloag's Inn
C4 site of old wine shop and house that had a "T" made of bottles embedded in the front wall
C5 Crown Hotel, originally run by Mr Gloag and later by George Uphill
W10 Temperence Hall
W11 building known as the RSL Hall, which was used as a Doctor's rooms and also as a residence
U1 site of the cemetery in "The Triangle"
U2 I cannot find any definite record of where "Resurrection Row" was in Mt Barker, but from descriptions given to me by very old residents, and from existing texts, I believe that the area marked is fairly close to it. This is where the first cemetery was.
3U1 the site of the present cemetery is beyond the scope of the map following Springs Road


[ JKS - Home ]      last updated 18 October 2005