The following information is a copy of JK Stokes data on Mount Barker as contained in her Rootsweb ( Genealogy Website and has been included here with permission. No alterations or additions may be made to her information without further permission, although relevant comments and/or additions are welcome to be added at the bottom of each page. (copied July 2014) |
Refer to Map 1 for street names
1 | The home and printing office of Mr Waddy |
2 | McFarlane's original butchering business |
3 | Dickie Daniels' Blacksmith shop |
4 | First home of Roderick Murdoch McKenzie and his wife Mary (Paltridge) |
5 | Claremont Tea Rooms |
6 | site of grocery business run by Mrs McKenzie; later the site of the National Bank |
7 | Tinsmith shop |
8 | Liebings Saddlery |
9 | Oakfield Hotel - later Auchendarroch, the Rest Home, then Auchendarroch again |
10 | site of present day Millie's Bakery was once a blacksmith's shop |
11 | The White House - built by Thomas Stephenson |
12 | Chapman's feed & grain, later became Andy Callaghan's Betting shop, and later still Rossiter's boot factory |
13 | Greenfields shop, later bought by Mr Daw in 1884; then became a butcher shop, presently it is a land agency |
14 | W. Braker's house |
15 | Temperance Hall built as a grain store for Mr Good, Mr.W Barker used it as a house in 1865- also the site of an early home of the Paltridge family, |
16 | Mrs Carol's Boarding House |
17 | Crown Hotel, Dr Weld's house, RSL Hall |
18 | blacksmith's shop |
19 | house built by Mr Cruchett to be used as a church for Independent Congregationalists, but was never finished as a church, it later became builder Percy Gee's house |
20 | "The Laurels" - final home of John Dunn, now owned by the Walsh family |
21 | Wedd's store |
22 | Salem Cottages |
23 | Shepherdson's house and shop |
24 | Dunn's Mill |
25 | Paltridges 2nd Tannery - later Johnston Leather Company (closed in 1975) |
26 | Dumas' printing office - original home of "The Courier" |
27 | Paltridges original tannery and house |
28 | Crown Hotel, later the RSL Hall |
[ JKS - Home ] last updated 18 October 2005