The following information is a copy of JK Stokes data on Mount Barker as contained in her Rootsweb ( Genealogy Website  and has been included here with permission.  No alterations or additions may be made to her information without further permission, although relevant comments and/or additions are welcome to be added at the bottom of each page.  (copied July 2014)




Refer to Map 1 for street names

1 The home and printing office of Mr Waddy
2 McFarlane's original butchering business
3 Dickie Daniels' Blacksmith shop
4 First home of Roderick Murdoch McKenzie and his wife Mary (Paltridge)
5 Claremont Tea Rooms
6 site of grocery business run by Mrs McKenzie; later the site of the National Bank
7 Tinsmith shop
8 Liebings Saddlery
9 Oakfield Hotel - later Auchendarroch, the Rest Home, then Auchendarroch again
10 site of present day Millie's Bakery was once a blacksmith's shop
11 The White House - built by Thomas Stephenson
12  Chapman's feed & grain, later became Andy Callaghan's Betting shop, and later still Rossiter's boot factory
13 Greenfields shop, later  bought by Mr Daw in 1884; then became a butcher shop, presently it is a land agency
14 W. Braker's house
15 Temperance Hall built as a grain store for Mr Good, Mr.W Barker used it as a house in 1865- also the site of an early home of the Paltridge family, 
16 Mrs Carol's Boarding House
17 Crown Hotel, Dr Weld's house, RSL Hall
18 blacksmith's shop
19 house built by Mr Cruchett to be used as a church for Independent Congregationalists, but was never finished as a church, it later became builder Percy Gee's house
20 "The Laurels" - final home of John Dunn, now owned by the Walsh family
21 Wedd's store
22 Salem Cottages
23 Shepherdson's house and shop
24 Dunn's Mill
25 Paltridges 2nd Tannery - later Johnston Leather Company (closed in 1975)
26 Dumas' printing office - original home of "The Courier"
27 Paltridges original tannery and house
28 Crown Hotel, later the RSL Hall


[ JKS - Home ]      last updated 18 October 2005