The following Family History Notes were compiled by Reg Butler (Hahndorf Historian). Please refer to the Disclaimer and other Information on the Family Histories Index. |
Family History Notes - Weyland
BARQUE STEINWAERDER - c151 passengers from Hamburg 12/1/1849
KRAMER, Captain CS
WEYLAND, Wilhelm August Senr (//c1798-13/1/1868) Died Stepney SA, at his residence Nelson St. Joiner from Hamburg. Cabinetmaker; Adelaide (Pirie St) then Carpenter; Stepney.
WEYLAND, Mrs WA nee Sophia Friederike Elisabeth Eliza ? (//c1799-29/10/1885) Died Stepney SA.
WEYLAND, Wilhelm August Junr (//c1828-//) m 13/2/1867 St John Adelaide, Jane nee COAD (//c1846-1/6/1882) Died Stepney SA. Father; Edward.
WEYLAND, child (//-//)
Weyland, Auguste Elise (//c1836-6/5/1929)
m 28/1/1853 St John Adelaide, Alexander WOOD (//c1827-//) Settled; Adelaide, Bald Hills near Yankalilla .
WEYLAND, child (//-//)
WEYLAND, child (//-//)
WEYLAND, child (//-//)
WEYLAND, Bertha Eleonore (//-//) m 27/1/1859 St John Adelaide, Peter Tweedie CLAPPERTON. Father; James.
BARQUE HERDER - passengers from Bremen 21/9/1851
VON HAGEN, Captain Passsengers mostly miners. Seaman Claus BACKMANN died 19/10/1851 Pt Adelaide SA, of an accident ‘a little beyond Hindmarsh’, from
WEILAND/WEYLAND, Carl Friedrich Julius (//c1826-//) Ore sorter from Clausthal (Harz), Hanover. Perhaps Labourer; Kooringa, Adelaide (Grote St) by 1854, then North Adelaide 1854. Son of Carl August Weyland and Juliane nee Mueller of Clausthal (apparently did not emigrate). m (2) some time in 1854 dnr Auguste Caroline nee Knust.
WEILAND, Mrs CF nee Johanna Georgine Mathilde nee HAUSDORFER/HAUSTORFER (//-?/4/1854) Died Adelaide SA, at the Destitute
SHIP DOCKENHUDEN - passengers from Hamburg 19/5/1853
MEYER, Captain Jacob Account of voyage Observer 7/5/1853 p151a
WEILAND/WEYLAND, Carl Wilhelm Julius (//c1828-//) Model maker from Clausthal (Harz), Hanover. Perhaps Carpenter; Adelaide (Ackland St) by 1854. Perhaps in Castlemaine Vic by 1855. Perhaps son of Carl August Weyland and Juliane nee Mueller of Clausthal (apparently did not emigrate).
WEILAND, Mrs CWJ (//-//)
WEILAND, Carl Christian Friedrich (//c1830-//) Ore sorter from Clausthal (Harz), Hanover. Perhaps son of Carl August Weyland and Juliane nee Mueller of Clausthal (apparently did not emigrate).
BRIG GRASSBROOK - passengers from Hamburg 24/8/1853
WEYLAND, Mr perhaps Ernst (//-//) Settled; Gumeracha by 1878. m Mary nee Harris. Also perhaps more likely Eduard Gustav Weyland Butcher; Adelaide 1857 then of Collingwood Vic by 1860. His son, William Gustav Weyland b c1864 m 30/12/1891 George Quick residence West Marden, his cousin Auguste Cecilie nee WOOD.
SHIP JOHANN CESAR - passengers from Hamburg 1/1/1855
MOLLER, Captain
WEYLAND, Johann Ernst Friedrich (//c1820-26/9/1881)34 Died Lobethal SA. Miner from Clausthal (Harz), Hanover. Farmer; Charleston, The Willows Western Branch near Lobethal. Lutheran. Probably a son of fellow passenger JA Weyland.
WEYLAND, Mrs JEF nee Johanne Henriette Georgine nee HAMMER (//c1824-17/8/1907) Died Lobethal SA.
WEYLAND, Johann Carl Heinrich Christian (//c1846-11/9/1914) Died near Woodside SA. Farmer; Neudorf, near Woodside perhaps then Labourer; Kingston Vic 1902. m 12/4/1869 St Paul Lutheran Church Hahndorf, fellow passenger Caroline nee Schoell.
WEYLAND, Ernst Philipp (//c1850-//) Storekeeper; Hahndorf then Farmer; Lobethal, Mt Torrens, Cournamont, Teal Flat, Ridley, Bowhill. m (1) 19/9/1871 Bride residence Hahndorf, Pauline nee Hoffmann formerly Paech formerly Koch m (2) 4/6/1877 Bride mother residence Mt Torrens, Mary nee House.
WEYLAND, Johann Ernst August (//c1854-//)0 m 24/7/1884 140/250
WEYLAND, Carl August Wilhelm (//c1854-//)0 m 12/5/1879 St Paul Adelaide, Wilhelmine nee Fleck.
WEYLAND, Johann August (//c1799-//) Shoemaker from Clausthal (Harz), Hanover. Probably parents of fellow passenger JEF Weyland. In Castlemaine Vic by 1854
WEYLAND, Mrs JA nee Johanne Friedericke Charlotte DIEKMANN (//c1799-//)
WEYLAND, Therese (//c1835-//)