Where: 807 Stockard Street

Burlington, NC 27215


Hours of Operation:

Monday through Friday

2:00 – 6:00 pm

(Extended hours available for teens)


Mission Statement: To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.



·      Sherri Henderson, Executive Director

·      Robby Burnette, Unit Director

·      Tara Nager, Program Director

History and Elon's involvement:  

The Boys and Girls Club of America, established in 1860, opened a center in Burlington, NC in 1955. All of the centers around the country provide children with a safe place to learn, develop and become the best people they can be. The Salvation Army, through which the Boys and Girls Club in Burlington runs, is in its 85th year in existence! Through the Kernodle center for service learning, students at Elon University can sign up to volunteer at the program and play and tutor the roughly 80 children that go after school daily.  Madeline Hopper, Elon’s current student coordinator for the Boys and Girls club, encourages and helps manage the students who are interested in volunteering. When asked how the Boys and Girls club has changed Alamance County, Madeline Hopper spoke about the wide range of benefits that the Burlington Boys and Girls club provides. “I think that the Boys and Girls Club has changed Alamance County through offering a diverse population of people a service that many other cities do not offer. Giving the families within Alamance County an afterschool program, which is extremely cost affordable, is something that I think has really helped shaped Alamance County, for the better. It has also helped the youth of Alamance County with their education, social skills, and much more.” According to the American Community Survey, Burlington has a poverty level of 25.3% Services like Boys and Girls club keep kids out of harm that live in less fortunate areas.

“After school is the time where the most violence occurs in this area, so the club is a safe haven for these kids that otherwise might be involved in violence.” In the future Madeline hopes that the Boys and Girls club “can continue to help families who need a safe place for their children to go afterschool. I also hope that it will continue to help the children grow and realize their full potential”

From 3:00 to 4:00pm the children are required to do “Power Hour” where they work on their homework and receive help from volunteers if needed. However, from 4:00 to 6:00pm the Boys and Girls offers a wide range of programs for the children.

Boys and Girls Club offers *seven different programs:

·      Education and Career Programs

  •   The education portion of this program has tutors as well as many different classes that the children can take to improve their academics and learn about other fields such as using technology. The career portion focuses on honing the children’s skills to make them ready for their future careers. The career program also focuses on “financial responsibility.” Check out this article for more information about the organization's "state of the art technology" for the students to help with academics and further their technology skills. 

·      Character and Leadership Programs

  •   Torch Club” is a program within the club that works on the character development of the children and involves community service as a way to do this. The leadership program helps the children become confident and effective leaders and role models.

·      Health and Life Skills

  •   With obesity being a growing epidemic in this country, the Boys and Girls club felt that it was necessary to promote healthy and active lifestyles and “Healthy Habits” does just that.
  • The Health and Life Skills program also focuses on teaching kids about safety in their neighborhoods, as well as with drugs, alcohol and sex. This program is critical to learn at a young age because of the harsh and sometimes fatal consequences that they can have.
  •   Smart Girls” is another program within this topic that encourages good self-esteem as well as sex prevention and education.

·      The Art Programs

  • The art program offers classes on fine arts, digital arts, photography and more.

·      Sports, Fitness and Recreation

  •   The Boys and Girls club locations all have gyms for recreational purposes. Furthermore, the children can sign up for golf and baseball work on their fundamental skills.

·      Specialized Programs

  •    “These initiatives focus on meeting the significant and specific needs identified within Boys & Girls Clubs. Their broad scope complements several or all of our core program areas.”
  • Within the specialized programs there are classes about gang prevention, community builders and diversity awareness. Furthermore, there is a Latino Outreach program that serves to empower “Latino youth and families.”

*Not every program is offered at each location. Check specific club for details.


So you want to become a volunteer now? Boys and Girls Club would love to have you!

In order to become a volunteer, all students must go through Title XI and Safe From Harm Training. Title XI training includes the code and conduct of the club as well as information and rules prohibiting any sexual harassment or exploitation. Every volunteer must get a score of 100 in order to volunteer. The Safe from Harm training is the Salvation Army’s own form of training. The LINCS coordinator presents the information and rules about interactions with the children at the club.

Contact Information: 

  •       Website: 
  •      Burlington Boys and Girls club number: (336) 226-4462
  •      Boys and Girls Club Email:
  •      Facebook page:


Salvation Army of Alamance County. (2009-13) Boys and girls clubs. Retrieved from

Boys and Girls Club of America. (2013) What we do. Retrieved from

USA (2006-10). Burlington, NC historical poverty level data. Retrieved from

Facebook (2013). Boys and girls club of alamance county Retrieved from

New York Times (2011). The boys and girls club and high tech? they mix. Retrieved from 

Personal Interview with Madeline Hopper on October 5, 2013