Chick- fil- a, Back Again
The distributor of delicious chicken sandwiches has had a particularly high level of history with Elon University. On June 2012, Chick-fil-A President and COO Dan Cathy made controversial statements regarding same-sex marriage during a feature on a Christian talk show. This offended some students but what really stirred things up on campus was the apparent funding of anti-gay organizations by CFA. Spectrum, an on campus group dedicated to promote rights of gays, lesbians, and everything in between, along with other students pulled for immediate action. Cathy stood by what he said on the talk and claimed only to reserve the right to express his Christian values. The Policy Committee and the SGA ended up voting the establishment off campus at least for awhile. Soon after the 2013 fall break (October, 16), Chick-fil-a will be returning to the Elon campus, this time to first floor McEwan Dinning Hall. Despite students' past abhorrence towards the company, most students seemed thrilled about plans to reopen on campus. Recently, an on campus newspaper, "The Pendulum," put out an article about the reopening of CFA on campus. My own observations lead me to believe that this is a good thing and will cease to be center for controversy.
edited by Anna Dorsey, Thomas Fazio