S.H.A.R.E. is a program within the umbrella organization of the Elon Volunteers organization at Elon University Elon Volunteers also includes other programs such as Linking Generations, Avalon, E-CERT, Coaches, Lunch Buddies, and Best Buddies. S.H.A.R.E is a club at Elon University and is open to all new members.  Members volunteer at a local animal shelter in Burlington by playing with and exercising dogs and cats.  The club does not provide transportation, but there is a group on Facebook where students can coordinate carpooling and rides.  Once members are trained, they are free to go to the shelter whenever is convenient for their schedules.  They do not have to get permission to go to the animal shelter once trained.  S.H.A.R.E. also participates in service events outside of the shelter such as the Pet Smart Adoption Event.  In addition to volunteering at the local animal shelter, members also occasionally volunteer at the Conservator’s Center Inc., which is a nonprofit organization that rescue and preserves threatened species.  The club provides a Google Documents calendar that members can access in order to sign up for training sessions and upcoming events.  S.H.A.R.E is a wonderful organization in which all students can benefit from joining.  Students do receive community service hours from participating.