According to the Elon university website, an internship is defined as “a carefully monitored work experience that relates to the student’s academic curriculum and/or career goals and earns academic credit for a grade.” At Elon, an internship is required from business and communications majors but is still offered to anyone else who is interested. The nice thing about the internships at the school is that they can be part-time or full-time and can be paid or unpaid.

            In order to begin an internship there are certain eligibility requirements. You must be a junior or a senior standing. However, sophomores in co-ops with special permission are also allowed to do an internship. A student’s minimum GPA has to be up to a 2.0. They must have completed the departmental prerequisites for their major. Lastly the student must have the approval of a faculty sponsor/experiential education director/advisor.

            The best way to start finding an internship would be to make an appointment with Elon Career Services. The office of career services can be contacted at (336)-278-6538. There is also the School of Communications Internship Office, which can be reached by calling (336)-278-6336. Once you have figured out what internship you are interested in and which one will help towards your major/minor disciplines, you must complete the internship interest form which can be located on the Elon University website under academics and internships.