Local Law Enforcement
The Alamance County Sheriff’s Office is located at 109 South Maple Street in Graham. The current Sheriff is Terry S. Johnson, who was reelected in 2010. The Alamance County Sheriff’s Office coordinates and cooperates with local police from Gibsonville, Burlington, Mebane, and Elon to further carry out their mission statement. Their mission is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of Alamance County against all unlawful activities that may arise. One of the major tasks of local law enforcement is cracking down on underage consumption of alcohol as well as DUI, especially at nearby Elon University. There are often random DUI checkpoints along many busy roads leading in and out of the campus, such as on home football game days. Recently, accusations of discrimination against Latinos at these check points resulted in a Department of Justice investigation of the Sheriff’s office, including investigation of Sheriff Johnson. Sheriff Johnson issued a statement denying the allegations and said claimed to be fully complied with every request and inquiry. The Department of Justice dropped the case against the local law enforcement, however the Obama administration is still looking into the allegations.