The Writing Center
Belk Libarary
Elon Univeristy
Elon, NC 27244
The main Writing Center is currently located on the first floor of the Belk Library. Other centers are located at the Multicultural Center and and the Koury Business Center, both are considered to be satellite locations. Undergraduate students assist members of the university community (students, staff, and faculty), through individual writing sessions. A scheduled appointment can be made on the computer for up to 45 minutes. The shortest an appointment can be is 15 minutes. When scheduling a session, the option of providing further information on the reason for attending a session is available. Walk-in sessions are also available during certain hours.
During a session, a consultant will help with the various processes of writing. Typically, the writing helps a student better understand an assignment. Various methods of doing so include, brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and documenting sources. The Center is most suited to help the development of one's rhetorical strategies for "producing more effective texts in any discipline or genre." It is strongly stressed by the Center that it is not an editing or correcting service. Teachers at Elon University strongly recommend the Writing Center for assignments involving writing.
Every consultant who works at the center must have completed "English 319: Writing Center Workshop." The class is a semester long, as it counts for four credit hours. No specific major is required for working at the center. Working at the center is considered a university job.
Hours of Operation:
Hours in our main Belk Library location:
M-Th: 10am-10pm
Fri: 10am-4pm
Sun: 2pm-10 pm
Hours in our Multicultural Center satellite location:
M, Tue, Wed: 1-3pm
Hours in our Koury Business Center satellite location:
Tue: 1-3pm
For further information on the Writing Center please contact:
Writing Center Director | Dr. Paula Rosinski |
Operations Coordinatory | Avery McGaha |
(Elon Writing Center)
(Writing Center)