Cedarock Historical Farm
The Cedarock Historical Farm is a farm located in the beautiful backcountry of Alamance County, North Carolina. Established in the 19th century, this farm is filled with animals, antique and replica farm equipment, and a farmhouse. While this farm is a fun place to go, it is full of educational value. With no electricity, running water, or farm machinery, things on Cedarock Historical Farm are done in ways unfamiliar to us.
The farm was established in 1830 by Polly Albright and John F. Garrett, a married couple from Alamance County. They first settled on what is known today as Cedarock Park, and there they grew up the farm which became flourishing place of history. Comprised of 115 acres, the farm was a large area to take care of, yet Mr. John Garrett was determined to see it thrive and expand.
Although the Garrett Farm, against all odds, survived through the Civil War, they still suffered greatly as a result. The farm was noticeably damaged from the battles fought within its borders. Today, the farm is once again an aesthetic attraction to locals interested in the history of their town. Typically, the farm provides events for locals to attend and enjoy. An example of these events is the Open House of the Historical Farm, where the Garrett family once lived. They also provide events in which locals can volunteer to help on the farm. You can try all different things on the farm that others experienced throughout the 19th century.
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