Assistive Media provides audio access to reading materials for anyone with a reading access barrier. Talented volunteers record magazine articles and other short works which are then available for download or in our podcast. There are hundreds of recordings of magazine articles, short stories, and selections from anthologies.

The founder of Assistive Media is David Erdody.

Mission statement

Assistive Media works to heighten the educational, cultural, and quality-of-living standards for people with disabilities by providing free, copyright-approved, high-caliber audio literary works to the community. The internet enables Assistive Media to distribute audio effectively, inexpensively, and efficiently.

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In 1996, David Erdody started a non-profit organization called Assistive Media. Through the Web site at, visitors can access recordings of articles from magazines like The New Yorker, Wired, and The Atlantic Monthly. Erdody was inspired to create Assistive Media when his father began losing his eyesight. He could no longer enjoy reading articles from his favorite publications.