Consumers Energy (formerly Consumers Power Company) is the largest power utility in the state, and serves a portion of Washtenaw County residents. Consumers provides gas and electricity to the western side of the County, and gas service only to several additional Townships. (DTE serves the bulk of the County.) Consumers was founded in Jackson in 1886, and is still headquartered there. The company has 8,000 employees and currently serves around 1.8 million homes and businesses all around the Lower Peninsula. (See Consumer's service area map.) The company owns a total generating capacity of 5,674 MW, and 65,111 miles of distribution lines.
Consumers Energy is the largest provider of green energy in the state, and as of 2012 is building several wind generations sites throughout the state. Other green generation sites include 13 hydro-electric dams, several bio-mass generation sites, and partnership with hundreds of residental solor power generators via the Experimental Advanced Renewable Program .
Consumers operated the Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant in Charlevoix from 1962 to 1997 and built the Palisades Nuclear Plant near South Haven in 1971, which is still in service, but does not currently operate any nuclear plants.
Consumers Energy can be contact via:
- 1-800-477-5050
- Facebook:
Other ways to contace the company are listed here: