- http://www.a2gov.org/departments/systems-planning/Sustainability/pls/Pages/pls.aspx. City of Ann Arbor
Timeline: Dioxane
January 24, 2016. In aftermath of Flint, will state address Ann Arbor's water concerns? Ann Arbor News. "As the Flint water crisis continues, Ann Arbor leaders and residents are once again speaking out about the dioxane plume here, expressing hopes that state officials who now have a mess on their hands in Flint will start to take Ann Arbor's own water concerns more seriously."
October 3, 2011. http://annarborchronicle.com/2011/10/03/ann-arbor-oks-dioxane-related-annexations/. Ann Arbor Chronicle. "At its Oct. 3, 2011 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council approved annexation of six properties on the west side of the city, all inside a well prohibition zone that was expanded in March 2011. The expansion of the zone came as a result of a consent agreement between the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment, which relaxed environmental cleanup requirements on Pall Corp. The previous prohibition zone had been established because of 1,4 dioxane groundwater contamination caused by the Pall Corp.’s Wagner Road facility, formerly owned by Gelman Sciences."