Current locations
- 101 Washtenaw County Courthouse
- 120 Performance Network theatre
- 203 Rosey's Barber Shop
- 341 Ahmo's
- 413 E. Huron development project
- 505 Sloan Plaza
- 603 E Huron development project, The Calvin
- 615 Hotel, now The Graduate Ann Arbor, formerlly Campus Inn
- 617 Harris Hall
- 721 Canterbury House
- 921 Ann Arbor Bed and Breakfast
- 1001 Harvest Mission Community Church
- 1021 Association for Asian Studies
- 1120 Central Power Plant
Where things used to be
- 212 Where the Town Bar used to be
- 320 Where the Huron Lanes Bowling Alley used to be.
- 333 Where Tios used to be.