Eli Cooper is transportation program manager at the City of Ann Arbor and member of the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority board.


So in terms of pleasant surprise and fitting into my lifestyle, the bicycling to work is something that just fits in. On the other days typically I will park at the Green Road Park-and-Ride and take the AATA service. So not only am I on the Board, but I'm one of the passengers.

When weather permits, Eli Cooper leaves his mini van from-another-decade at home, and drives his motorcycle the 40-odd miles from his home in Oakland County to his job in Ann Arbor. When weather dictates he take the van, Cooper parks at the fringe of the city and pedals his mountain bike the four miles to Ann Arbor's City Hall. He works on the third floor, and it wouldn't be a stretch to guess that he takes the stairs, if, as rumor has it, he didn't also store the bike in his office for safe keeping.