417 Fifth Street, in the Old West Side - not Fifth Avenue.
The Wasthenaw Voice has a profile of Lonnie Compeau from 2011.
On the front porch is a motley selection of jars full of honey, and a cash box to put your money into. The honey runs about $7 / quart, which is probably better than you can do at any local supermarket, and is, as a bonus, terribly good.
At least three categories of honey can be found - cloudy raw clover/wildflower honey, the more familiar clear golden honey (cooked), and dark brown buckwheat honey. The first two are produced in western Washtenaw County - the occupant of the house keeps bees at a few out-county locations - the buckwheat comes from New York.
Blog comments
On Ypsi Dixit there is a good discussion of honey from this house: http://www.ypsidixit.com/blog/archives/2005/10/porch_honey_hun.html