Founded in 1965, the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice unites members of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County who are committed to building a non-violent world. Together, these people of faith and conscience work to promote social justice through both educational and action-based events.
ICPJ activities include an annual walk to raise money for the hungry, a banner campaign to promote awareness of anti-torture, and a campaign to raise minimum wage.
ICPJ's main program areas include:
Hunger-- organizes the CROP Hunger Walk and other education and advocacy events to address hunger locally and around the world
NO Weapons, NO War – Focuses on promoting alternatives to military engagement and eliminating nuclear weapons and other weapons of indiscriminate warfare.
Common Ground for Peace in Israel and Palestine -- searches for vehicles of compromise to end the ongoing cycle of violence in the Middle East
Latin America Solidarity-- opposes U.S. militarism in Latin America, especially by the U.S. School of the Americas/WHINSEC, a military training
Racial and Economic Justice-- explores ways to confront racism and promote justice for the poor in our community
Climate Change and Earth Care – Works with religious and community groups to stop global warming and promote environmental protection
ICPJ 1679 Broadway Ann Arbor, MI 48105
phone: 734-663-1870