Pathways is a high school campus for students needing or preferring a smaller, intimate academic environment that may be unavailable at larger, comprehensive high schools. Through multiple pathways and flexible learning opportunities such as online coursework, community internships, dual enrollment opportunities, traditional direct instruction blended with project based learning, students can meet the State of Michigan graduation requirements, along with the opportunity to earn college credits.
Pathways to Success provides students with enhanced academic and career high school options including…
◊ Flexible scheduling of morning, afternoon and evening classes
◊ Expanded class offering, including newly added Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering Classes
◊ Connections with staff and students
◊ Dual enrollment and/or post high school accreditation
◊ Credit recovery – Adult Ed-GED
◊ Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools (RAHS) on site clinic
◊ Integrated technology, internships, project-based learning, and much more…
Contact Information:
Principal: Tyrone Weeks
School website:
Phone: 734-997-1237 ext 39215
Fax: 734-997-1261
2800 Stone School Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48104