The Scio Church sidewalk project was a segment of sidewalk constructed in response to concerns of residents about safety of pedestrians walking along the road, many of them young people on their way to and from school. The project qualified as a special assessment of property owners. 

Scio Church Sidewalk Project: Timeline

  • 2015-May-4 The Scio Church Sidewalk Project appears on the May 4, 2015 agenda of the Ann Arbor City Council as part of a $74,794 General Fund appropriation and $7,500 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage Fund appropriation. As an appropriation made after the annual budget was adopted, the sidewalk appropriation requires eight votes on the 11-member Council. Also covered by the same appropriation is a sidewalk project on Barton Road. The total project budget previously approved was $445,706, which included revenue from several sources, including Federal Surface Transportation - Urban (STPU) funds, general funds, and special assessments. Based on actual planning and design costs, actual construction bids, and cost estimates for construction related engineering, administration, inspection, testing, and contingencies, the updated project budget is estimated to be $528,000. The primary cause of the increased project cost is the construction bids, which came in higher than anticipated.