Things to do in the winter
- Volunteer with some of Ann Arbor's volunteer organizations (I.e Give 365, AATFK)
- Shovel your sidewalk (it's not just a good idea, it's the law)
- Shovel your sidewalk again after the city plows splash it full again
- Shovel out the bus stop that you use all the time
- Adopt a storm drain! Clear the storm drains so the snow melt doesn't accumulate in puddles or your basement
- Call a plumber to fix a frozen pipe
- Detour around a broken water main
- Bet with your coworkers on how late the bus will be
- Buy wool socks, boots, and long johns
- Go cross country skiing [1]
- Rent snowshoes and go snowshoeing
- Make a snowman
- Make a portable snowman, and carry it with you
- Visit the Hands On Museum
- Visit the Top Of The I cafeteria, 6th floor of the Institute for Social Research and watch it snow
- Check out the view from the top of a parking structures
- Get hot chocolate
- If it's 50º in December again, go rollerblading
- Take a tour of holiday lights
- Take advantage of Midnight Madness
- Make a wood fire
- Go to a UMS performance
- Stand in line on Main Street to visit The Ark
- Run from club to club in your short skirt and long jacket.
- Swim in the Huron
- Go ice fishing (no! don't!)
- Find a frozen pond and go ice skating
- Find a frozen pond in the middle of a football field and play hockey
- Buy apple cider from the Farmer's Market, and heat it up (or do the same with wine)
- Buy donuts at Farmer's Market. Mmm, donuts.
- Go inside the market manager's office at Farmer's Market and talk to the market manager
- Go to Open Swim at one of the Indoor Pools
- Visit the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and hang out in the conservatory.
- Write a proposal to the Ann Arbor Public Art Commission for 1% for Art to do an In advance of the broken arm Duchamp retrospective as a city-wide project
if snowy