Chelsea's Vet's Park is located at the corner of M-52 and Sibley Road, on the northern end of Chelsea. The park is one of two municipal parks (the other is Pierce Park, and has a few notable features:
- The boat-shaped play structure near the road often leads kids to refer to it as "the boat park".
- The north branch of Mill Creek runs through the park, providing an excellent place for kids to get soaked while trying to catch crayfish.
- A separate driveway, further west on Sibley, leads to Timber Town Park, a massive play structure complex constructed around 2000.
- The large open field next to Timber Town is a popular location for Ultimate Frisbee games.
In the news
Veterans Park in Chelsea has a new bench that matches its armed services memorial thanks to the efforts of Chelsea High School junior Austin Sullens as part of his Eagle Scout project. The bench was officially installed today. Pictured are (from left) Chelsea employee Bill Paul (in safety vest), Chelsea Mayor Jason Lindauer, Sullens, American Legion Post 31 treasurer Craig Maier, post commander Jeff Gunnis and (in front) city employee David Seyfried.