What do you know about White Lotus Farms?

Fresh local organic produce, artisan breads made with 100% organic flour, and cheeses straight from the farm. And now a CSA that lets you make choices! Don't like a veggie? Swap it for you one you love. It's your CSA and we are your farm. Also available at local Farmer's Markets. 

7217 W Liberty Rd, Ann Arbor MI 48103


Timeline: White Lotus Farms

March 2017: White Lotus Farms can be found at local farmers markets and on the farm.

September 2016. White Lotus Farms cuts production, stops distributing to local businesses, expands farmers market presence.

May 1, 2015.Ann Arbor's White Lotus Farm begins new season Saturday, MLive. "White Lotus is a nonprofit, small-scale farm that has been run by the Tsogyelgar Dharma Center Buddhist community since 2007."