Zal Gaz Grotto is a social club and part of the Masonic family of appendant bodies - dedicated to good fellowship and assistance for those in need. Membership is limited to Master Masons in good standing. The club facility is also available for rental.
The Zal Gaz Grotto No. 34 is located at 2070 W. Stadium Blvd and was founded in 1911.
Public Events
- Breakfast Buffet | 3rd Sunday
- Friday Fry Dinners | 2nd and 4th Fridays
- Live Big Band Night | Every Monday
- Live Jazz Night | Every Tuesday
Online Resources
- History of the club:
Zal Gaz got its dispensation in 1910 and on September 27, 1911 received its charter with 100 local masons becoming charter members. Some of them have well known names, which are familiar because there are streets, parks, businesses etc bearing their names: Abbott, Breakey, Dolph, Heusel, Hutchins, Morton, Nickels (Nickels Arcade—our first monarch in 1911), Traver, Wilkinson and Wuerth. Other names involved with Zal Gaz are Allmendinger, Bonisteel, Doty, Ellsworth, Hiscock, Lutz, Frisinger, Goddard, and former President Gerald R. Ford!