- 1320 S. University
- 2009 Proposal 1 Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal
- 2009 Waverly Road fire
- 2012 Ann Arbor Public Schools technology bond millage
- 4 Eleven Lofts
- 7-Eleven
- A2D2
- Aaron Crumm
- ABN Amro Mortgage
- Abracadabra Jewelry
- Accuri Cytometers
- Act 196
- Act 88
- Adam Brook
- Adaptive Materials
- Adrienne Harris
- Advanced Photonix
- Advantage Sports
- Aernnova
- Affinia Group
- AFSCME Local 3451
- Aimee Smith
- Airport Industrial Center
- Akire
- Alan Haber
- Al Borges
- Al Dente Pasta Co.
- Aldi
- Allen Creek Preschool
- Alma Wheeler Smith
- Al Noor
- Alpha Delta Phi
- Altarum Institute
- Amer's
- Amy Schnearle-Pennywitt
- Ana Powell
- Andrei Borisov
- Angell Elementary School
- Ann Arbor Administrators Association
- Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association
- Ann Arbor Art Fair Film Festival
- Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society
- Ann Arbor Brewers Guild
- Ann Arbor Camerata
- Ann Arbor City Council
- Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase
- Ann Arbor District Library
- Ann Arbor Education Association
- Ann Arbor Greenbelt: Overview
- Ann Arbor Housing Commission
- Ann Arbor Model Railroad Club
- Ann Arbor Municipal Airport
- Ann Arbor Offset
- Ann Arbor Park Advisory Commission
- Ann Arbor Senior Center Task Force
- Ann Arbor Summer Festival and Top of the Park
- Ann Arbor Tenants Union
- Ann Arbor Tree Conservancy
- Answer This
- Antoine Joubert
- Anuja Rajendra
- Arbor Dog Daycare
- Arbor Fit Club
- Arbor Mitchell
- Arbor Woods
- Arch Realty
- Argo Cascades
- Argo Dam
- Arie Lipsky
- Arthur Timko
- Ashley Promenade
- Aunt Agatha's
- Avacore Technologies
- Ave Maria College
- Bader Cassin
- Baker Commons
- Ballard St (Ypsilanti)
- Bandemer Park
- Bank of Ann Arbor
- Barbara Niess
- Barbara Ryan Fuller
- Barnett Jones
- Bed bugs
- Bee Roll
- Bello Vino Farm
- Ben Finegold
- Ben Kazez
- Bennigan's
- Beth Foster
- Bethlehem Cemetery
- Big House Big Heart 5K
- Bill Ashbaugh
- Bill Gross
- Bill McFarlane
- Bill Stanford
- Bizarre Dance
- Blackbird Theatre
- Blue Tractor
- Bob Needham
- BollyFit
- Bombadill's Cafe
- Borders
- Bo Schembechler
- Botsford Recreational Preserve
- Boubacar Cissoko
- Brandon Johns
- Brandon Zwagerman
- Brendan McCall
- Brit Satchwell
- Broadway Village
- Brookhaven Manor
- Bruce T. Wallace
- Bryant (neighborhood)
- Cafe Habana
- Cafe Ollie
- Cafe Zola
- Caleb Poirier
- Camp Take Notice
- Campus Inn
- Carl Levin
- Carmine Palombo
- Carol E. Holden
- Carolyn Grawi
- Carolyn Raschke
- Carrie Hensel
- Catherine McClary
- Center for Forensic Psychiatry
- Chapel Hill Condominiums
- Chelsea American Legion Post 31
- Chelsea Area Fire Authority
- Chelsea Community Hospital
- Chelsea Gallery
- Chelsea Investment Group LLC
- Chelsea Update
- Cheryl Elliott
- Chicken ordinance
- Chi Psi
- Chris Kolb
- Christine Green
- Christopher Steeb
- Chuck Ream
- Churchill Downs
- City Place
- Clarion Associates
- Cleary University
- Cliff Keen Athletic
- Cloverleaf Dairy
- Cody House
- Colorbok
- Comcast
- Committee for Preserving Community Quality
- Common Language
- Community Driven Credit Union
- Community High School
- Community Standards
- Conan Smith
- Cooper's hawks
- Cormello, LLC
- Corrado Parducci
- Corridor Improvement Authority
- Count Day
- Country Creek Plaza
- Craig Roh
- C. Robert Arvin VFW Post 2408
- C. Robert Snyder
- Crystal Pond Condominiums
- Cummins and Barnard
- Cynthia Wilbanks
- Dairy Mart
- Dama Godfrey Creal
- Dam Site Inn
- Dana Denha
- Dan Ketelaar
- Dave DeVarti
- Dave Poole
- David Ashburn
- David Barrett
- David Brandon
- David Franklin
- David Rhoads
- David's Books
- David Sodt
- David Zinn
- Davy Rothbart
- Deanna Malan
- Deanna Relyea
- Debra Power
- Decadent Delight
- Dee Sizemore
- Delonis Center
- Denard Robinson
- Dennis Dahlmann
- Denny Hill
- Depot Town Radio
- DeShawn Sims
- DeVine Preserve
- Dexter Cider Mill
- Dexter Pub
- Diana McKnight-Morton
- Dick Siegel
- Dino's Dugout Sports Lounge
- Dominick Lanza
- Domino's Pizza
- Don Botsford
- Don Faber
- Don Lund
- Doris Hope-Jackson
- Doug Kelley
- Douglas A. Benit
- Downtown Home & Garden
- Dusty Whitney
- Dwight Carpenter
- Earl Boykins
- Earl LaFave
- Early Stage Partners
- Eberwhite Woods
- Ed Amonsen
- Edgefest
- Ed Shaffran
- Eileen Spring
- Encore Recordings
- Erica Hobbs
- Eric Borregard
- Eric Copeland
- Eric Kuhn
- Eric Plourde
- Eric Scheie
- Eric Sturgis
- Erin Stead
- Eso Akunne
- Esperion Therapeutics
- Estabrook Elementary School
- Ethel Potts
- Fair Food Network
- Family Farms' Cooperative
- Fantasy Attic
- Faurecia North America
- FestiFools
- Fielding Yost
- Flagship Private Air
- Food Gatherers
- ForeSee Results
- Forest Cove Office Park
- Forest Grove Dairy
- FOUND Magazine
- Fragel
- Frank Allison
- Fred Hindley
- Fred Wilpon
- Fritz Seyferth and Associates
- Frog Island Jazz and Blues Festival
- Fuller Intermodal Transit Station
- Fuller Road Station
- Full Moon
- Futsal
- Gabriel's Hoagies
- Gault Village Shopping Center
- George Bedard
- George Feezel
- George Fornero
- Georgetown Gifts
- Georgetown Mall
- George W. Dunbar
- Geraldine Doyle
- Germantown
- Germantown Neighborhood Association
- Gertrude Huebner
- Glacier Area Homeowners Association
- Glen Ann Place
- Green Baxter Court
- Greenway Park Apartments
- Greg Cook
- Greg Lobdell
- Guy C. Larcom, Jr.
- Haab's
- HandyLab
- Harmony House Motel
- Harry Hawkins
- Harvest Crossing
- Hassan Hodges
- HAWK signal
- Heather Newman
- Heath Hofmann
- Helen Gates-Bryant
- Heritage Pointe
- Hertler Brothers
- Hickory Woods Park
- HistoSonics
- Hockettes
- Holland Management
- Homeplace Community Land Trust
- Hooper Hathaway
- House of Sofas Furniture
- Humane Society of Huron Valley
- Hyundai America Technical Center, Inc.
- IAFF Local 693
- Independence Lake
- Ingrid Ault
- International Neighbors
- Ira Ury
- Jack Blott
- JAC Products
- James E. Stephenson
- James Harless
- James Marks
- Jane Nixon
- Jayne Miller
- Jeff Daniels
- Jeff Helminski
- Jeff Irwin
- Jeff Lewis
- Jeff Pickell
- Jeff Williams
- Jenny's Dexter Farm Market
- Jeremy Gold
- Jerry Clayton
- Jerry Niehaus Field
- Jewel Heart
- Jim Lounsbury
- Joe Yomtoob
- John Beilein
- John Greden
- John H. Hoops
- John Leidy Shop
- John Mouat
- John Seto
- John Sinclair
- John Weiszer
- Jo Mathis
- Jordan Kovacs
- J. T. Abernathy
- Julian Abele Cook Jr.
- Juneteenth
- Just Baked
- Justin Feagin
- Kalmbach Road
- Karen Boyer
- Karen Lovejoy Roe
- Kathy Angerer
- Kathy Giszczak
- Kathy Griswold
- Kaydon Corporation
- Keith DeZwaan
- Keith Zeisloft
- Ken King
- Kent Martinez-Kratz
- Kerry Laycock
- Kerrytown District Association
- Kim Bayer
- Kimberly Knight
- Knight's Market
- Kris Kaul
- Kristine Thomas
- Kyle Mazurek
- Kyle Poplin
- Laconda Hicks
- LaFontaine Chevrolet
- Larry Kestenbaum
- Laura Bauman
- Laura Bien
- Laurel Champion
- Lee Berry
- Legacy Land Conservancy
- Leigh Greden
- Lena
- Len Coombs
- Les Miles
- Libby Hunter
- Liberty School
- Library Lane
- Life Sciences Orchestra
- Lighthouse Cafe
- Linda Diane Feldt
- Lions Club
- Lisa Bee
- List of 2010 political candidates
- List of 2011 political candidates
- Liz Elling
- Liz Margolis
- LLamasoft
- Lola Jones
- Luis Vazquez
- Lurie Terrace
- Lycera
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Mahmoud Tarsin
- Main Street Area Association
- Maitelates
- Mallard ducks
- Manchester True Value Hardware
- Maple Cove
- Marcia Higgins
- Marc Taras
- Margaret Canham
- Margie Teall
- Marie Hartwig
- Marijuana Anonymous
- Mark Perry
- Mark Schauer
- Mark Tucker
- Marlena Studer
- Martin Powers
- Mary Jo Callan
- Mary Marshall
- Matt Kulhanek
- Matt Naud
- Maureen Riley
- McKeen Motor Car Company
- Meadowbrook Village
- MedArray
- Melinda Morris
- Memorial Christian Church
- Meryl Davis
- Metro 202
- Michael Betzold
- Michael Erlewine
- Michael Fried
- Michael Harman
- Michael Korybalski
- Michael Munoz
- Michelle Crumm
- Michelle Foley
- Michigan Commerce Bank
- Michigan Flyer
- Michigan Heart
- Midnight Madness
- Mighty Good Coffee
- Mike Gould
- Mike Monahan
- Mike Tirico
- Mill Pond Bread
- Missy Orge
- Mittenfest
- Mochitsuki
- Montibeller Park
- MSU Extension
- Muayad Kasham
- Mudpuddles Toys
- Muehlig Funeral Chapel
- Nash Bash
- Nate Oostendorp
- National Day of Listening
- National Motorists Association
- National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
- Nawal Motawi
- Neal Berlin
- Near North
- Ned Staebler
- NetEnrich
- New Hope Baptist Church
- New West Willow Neighborhood Association
- Nie Funeral Home
- Northeast Corporate Center
- Northfield Human Services
- Old Fourth Ward
- Onder Nature Area
- Online Tech, Inc.
- Orchard Hills-Maplewood Homeowners Association
- Orchid Lane
- Packard Square
- Paczki
- Palm Palace
- Parkland Plaza
- Park Shoe Repair
- Parthenon
- Patricia Green
- Patton Holdings
- Paul Ajegba
- Pawel Strozynski
- Peninsular Paper Company
- Penny Seats Theatre Company
- People in the news
- People's Express
- People's Plaza
- Performance Network
- Peter Ways
- Philip Zazove
- Pickerel Lake
- Pickleball
- Pi Lambda Phi
- Pink Pump
- Pittsfield Elementary School
- Pittsfield Village
- Plymouth Ice Festival
- Plymouth Road Plaza
- Posen Construction
- Purple Rose Theatre
- Randy Friedman
- Randy Richardville
- Rapid Shoe Fix
- Raw Milk
- Red Hawk
- Rene Papo
- Residential College Art Gallery
- Rev. Rick Strawcutter
- Richard Chenault
- Richard Fabian
- Richard Friedman
- Richard Hebron
- Rich Robben
- Rick LaPensee
- Rick Olson
- Ricky Jefferson
- River's Edge Townhomes
- Riverside Arts Center
- Robben Fleming
- Rob Cleveland
- Robert George
- Robert G. Faber
- Robert Glass
- Robert Heighes
- Roger LeLievre
- Roger Newton
- Ron English
- Ronnie Peterson
- Rose Market
- Roundtree Apartments
- RPM Ventures
- Sakti3
- Salem Township
- Saline Area Fire Department
- Saline Area Historical Society
- Sam Offen
- Sandi Smith
- Sarah Shotwell
- Sava's State Street Cafe
- Schoolkids' Records
- Scio Church Stables
- Scott Martin
- Scott Rosencrans
- Selma Cafe
- Shadow Art Fair
- Shady Lane
- Shari Washington
- Shelter Association of Washtenaw County
- Skip Hackbarth
- Skunks
- Slauson Middle School
- South Arbor Charter Academy
- Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
- Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia
- SPUR Studios
- Stark Funeral Services
- State and Ellsworth Roundabout
- Stefanie Murray
- Stephen Kunselman
- Stephen Postema
- Steve Amick
- Steve Bean
- Steve Gross
- Steve Hiller
- Steven Holden
- Steven Skerlos
- Steve Powers
- St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
- Stonebridge Golf Club
- Sumangala Kailasapathy
- Sunseed Farm
- Susan Filipiak
- Swan Creek Mobile Home Community
- Sylvan Township
- Take Back the Night
- Tantre Farm
- Taste of Milan
- TCF Bank
- Ted Annis
- Ted Windish
- Teresa Sullivan
- Terri Blackmore
- Terry Trabandt
- The Gallery
- The Gateway
- The Grove
- The MacPodz
- The Moravian
- Theodore Ziefle
- The Spaly Group, INC
- The Wurst Bar
- Thomas Partridge
- Thomas Roach
- Thomson Reuters
- Tim Colenback
- Timothy Becktel
- Timothy J. Patton
- Timothy Mayleben
- Timothy Pincikowski
- Tina Reed
- Tios
- Todd Campbell
- Tom Crawford
- Tom Gantert
- Tom Harmon
- Tom's Party Store
- Tom Wall
- Toyota Technical Center
- Tractor Supply Co.
- Tubeclock
- Turkey vultures
- Tyrone Bridges
- Ugly Dog Distillery
- Underground Printing
- United Methodist Retirement Communities
- Unity Vibration
- University Bank
- Upland Green
- Valiant Group
- Verna McDaniel
- VG Kids
- Vickie Elmer
- Village Estates
- Village Green of Farmington Hills
- Village Grove Apartments
- Vinay Gupta
- Virginia Park
- Walter Metzger
- Washtenaw Country Club
- Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners
- Washtenaw County Democratic Party
- Washtenaw County Public Health Department
- Washtenaw County Road Commission
- Washtenaw Interclub Swim Conference
- Washtenaw Intermediate School District
- Wayne County Airport Authority
- Wayne Wallazy
- Westaire Court
- White Market
- Whitmore Lake
- Willow Run Airport
- Wizzywig Collectibles
- Women's National Farm and Garden Association
- Woodland Plaza
- World War II
- Wurster Park
- Wystan Stevens
- Yankee Air Museum
- Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority
- Ypsilanti Downtown Development Authority
- Ypsilanti Heritage Festival
- Ypsilanti High School
- Ypsilanti Housing Commission
- Ypsilanti Jaycees
- Ypsilanti Mobile Village
- Y-Town Future
- Zamaan Cafe
- Ziebart Tidy Car
- Zingerman's Candy Manufactory
- Zion Lutheran Church
- ZZ's Produce