E-mail: cregilio@vah.com
URL: http://www.vah.com/departments/police/citizen_police_academy.aspx
Description: The Arlington Heights Citizen Police Academy is an eleven-week program offered exclusively to residents and business leaders from the Village of Arlington Heights. The academy was designed to offer participants a general understanding of the mission values and operations of the Police Department. The academy offers hands-on experiences and insights into the nature of police services in Arlington Heights and is designed around a single three hour long night class meeting once a week between the hours of 6:45 PM and 10:00 PM at the Police Department. The program includes classroom training, open discussions, multi-media presentations, demonstrations, practical exercises, and hands-on firearms familiarization on the Police Department firing range. Classroom outings include a tour of the Department’s 911 Center and the 3rd Circuit Court District Courthouse in Rolling Meadows. (Source: VAH website)