1929 N. Kennicott
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847-870-0081
Hours: Office: Mon. Wed. Fri. 1-4 PM
Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 (8:30 May through September)
Meeting Address: Frontier Park, 1929 N. Kennicott, Arlington Heights League Headquarters. AHYAA(1929)
Cost: Varies -- see "Description"
Wheelchair Access: Wheelchair access by side fire door.
Publications: Newsletters in January, May, and Sept.
E-mail: use form at https://leagueathletics.com/Support/BF6.asp?n=45796&org=AHYAA.ORG
URL: http://www.ahyaa.org 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahyaaIL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAHYAA

Description: Softball 3rd grade through high school $115 Baseball 3rd grade through high school $110 - $150 Mixed Softball, Boys & Girls 1st and 2nd grades $85 Cheerleading - 1st through 8th grades $219 plus uniform $160 Football - 1st through 8th grades $260