Barrington Northwest Community Associates of the Art Institute
c/o Joyce Voss
161 S. Evergreen Av
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Phone: 847-590-1556
Meetings: Board meets 4th Wednesday of months August thru May, except December at the Palatine Public Library. Members' events include Art Institute exhibitions, special events and tours.
Membership: Cost: $105 ($80.00 AIC membership + $25 Community Associate Dues)
Calendar (select Barrington Northwest, then click on program events)

Updated: 5/27/2015

Description: Barrington Northwest Community Associates is a community organization serving the northwest suburbs of Chicago. It is associated with and governed by the Art Institute of Chicago. The purpose of the Barrington Northwest Community Associates is adult education in the visual arts. Trips to Art Institute exhibitions, lectures, and community presentations provide the forum for education. At our website, under the "Join and Give" tab, click on "Affiliate Groups", then "Learn More" (in red type), then "Barrington/Northwest" to find details about our coming events.