Big Waters Federation Parent-Child Indian Theme Program
(Indian Princesses, Indian Guides, etc.)
119 S. Emerson St.
PMB #162
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Phone: 847-296-4718
Fax: 847-296-4718
Hours: M-F, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Evening hours vary
Contact: Sue Meier
Meetings: Meeting times and dates are set by Tribes.
Cost: Cost varies by program
Publications: Nation and Federation newsletters published periodically.

Description: The Indian Programs are loosely structured on Native American culture. The organization provides organized activities that parents and children can do together. What this program does is emphasize parent and child sharing time together. It also provides you with an opportunity to teach and participate with your child as they learn new skills, and it helps build great relationships. Parent/child teams are joined with other teams as part of a tribe consisting of 6-10 teams which are based on geographical areas, schools, neighborhoods, etc. and on preferred meeting nights. Most groups meet once a month at a school, member's home or other facility.