Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
233 South Wacker Drive
Suite 800, Willis Tower
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 312-454-0400
Fax: 312-454-0411
Hours: 8:30am - 5pm, M-F
Wheelchair Access: yes
E-mail: or use their contact us page.

Demographics info at:

Updated: 4/25/2014

Description: CMAP - Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is the official comprehensive planning agency for the six-county Chicago metropolitan area.that is responsible for producing the region's official, integrated plan for land use and transportation. The agency's plan GO TO 2040 planning campaign develops and implement strategies to shape the region's tranportation syatem and deveopment patterns, while also addressing the natural environment, economic development, housing, education, human services, and other factors shaping quality of life. See website for more information.