Daughters of the American Revolution / National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Eli Skinner Chapter
Darlene Vogt
122 W. Robertson St.
Palatine, IL 60067
Phone: 847-359-0839
Contact: Darlene Vogt (Membership Chairman and Registrar)
Meetings: Once a month, Sept thru June, usually the first Thursday of the month. Offers genealogical assistance from 12:30 to 3:30 PM every Tuesday in the Family History Room of the Arlington Hts. Public Library, 500 N. Dunton Ave.
Meeting Address: The Palatine Public Library, 700 N. North Court, Palatine
Cost: Current Annual - $58, Application Fee - $75
Wheelchair Access: yes
Publications: DAR Magazine-American Spirit
E-mail: dvogt122@aol.com or arlhtsDAR@aol.com
URL: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ildar/eliskinner/ 

Updated: 5/30/2013

Description: Founded as a National Society in 1890 and as Illinois State Organization in 1892. The Arlington Heights chapter, Eli Skinner Chapter, was organized on May 8th, 1946. The DAR has provided strong leadership in the fields of American Heritage, Citizenship, Conservation, Education & Scholarships, Genealogy & Family History, Historical Preservation & Restoration, Native American Studies, Service to Veterans and Youth Programs. Any woman is eligible for membership who is 18 years of age, and is able to prove lineal descent from someone who aided the cause of American Independence by some means, such as serving in the Revolutionary War. We also sponsor the Aaron Miner Society, N.S.C.A.R. (Children of the American Revolution).