Epilepsy Services for Northeastern Illinois
1698 First St.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: 847-433-8960
Fax: 847-433-8965
Hours: 9:00am-5pm M-F, evenings by appointment
Contact: Maureen Galassie, Executive Director
Meetings: Please contact: Jill Mueller, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor.
Meeting Address: ESNI; 1698 First St.; Highland Park, IL 60035
Cost: sliding scale
Wheelchair Access: no

E-mail: esni@msn.com
URL: http://www.epilepsyservicesil.com 

Updated: 5/24/2013

Description: ESNI provides counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, education and information, advocacy, and referral to anyone whose life is affected by epilepsy living in surburban Cook and Lake counties.